Tyrant of the Ruined Sun

Chapter 43: A Trip to the Royal Mausoleum and Council Meeting

I frowned upon hearing my mother's words, because the Royal Mausoleum is a few hours ride west from the capital, and is situated upon the hill where the union of a mortal woman and the God of the Underworld finally bore fruit, the birthplace of my ancestor and founder of the Eclipse Empire Azrael the first.

Which is why that hill is wildly known as the Hill of Genesis, the most holy land in the whole of the empire for our people.

Usually I wouldn't mind if she and my siblings went there, I actually might have even encouraged it to show the royal family's piety and fidelity to it's customs to the people, even if the trip is a long and tiring one.

But the empire right now isn't in a very stable condition, and I predict that a very violent and bloody political war between myself and Zadkiel is inevitable!

Especially after I so thoroughly humiliated him and his followers in todays ceremony, and knowing the character of that spiteful bastard and his pack of ravenous mutts, they're surely already itching with anticipation to return the favor tenfold, and what better way to do so is there than to target my family.

My mother who always possessed this supernatural ability to read my thoughts like an open book; despite the most experienced politicians in the world failing to do so, revealed a warm smile filled with maternal love, as she slightly bent and gently began to soothe my tightly knit eyebrows, while calmly saying "I understand your worries Alex, and I'm very touched by that, but we can't simply condemn ourselves as prisoners of our own home, in our own empire, because of a few disloyal vassals that are foolishly reaching for the stars, regardless of their mediocre talents and abilities, while completely forgetting their station in life.

We need to show them that we aren't so easily frightened or intimidated.

Not to mention that ever since the death of your father, no one in the royal family has gone to his tomb and prayed for his soul, and although no one has criticized us for it yet, because of all the events that have transpired in the last few months, we can no longer delay it."

Despite my mother's logical and very sensible argument, I still found myself hesitating over this matter, and as if sensing my indecisiveness my uncle Haytham said "I have actually been planning to go visit my father's and brother's resting place in the next few days, but now that I know you are also heading there, I would be delighted if you would allow me to join you my lady Esmerelda."

My mother instantly flashed a large thankful grin to my uncle, as she replied "Of course! I'd be more than happy for you to accompany us, and I'm sure the kids will too.

Not to mention that with you being there with us, no one would need to worry about our safety anymore." My mother finished with a sly, yet playful look in her eyes, as she meaningfully glanced towards me.

I smile wryly upon hearing this, since she was completely correct. With my uncle with them, I had absolutely nothing to worry about, and I nod in agreement, much to my mother's delight.

Although she was still displeased that I wouldn't go with them due to my royal duties and obligations that required urgent attention, she didn't blame me for that, since she knew perfectly well the state that the empire had been degraded to after years of neglect and pointless wars.

***Scene Change***

Sunlight slowly began to creep through the open window, illuminating my room in vibrant colors, while the fresh dawning breeze that still carried the morning dew gently tickled my face, as if urging me to unshackle myself from the iron bounds of my sleep, and face the day with vigor.

And although usually I would've answered their call, and rose in defiance of my sloth, today was different.

It was different because of all the tiresome activities I had done yesterday, especially the coronation ceremony, which was so exhausting and unpleasant for me, that I desperately wished I could immediately enter into a state of hibernation for the next few weeks.

But sadly, as usual life never cared for our feelings, since soon after, Kira quietly entered my room and carefully approached me, before gently shaking me and saying "You majesty. Your majesty, you need to wake up. You can't sleep anymore."

I groan in annoyance, as I sluggishly turn my back to her, while sleepily saying "Leave me alone."

Kira smiles affectionately at me, as she saw my childish antics, remembering my previous lazy attitude before my return in time, before suddenly hurling the covers off of me and then beginning to violently shake me like a ragdoll, a lot like a true older sister would wake her younger brother!

"Ok. Ok. I'M UP! PLEASE STOP!" I plead in defeat, as I glared at her, while she flashes her triumphant grin at me.

I begrudgingly get up, while rubbing the remaining drowsiness from my eyes, as Kira approaches me with a large bowl of cold water to wash my face, which I do immediately while asking "Did my family already leave to the Royal Mausoleum?"

"They indeed did, sire. They left at dawn." Kira replied dutifully.

I frown as I ask "Why didn't you wake me up then?"

"Because her majesty knew that you were tired and didn't want to disturb your sleep." She responded with a small smile on her face.

"I see." I mutter with a warm smile on my lips.

After that I quickly finish freshening up and wearing my clothes, as I grab a quick bite, before rushing towards my office with Kira, Horus, Abraham and Isaac to begin the weekly council meeting, who I was already late to.

With in a few moments I reached my office, and entered to see the two dozen men, some of whom included the most powerful people in the country such as Darius and Hamilcar, quietly waiting inside.

As soon as I entered they immediately stood up and then slightly bowed respectfully as they greeted me simultaneously "Good morning your imperial majesty."

"Good morning gentlemen. My apologizes for arriving so late." I said calmly as I sat at the head of the table with Kira, Horus, Abraham and Isaac standing dutifully behind me.

"No apology required sire, we've only just arrived ourselves." Darius said amicably, which was an obvious lie, since all of them had arrived at least twenty minutes ago.

