
Chapter Seven Hundred And Seven – 707

Chapter Seven Hundred And Seven – 707

Darkness gathered around Fortress Fenwald as an army mobilized to leave.

Vess stood at the head of the force, which measured three hundred strong. It was a bit of controlled chaos as the last supplies were loaded up and Dragoons and conscripted soldiers alike all bid farewell to the family they were leaving behind. The refugees would remain, of course, safe within the confines of the repaired fortress. More than a few older boys and girls had tried to sign up to fight, but Vess had ensured they were turned away. War was no place for anyone, let alone children.

Earlier, Felix had discovered that much of the fortress sigaldry was still intact despite Taroks catastrophic bumbling. He had spent a considerable amount of time refueling the remaining Domain cores, which in turn provided a significant boost to the fortress's power. In fact, it had allowed Vess to use her Authority to enact several of the inherent arrays before giving the villagers access to the basic functions of the inner keep. The locked gates and illusory mazes would serve them well from any wandering monsters.

We will return for you all, she promised.

Fall in, soldiers!

Her aunt Verona stood closeby, clad in her Lionsroar Armor and looking every inch a commander. Her uncle was next to her too, and for once he was wearing his armor too, which was also blue and silver but fashioned in the style of the Drakengard, the elite soldiers trained by the Dayne family. Appropriate, considering he had once commanded them.

The companies gathered swiftly into crisp lines, packs strapped tight on their backs and weapons holstered or firmly held braced against the ground. The conscripts and the Dragoons stood in separate lines, but all of them wore the new armor Harn had forged for them, blurring the distinctions between the two forces in Vess eyes.

Until she saw Tarok.

Vess frowned. The man had been stripped of his command and his loyal lieutenants, those that survived, were reprimanded. But all of them remained, because their small army could ill afford to lose experienced combatants. Vess had pushed for harsher punishments. The man had unleashed the Janus Hydra by meddling in things he had no reason nor Authority to touch. A piece of her heart yearned for balance, for redress. Her aunt and uncle were no less disturbed by the mans actions, but they had been the voice of reason. They had told her to stay her hand. For the sake of her father and her people, she had listened.

At least Tarok is directly under Aunties command now. She knew her aunt wouldnt let the man step out of line again. If only I had found some proof to accompany Yintarions memories, the man might not have acted out so idiotically.

Vess knew that to be false the moment the thought formed, but it persisted. Tarok was scared and angry, but he was no worse than many among the Dragoons. Perhaps with greater evidence she could have soothed their hurt, but that wasnt a thought worthy of her time. The man made his choice and he would suffer the consequences.

She regarded the rest of their small army, which varied wildly from the armored Dragoons and conscripted soldiers. A small contingent, but easily the most powerful of them all.

Her friends.

A Minotaur with a hammer bigger than most men, flanked by his crystalline Companion and a Chimera the size of a small Manaship. Beside them, was a deadly warrior with chains wrapped around both shoulders, leaning casually against the enormous bulk of four Eidolon Exults. A sulking thief wrapped in a scarf and cloak tried to stand apart from everyone else, but the warrior-smith with legs that gleamed crimson and silver pulled him closer. A pair of Chanters, robes swirling majestically around them as they laid protective spells atop the assembled soldiers.

And, of course, Felix. He stood talking with her aunt, watched by all, and yet his gaze kept drifting back toward her. His SpiritVess blushed. He didn't often lose control of it, but for a moment, it was like he was next to her, holding her. She smiled, and though he wasn't looking at her, Felix smiled too.

"Vessilia, my dear," he aunt said softly.

Vess straightened her shoulders. She considered the glaive in her hands. It was heavier than her partisan had been, but it felt good. Powerful. She struck it against the earth, and the impact rolled away from her like thunder. Everyones attention pivoted to her.

"It is time," she said, looking at each group in turn. "In a few moments we shall leave the safety of this fortress and venture back into the lands of my father. Our lands.

Pride and nervous excitement rose up in the Spirits of the soldiers before her, a strident song that plucked at tense notes in the air.

Our goal is to reach the walls of PaxVrell in two days. That means we will be pushing ourselves to the limit, but it is a sacrifice of blood and sweat so that our Territory can be free once more. Vess pounded her glaive into the ground once more, and it boomed. We will free the Dragoons from their foul Oaths and take back our city!

Stolen from its rightful place, this narrative is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

Oratory is level 85!

The crowd cheered, a release of tension bursting from their Spirits like a geyser in the earth.

Why should we follow you? one of Tarok's lieutenants shouted over the din. He was gaunt and pale, but held onto his spear tightly. "You bonded a Dragon! That is against all we have stood for!"

Watch your mouth, traitor! said one of the conscripts. We know what you did in the undercroft! You nearly killed my mother with those monsters!

