Tyrant of the Ruined Sun

Chapter 41: My Uncles 1

The coronation played out exactly as I had planned.

The ceremony was grand and imposing, that not only showcased the empire's strength and heritage to the foreign emissaries, but also managed to thoroughly intimidate most of the nobles back into their places, insuring their silence and obedience for the next few months at least.

Although some imbeciles might still try to foolishly cause some ruckus, it will amount to nothing more than a hushed whisper in a silent void.

But sadly I couldn't keep the hall governed under the suffocating atmosphere I had created, since this was still a time of joy and merrymaking in honor of my ascension to the the Black Throne, and it would reflect poorly on me and the empire if everyone was too nervous to even dare breathe loudly, much less to dance and talk, so I stood up from my throne, while keeping Dark Majesty by my side, as I descended the stairs into the pit of prowling vipers below me.

Thankfully the oppressive atmosphere was shortly lived once I began socializing with the deferent guests, especially the emissary of the Yue Empire and the Omorfia Isles, who quickly understood my purpose, and began to loudly talk and laugh when I greeted them, greatly easing the restlessness of the other guests, which finally allowed the party to begin in full swing.

And as I was continuing my elusive dance of words with the emissary of the Mercenary Kingdom, who slyly attempted to gleam some fragments of information on the state of the empire's military, the gates to the hall loudly opened, and a tall man with a deep scar running vertically from his left cheek to his neck, while wearing modest, yet dignified blue garbs, with knee length light brown hair that was tied in a single long braid, and sharp deep blue eyes that seemed to contain the unrelenting might of the seas, swiftly approached us, before quickly falling on his right knee and respectfully saying "Greetings your majesty.

May your reign be long and good. Please excuse the tardiness of my late arrival."

An unconscious smile bloomed across my face as I gazed at the man, who more deeply imprinted himself as my father figure than my true one, as I quickly say, while gesturing him to rise "You need not bow before me uncle Haytham."

But despite my words, he didn't stand back up, and instead wrapped me in a tight, and protective embrace, before releasing me and placing his large, rough hand on my shoulder, while looking deeply into my eyes, as he proudly said, much like how a father would do "You've performed excellently till now my boy!

Absolutely spectacular!"

Hearing his kind words and fatherly tone of voice only broadened my smile, since despite being a powerful eighth rank martial artist, an Archduke of the empire, the Grand Admiral of the western navy, and feared worldwide as the Blood Tide of the South, he always maintained his unyielding conviction and loyalty to his family and country.

"Thank you uncle." I replied to him happily.

And at that moment my mother gracefully approached us, as her melodious voice sounded out from behind me saying "It's been too long Haytham."

My uncle stands up, and courteously bows his head to my mother, while respectfully saying "It's indeed been a long time my lady Esmerelda, and yet you seem to have only grown in elegance and beauty."

My mother warmly smiles at him with a nostalgic look in her eyes, as she happily says "And you seem to speak even more stiffly than ever before. How many times must I tell you to simply call me Esmerelda?"

My uncle could only awkwardly smile upon hearing her words, as he skillfully changed the subject, saying "Congratulations on the birth of the new twin prince and princess, I can hardly wait to meet them!"

My mother didn't pursue the matter, even though she easily saw through his intentions of changing the topic, as she teasingly said "You will absolutely adore them Haytham. They're the cutest, most endearing children ever! Even cuter than Alex was."

I pouted upon hearing my mother's playful words, as I decided to act as I would've before I returned back in time, causing my mother to delightfully giggle, and my uncle to heartly laugh at my childish antics.

And at that moment a pair of hurried footsteps were heard as both Alisar and Cyrus rushed to our side, before excitedly launching themselves into my uncle's arms, causing him to lift them onto his shoulders as he began twirling in place, sending their delighted squeals across the entire hall.

"Where did you go to this time uncle?" Cyrus asked enthusiastically as soon as he put them back down.

"And did you bring us gifts this time too?" Alisar chirped as well.

"Children!" My mother rebukingly called out, causing both of them to visibly flinch, but my uncle didn't mind and began to happily narrate the tales of his latest escapades in the western sea, to the enthralled duo.

And before long Nizam also joined us, causing the already warm and familial scene to be complete, as we spoke and laughed, causing the gathered guests to either smile contently at seeing the royal family happy and united, as their seemingly unfathomable young emperor laugh and smile like any other man would.

While causing others to frown irritably at the absence of discord, knowing full well that the already near invincible Imperial Faction, that already had in it's fold monsters such as Darius, Hamilcar, Abraham, Sodarus, Hasdrubal, Horus and dozens of other powerful nobles and court officials, has probably just gained a new ally in the form of the usually neutral Archduke Haytham, who they were desperately trying to get on their side!

But sadly nothing is ever that simple, and those who wished for strife and conflict among the royal family would soon have it, as the sound of boots arrogantly stomping on the ground echoed throughout the hall, along with a voice I never wished to hear ever again.

