Tyrant of the Ruined Sun

Chapter 20: A Fool's Bravery in a Mastermind's Scheme

As I sat in my tent with Hamilcar, Horus, Abraham, the battle worn Hasdrubal and Sodarus, who still reeked of the stench of blood, and a few high ranking officers around a table, waiting for the Luminous emissary to arrive, a guard walked in the tent and fell to his knees as he said quickly "The Luminous emissary has arrived, your majesty."

"Show him in." I reply. The guard quickly saluted and left to show the man in.

Within a few seconds a tall man in his early thirties, with an intimidating physique, short black hair, a well groomed spruce mustache, honey colored eyes and wearing a dignified military suit entered with the same nonchalance and confidence one would display when entering their own home.

The emissary carried himself with an air of nobility, dignity and honor, that could make any common man believe him to be a paragon of virtue and heroism, but he seemed to forgot that no man here was a common man.

All those who were in this tent were men who have danced upon mountains of rotting corpses as they listened to the orchestra of war, and wrestled with silver tongued serpents in the depraved battlefield of politics. So naturally everyone could see past his false bravado.

The emissary looked around the room with arrogance visible in his eyes, fully showcasing his inflated ego and sense of superiority, which only vanished when he looked at either Hamilcar, or Sodarus.

Seeing his attitude greatly infuriated my more hotheaded officers, and one of them could no longer tolerate his attitude and said in a growl like voice as he gestured toward me with his eyes "Did your mother never teach you proper manners? Bow before your betters!"

The emissary seemed to have noticed his mistake, looked at the officer who reprimanded him and said with an amicable smile "My apologies, you're absolutely correct sir. I shall correct this mishap immediately."

Hearing this the men all seemed satisfied with his words, as they all showed small smiles, which all changed to expressions of pure shock and disbelief when he did something so insolent they began to doubt even their own eyes!

The emissary turned toward Hamilcar and Sodarus and fell to his knees and bowed deeply as he said respectfully "It's an honor to meet you Martial Demon Hamilcar Seth, and Storm Lord Sodarus Indra. I have long heard of your exalted names.

Allow me to introduce myself, I am..." Before he could continue Hamilcar interrupted him.

"What makes you think you have the right to introduce your worthless name to us?" Hamilcar said in seeming apathy, but his eyes betrayed the unfathomable wrath within him!

Hearing Hamilcar's voice the men were awoken from their shock and the officer who spoke before stood up from his seat so violently that his chair loudly crashed onto the ground behind him as he shouted "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING YOU BASTARD?!"

The emissary was undisturbed by Hamilcar's attitude, and the officer's outburst as he said arrogantly with a mocking grin plastered on his face "What's wrong? I simply did what you said, and I bowed before my betters. Why? Is there someone else here who can claim to be my better?"

Hearing this Hasdrubal couldn't indulge in this drivel anymore and unleashed his power as he slammed his fist on the table nearly atomizing it as he roared furiously "If you say one more word I'll feed you your own tongue!"

Hearing Hasdrubal's thunderous roar the rest of the officers began to echo his sentiment with the same bloodlust and anger.

"You're too merciful general, we must eviscerate him for his impudent words." A tall lanky dagger wielding officer said.

"I say we emasculate him first." A bald officer remarked.

"Skin him alive." A dark skinned war hammer wielding officer yelled.

"Gouge out his disrespectful eyes." Another dark skinned saber wielding officer spoke venomously.

"We'll send him back in a bucket for his audacious actions." A pudao carrying fair skinned officer uttered cruelly.

Hearing the officers constantly name more and more despicable and grotesque ways to torture and execute him, the emissary didn't show fear like any other man would in his place, instead he showed pure disbelief and confusion?!

He seemed honestly bewildered by the reaction of the men, believing himself to have done no wrong! Seeing this reaction I finally realized what kind of man he was.

'At first I thought that he was behaving this way due to some strategy or scheme by Georgios in an attempt to enrage me so that I would make a strategic blunder; like ordering a full frontal assault as soon as possible, but that's not the case.

This man honestly believes that no man here is worthy of his respect, except for Hamilcar and Sodarus.

He's most likely the son of some high ranking noble in the Luminous Empire, and he's lived his entire life not knowing struggle, defeat or rejection, while believing himself to be the better of almost all men.

His military rank is also most likely the result of nepotism and not due to his own merit, talent, skill or ability.' I revealed a small smile upon reaching this part of my thoughts, since now I understood what's going on here.

'He's a pawn. Nothing more than a disposable piece used to achieve a much greater purpose. Such a pitiful fool.' It's at this point that I left the world of my inner thoughts and turned my attention to the growing commotion in front of me.

Seeing that the officers were about to truly act upon their previous threats I calmly say "That's enough."

Hearing my order all the men froze in their positions and turned toward me and said "Understood, sire."

Seeing this I nod in satisfaction, and call loudly "Guard."