Muttering became shouts as the conscripts came to Vess defenseand too many Dragoons spoke out against her.

Quiet! her aunt ordered, but it fell on deaf ears.

Do something, she told herself. Vess lifted her hands and released her Spirit. The pressure knocked the breath out of every soldier all at once, her aunt and uncle included. Silence reigned, and Vess stepped into the gap.

"Yes, she said firmly and retracted her Spirit. I did bond a Dragon. And yes, that is against all the Dragoons have stood for these past long Agesyet I have learned a new truth that was hidden from all of us. A truth that some have told me I should not share.

Vess held up her glaive, and the Dragon carved around the blade glinted in the moonlight. The Dragons were our allies, but they never turned against us. We turned against them. We broke our Oaths. She shook her head, and smiled. Yintarion has saved my life many times, and he has proven himself worthy of my trust. But all of these are merely words. If my companions and I have not given you reason enough to trust us too, then there is little I can say now to convince you. My actions will have to suffice."

As will mine! Yintarion roared as he descended from the mountain.

Vess pulled in a tight breath as alarmed shouts erupted from the crowd. Several even pulled weapons. Stand down! Patrim shouted, and the soldiers froze in indecision as Yinarion landed at the head of the army.

Yin. Vess couldnt quite believe her eyes. You have finished your Evolution.

Indeed. Her Companion stood tall beside her, now roughly twice the size of an Avum though far longer. He was bulkier around the shoulders, heavy with muscle and on longer and stronger legs. His antlers had grown to match his new size, branching outward like a stags but made of what looked like diamond. Scales in shades of red, orange, and purple glittered across his Body, and Yintarion regarded her with eyes that were solid orbs of purple-pink. I am a Dawn Drake.

Your Companion Has Completed His Evolution!

First Evolution: Dawn Drake

He Gains:

+500 AGL

+500 DEX

+400 STR

+600 VIT

+1000 WIL

Each Level Gained Adds 100 Free Stats!

New Level Bonuses Have Accrued!

Temper To Master Tier To Access Them Via Draconic Bond!

Yintarion Has Gained Skills!

Arboreal Fury (L), Level 1!

Channeling the fury of ancient groves, you pull upon the deep connections between all living things and call upon the very beasts around you to do your bidding. Tier of beast summoned increases with Skill level. Amount of beasts summoned increases with Skill level.

Prismatic Cyclone (L), Level 1!

A swirling vortex of ethereal winds follows your Will, infused with the breathtaking colors of the dawn. Within the cyclone, light and air dance in a harmonious convergence, mesmerizing all that witness its glory. All within its confines are battered by searing light and brutal winds in addition to being afflicted with Stunned and Blinded Status Conditions.

Luminous Tide (L), Level 1!

With a majestic sweep of a claw, you conjure a celestial tide. The waters are infused with the radiance of the rising sun, cleansing and purifying all in its path. In its wake, it leaves its targets revitalized and restored, their Status Conditions cleansed and their Health, Mana, and Stamina recovering by 10%. Size of tide increases with Skill level. Conditions cleansed improves with Skill level. Percentage Health, Mana, and Stamina restored increases with Skill level.

Umbral Cascade (L), Level 1!

A shroud of darkness pours from your outstretched claws and falls upon your enemies with all the subtlety of sudden night. Targets are engulfed in shadow and afflicted with the Blinded Status Condition, as well as Vitality Drain, which reduces their Health maximums for every heartbeat they remain within the cascade. If they are reduced to zero, the targets perish. Size of cascade increases with Skill level. Speed of Vitality Drain increased with Skill level.

Mind ringing from the sheer potency of Yintarions Evolution, Vess mentally chose not to review her Companions Skills, and minimized the other notifications that tried to crawl across her vision.

Fear still flared among the people, but it was washed over by confusion as Yin bowed gently to them all. "I am Yintarion of the Cerulean Skies, and I bear with me a burden that cannot be shifted. It is true what my Companion says: she saved me. I was lost, trapped beneath the influence of an evil I cannot describe, and Vessilia Dayne opened the path to my salvation.

The Drake stood tall, his regal white beard rippling in the wind. Long ago, I fled from the destruction of my people by those that I had trusted with my very life. The Dragoons betrayed us, and though I still do not know why, it was the start of many terrible Ages.

The crowed seemed to hold their breath, sharing glances that ranged from nervous to furious. Yin did not give them a moment to speak however.

"My bondmate sacrificed herself for me. Rana Ironscale, Paragon and High Marshall of the Dragoons gave her life for mine. It is a debt that cannot be repaid, yet I must try nonetheless.

We shall free your land and eradicate the Hierei dominating your city, and then, after that I will aid you in becoming what you once were. What we once were."

Yintarion lifted his head. "We Stand Together."

Vess slammed the butt of her glaive into the earth. It cracked like thunder. "And together we rise."

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