"How could you have such a lovely family reunion without me?! You're going to shatter my poor heart!" A man said in seeming sadness, with mockery obviously laced within.

We all turned upon hearing this, to see a tall handsome man, with wavy brown shoulder length hair and the same color eyes, wearing luxurious silken garbs of green and black, that were overly decorated with gold and jewels, fully showcasing his indulgent preferences, while being surrounded by fifteen or so other low or middle ranking nobles, who had little power and influence, and yet acted as if all were beneath them.

Nizam, Cyrus, Alisar and all the lesser informed nobles all looked confusedly at the seemingly mad man, who so brazenly acted before the royal family, but the more knowledgeable ones knew why he dared act in such a crass manner.

Which was mainly because he was the younger half-brother of both my father and uncle, thus also an Archduke of the empire like my uncle Haytham.

But more importantly, he was also the ring leader for the noble faction who sought to overthrow the rule of my father before me, and who now wish to topple mine.

A look of pure disgust and anger settled in my mother's eyes, while my uncle Haytham, who still cared for his younger half-brother despite his many faults and flaws, only sighed as he looked the other way, refusing to even glance upon him, as he battled with his conflicting emotions of familial love and duty.

But I had no such reservations! In fact if I could have it my way, he and all his supporters would be arrested, tortured for information, their lands and titles revoked and then hung from the city walls along with all who supported them in weakening my nation!

'But as usual nothing is ever that simple.' I thought annoyedly, knowing that I couldn't do it, since not only are they supported economically and militarily by powerful foreign nations, such as the Luminous Empire and the Mercenary Kingdom, but they also have the support of nearly all the minor and middling noble houses, who previously could do nothing against my Imperial Faction, which held nearly all the major and old houses of the empire.

Yet I had no interest in allowing some mere slobbering dogs to bark in my presence despite all their supposed power and influence, as I stepped forward with my hand on Dark Majesty's pommel, and said with a fake warm smile "Welcome Archduke Zadkiel. I hope you are enjoying the festivities so far."

An ugly frown appeared across Zadkiel and his follower's faces as they clearly felt the great distinction of attitude afforded to my uncle Haytham and them, especially in the way I addressed Zadkiel as Archduke, instead of uncle, clearly drawing a very firm and obvious line between us, which greatly wounded their bloated egos, as well as utterly destroying their moronic delusions of easily acquiring more power through leveraging my blood connection with Zadkiel.

Sadly though I must give credit where credit is due, since despite Zadkiel's arrogant, greedy, spiteful, conniving and envious personality, he was undoubtedly a patient and cool headed man, as he said in seeming joy "Of course I'm enjoying the celebration so far, how could I not with so much delicious food, great wine and beautiful ladies surrounding us!"

My smile broadened as I noticed he didn't say anything about my coronation, as I replied "Excellent, I'm glad to hear that.

Now if you would excuse me Archduke, I would like to go get a little rest with my family, but please feel free to continue enjoying yourself." I finished as I turned away from him, once again clearly drawing an obvious line between us, much to the glee of my mother who always despised Zadkiel!

And yet the fool ignored all common sense, as fools generally do, as he stopped me by loudly saying "But I do have a single complaint, my dear nephew."

Hearing him call me 'my dear nephew' infuriated me to a level most men would never even comprehend, not only due to the sheer amount of hypocrisy contained within those three words, but also because he casually stepped over the line I marked not once, but twice!

I turned back to him slowly, with my previous smile now gone, replaced by a chillingly apathetic expression, as I asked with a neutral tone that contradicted the smoldering blaze of undisguised wrath in my eyes "And what might that complaint be Archduke Zadkiel?"

Zadkiel questioned how the room's temperature seemed to have dropped to such frigid degrees, as he replied in an overly dramatical way "Why are ostracizing me so much, and treating me as if I'm a stranger among you? Am I not one of your own, nephew?"

Instantly after hearing his words my expression radically changed, causing everyone to question if I had a bipolar disorder, as my apathetic mask broke under the massive wild grin that etched itself upon my lips, while my wrathful gaze morphed into one of sadistic pleasure, as I replied amusedly "I see, but if that's true, then who are those behind you?

Are they related to us as well?"

"Wha...?!" Zadkiel confusedly muttered, as he turned around to gaze upon the arrogant nobles he always pranced around with, only to then remember that he brought them with him in a show of power and prestige to intimidate both the other nobles and myself.

But he couldn't exactly say that, so quickly thinking of a reasonable answer he said haughtily "I merely wanted to introduce them to you, since I have judged them all to be men of great loyalty and merit."

"Men of great loyalty and merit?" I ask mockingly, as I looked at the men who physically imbodied the meaning of the word 'corrupt'.

"Indeed. But you simply misunderstood my good will, my dear nephew." Zadkiel confidently replied, as he flashed a contemptuous smirk at me, believing himself to have regained the upper hand, oh how wrong he was!

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