Within seconds the guard outside rushed in with a sweaty pale face. He had obviously heard what the high ranking officers were saying, and he was understandably terrified. Seeing him like this I say in a slightly more kind voice "Have the servants bring another table."

The guard seemed to have relaxed slightly as he heard my words, and said in a voice overflowing with respect "Understood, your majesty."

As the guard left I turned to the emissary and said authoritatively "Now you worthless waste of air, give me the terms you were given."

Upon hearing my tone and words the emissary showed an expression of displeasure as he began to say "My name is..."

Hearing this I couldn't take this moron's idiocy any longer and interrupted him by saying "Abraham."

As soon as the syllables left my mouth Abraham who had remained expressionless this whole time, was finally unleashed to showcase his raging frenzy.

Abraham released his golden aura and grabbed the emissary by the scruff of his neck as he slammed him on the floor in front of me as he roared "On your knees you filth!"

Seeing the miserable state he had been reduced to by Abraham's terrifying strength, all the men showed expressions of satisfaction, but this fool still showed his defiance by yelling indignantly "How dare you do this to me?! I am the son of Marquise Fr..."

I once again interrupted him by activating my divine power bathing the tent in abyssal darkness, and leaving only my eerie silver eyes in the seemingly endless void, as I said sinisterly while slowly walking toward him "Your name is irrelevant, your father is irrelevant, your bloodline is irrelevant, your entire being is irrelevant, because you are irrelevant.

You are an emissary, meaning you are here to tell me what your superiors told you, meaning you are as useful as a piece of paper, and paper has no name, no father or bloodline. Do I make myself clear?"

"Y...Ye...Yes, your majesty." The emissary stuttered as he gazed at my haunting silver eyes.

"Then deliver the terms of the treaty you were given." I say impatiently.

"... The treaty... Uh... um...

It was..." He struggled as his fear got the better of him.

But suddenly an intimidating and powerful voice sounded from his left saying "Stop stuttering you pathetic excuse of a man." he turned his head only to see two flaming crimson orbs, resembling two burning coals in a sea of shadows staring toward him!

Seeing this the emissary began to frantically look around him, only to see the rest of the officer's nightmare inducing glowing eyes.

Seeing this scene that seemed to have been born in the deepest bowls of hell the emissary began to regret ever joining the military, and finally understood that his life is hanging on a thread, so he quickly blurted out "Gr-Great General Georgios says that he doesn't see the need for more soldiers to die meaninglessly in this war, so he proposes that if you lay down your arms, withdraw your army immediately, return Grand duke Marcus safe and sound, and compensate the Luminous Empire with 20,000,000 Darr the war will end, and the Luminous Empire will swear not to attack the Eclipse Empire for the next five years."

Hearing the supposed terms of peace the men all began to laugh hysterically at the absurdity, and audacity of Georgios. This was obviously an insult to the Eclipse Empire!

I deactivated my divine power as I calmly sat back down in my chair as I looked at my men, and calmly said "It appears that the welcome party we arranged wasn't clear enough of a message to our foes." Hearing this some of the men couldn't help the chuckle that escaped from their mouths.

Smiling I glance meaningfully at Hasdrubal as I say "It appears we have to spell it out for them."

Understanding gleamed across Hasdrubal's eyes as a sadistic smile crawled onto his face. He then turned to the officer next to him and said "Give me your dagger." The officer confusedly handed over his weapon, as Hasdrubal took it and said to two other officers "You two, hold him down."

The men obeyed him and held the emissary down, as Hasdrubal arrived in front of him and violently ripped his shirt open, revealing his bare chest. Seeing this the emissary quickly asked in a panicked voice "Wh-What are you doing?"

"As I said, you're only useful as paper, so I'm putting you to good use." I said darkly.

Understanding my meaning, he quickly begged "NO! No, please! I'll do anything, please! I beg of you!

Mercy! Mercyyyy!"

Listening to his pathetic squealing Hamilcar says malevolently "Paper has no need to speak."

Hearing this Hasdrubal's fiendish smile grew to new heights as he said viciously "Understood, my lord."

Hasdrubal grabbed his jaw with a steal like grip, as he started to pull out his tongue, meanwhile the emissary seemed to have completely lost his mind, as he screamed "You bastards! Do you not understand who I am?! My father will fu...

MMMppphphhhhmmmmMM!" He unleashed a muffled scream as Hasdrubal sliced off his tongue!

Looking at the fleshy object in his hands Hasdrubal turned to a nearby officer, and said with disgust "Make sure you burn this thing as soon as possible. We don't want it's filth to spread."

"Understood, lord." The officer replied respectfully.

"Make sure to write exactly what I say Hasdrubal." I say calmly.

"Understood, sire." He replied, as he positioned the dagger to start 'writing'. The whole tent fell silent, except for the ragged breath of the mortified emissary, waiting for my next words.

Seeing this I smile slightly and say "May the better monster win."

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