But it was a lie I appreciated, since it was uttered to help me save face before my cabinet members.

So I nodded to him in a clear sign of gratitude, while mentally noting this instance to reward him later, as I authoritatively said "Alright, let's begin the council meeting then, seeing as how we're already late." All the men nod their heads solemnly, as they sit back down in their seats.

Seeing this I continue "Just like always, those with urgent reports will take priority. So, who wants to start today?"

As soon as I finish, laterally all of them raise their hand at the same time, indicating that they want to start, meaning all of them have urgent reports! I couldn't help the empty chuckle that escaped my mouth, as I already start feeling a headache.

"Then we shall begin with the Grand Vizier today." I said decisively, after a moments thought.

Darius stands up, and distributes a large stack of papers to all those present, as he grimly says "Thank you sire.

As you have ordered I have begun to more actively recruit previously neutral nobles to our side, and so far it has been a success, since we have gained a lot of new members, most of which are low ranking nobles, especially after your victory in the war against the Luminous Empire.

But the Noble Faction has also begun to do the same as us, and in even more fervor than us I'm afraid. They have especially been fortunate to have ensnared a lot of new support from the medium ranked noble houses, which could lead to even more difficulties in the future."

"Why is the Noble Faction managing to continue to lure in the medium rank Houses? Are they offering them more than us?" The minister of justice, who was a middle aged man with aging grey hair, and average looks and build, named Ashtad Adalet asked.

"Indeed. And why does it seem like you're only managing to gain the loyalty of the weak houses, who can do little to help us?" The short, balding and portly looking minister of commerce, who always had a staunch rivalry with Darius added.

Darius smiled upon hearing the minister of commerce's argument, and replied "Although it may appear like that, I can assure you that even the weakest of the noble houses can be used to great effectiveness in the right hands. After all, even an insect has it's uses."

The minister of commerce, whose name was Rhett Rukmini, could only scoff in response to Darius's words.

Darius smiled smugly upon seeing this and continued "And the reason the medium rank houses are so eager to join the Noble faction is because they are the perfect prey to be manipulated by the infectious dreams of the Noble Faction."

"What do you mean?" The minister of agriculture, who was a bald, lanky man with coal black skin and eyes asked.

But before Darius could respond, Hamilcar wisely said "It's because unlike the ancient and great houses, who have deep ties to the royal family, or the low ranking houses, who are so weak that they can only be thankful to be even nobles in the first place, the middle ranking nobles have neither of those traits.

They have no meaningful ties to the royal family, except their vows, which hold no wait in their eyes, and their strong enough to dream of possessing far more than they're born with. And that's exactly what the Noble Faction capitalizes on."

The room was quiet after his words, until I swiftly broke by it saying "There's not much we can do about this matter, since it's simply a by product of human greed and ambition.

We can only continue this silent power struggle with them for the time being, since it's too risky to do anything more for now."

"Understood, sire." They all replied.

"By the way Darius, have you managed to find any incriminating evidence against them, proving that they're indeed colluding with foreign powers?" I ask hopefully, since that would make everything so much easier.

Darius slightly bows his head in shame, as he replies "I'm afraid not yet sire. Although I have found some evidence and a few leads, it's nothing concrete just yet."

"I see." I say absent mindedly, as I drown in my own thoughts for a few seconds, before continuing seriously "Then Isaac and his Corps shall be assigned to aid you in this matter, and I expect better news by the next council meeting."

Everyone was shocked upon hearing my words, since they all knew about Isaac's secret identity as the leader of the Shade Corps, which only answered to me, and giving that power, even if it was temporary to the Grand Vizier was unheard of!

But I didn't allow them to dwell on their shock for very long, as I asked "Anything else to report Grand Vizier?"

"...No sire." Darius replied after regaining control of his emotions.

"Very well, then you may begin Grand Marshal." I say calmly.

Hamilcar quickly rose to his feat, and began to also give his reports, and address some issues he has encountered, and just like that the meeting continued for hours on end, as we discussed everything from foreign policy, to new agricultural reforms, to yearly budgets and taxes.

We were so engrossed that we didn't even stop at lunch to have a break, and instead opted to have the food be delivered by the servants to my office, so that we could continue uninterrupted.

And finally as the sun began depart from the blue skies to make way for the stars and moon, I said with a hint of exhaustion in my voice "So we've all agreed to build thirty new trade vessels in the port city of Thalab."

"Yes sire." They all responded.

"Excellent. Does anyone have anymore reports." I asked.

They all shook their heads, bringing a smile to my face, before suddenly remembering something that brought a frown to my brows, as I say "That's right, I almost forgot! Grand Marshal, I wanted to ask you about the state of the southern army."

"What would you like to know sire?" Hamilcar asked curiously.

"Tell me everything. I have a plan in mind, and it greatly depends on the southern army." I reply.

Hamilcar and all the others are bewildered by this, since the southern forces were the weakest and most insignificant army in all the empire, but nonetheless Hamilcar still began to faithfully answer, before being suddenly interrupted by a guard loudly crashing through the door, and fearfully yelling "The royal entourage was attacked on their way to the Royal Mausoleum!"

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