Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 9 (4/9)

Book 2: Chapter 9 (4/9)

One year after Kaths new husband died of old age, Adrik successfully sneaked into her bedroom without being detected by Executioners and Members of the Brown who served Lord Kath Donoghan. Adrik then carefully explained to Kath about his plan to destroy and rebuild the Mages Council using the power of the Blood Mages Guild. Kath promptly refused to help out because she believed all Blood Mages are evil and teamed up with them to destroy the current Mages Council is a bad idea. Adrik told Kath about Etgar Revenmar's story of how Etgar witnessed his parents were killed to protect him because he was born as a Twin Soul child. And then Etgar was rescued by Linette Whitfield who later on Linette was killed by Executioner Vonda Hardy.

"Twin Soul children didn't choose to be born having Twin Soul instead of just a single Elemental Soul. Just because a Saint Blood Mage went evil in the past does not mean all Blood Mages will be evil. I have killed many bad Blood Mages but Etgar Revenmar wasn't one of the evil ones. He had rescued several Twin Soul children and raised them in the correct way of value human lives." Adrik continued to explain to Kath.

Because Kath still couldn't decide, Adrik then promised her that he would kill all the Blood Mages after finished using them to destroy the Mages Council. Kath then agreed to Adriks request and told him that she will help out as much as she could. This was how many Blood Mages penetrated and held high positions in the Mages Council without exposing themselves. Etgar often mentioned the connection between him and a very high ranking official of the Mages Council to the Masters in the Blood Mages Guild. This high ranking official of the Mages Council was no other than Lord Kath Donoghan of the Brown. Even so, Etgar still had no idea Kath Donoghan was the one who had been helping the Blood Mages Guild because Adrik never mentioned to him who this high ranking official was.

Despite countless warnings that Adrik gave Etgar about killing humans without valid reasons, Etgar still violated it from time to time. But because the spear was already thrown, Adrik decided to follow that spear until it landed on the ground. "Sacrifice is a must to destroy the Mages Council. If I destroy the Blood Mages Guild now, all of my time and energy invested into them will go to waste. After the Mages Council is destroyed and rebuilt, if the Blood Mages Guild still violates this term, I will personally kill them all." Adrik promised himself.

Back to the present. After finishing connecting their love in the clay house, Kath asked, What are your plans on the Blood Mages Guild now that the Mages Council is aware of their existence?

I have spoken with Lucius Flavonius Acilianus, Emperor of the Dryardian Empire. He agreed to allow the Blood Mages Guild to establish their Guild Hall in their nation. I will formally create a community for all Rogue Mages and Blood Mages to be together and command them as their leader.

How come the Demi-Humans agreed to that? What have you promised them?

Lucius was hesitant at first, but after I demonstrated my power, he quickly agreed to that. After getting defeated by Noe Clerico, Lucius understood he cant win against the Mages Council without the help of the Rogue Mages and Blood Mages. There is an old saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Lucius has to find out the meaning of that term in a hard way."

The Rogue Mages also agreed to join your community in the Dryardian Empire?

Yes. Many human slaves were born with Elemental Soul in the Dryardian Empire but never have a chance to study magic. The deal between me and Lucius will allow my Rogue Mages to train those human slaves into magic casters and let them serve the Dryardian Empire to fight against other nations including the Mages Council.

How can you agree to such a thing? Not only those Demi-Humans enslaved our race, now that you even help their military grow by training magic casters for them? Kath asked in an angry tone.

Calm down, let me explain. This is just a plan to help me build an army of magic casters inside the Dryarian Empire. Who will lead them after all? That will be me. One day, I will destroy the Dryardian Empire and free all human slaves.

After hearing Adrik's explanation, Kath calmed down and asked, What about the Mages Council? When are you going to attack them?

As long as Noe Clerico is still alive, I cant be too reckless. We have to patiently wait for the Watcher to choose him as the next God-tier magic caster. Or another way is to exterminate him somehow either through assassination or killed him in battle."

"Kill Noe Clerico in battle is not an option. No one can defeat him, not me, not even you, my love." Kath shook her head as she said that worrying Adrik wanted to fight with Noe one on one.

Adrik smiled knowing Kath was worrying for him, he said, "As long as we can get rid of Noe Clerico, Gwenn Bigham and other worthless pieces of shit wont be able to stop us. After I crown you to be the new Holy Mage, we will rebuild the Mages Council in the correct way where there will be no more Rogue Mages, and Blood Mages wont be hunted down as long as they live by our rules. We will once again legalize children who were born with Twin Soul.

This is why I love you. You care about other people more than yourself. But what if another powerful Saint Blood Mage went evil and started to massacre people again?

Adrik remembered Etgar killed more than two hundred people to prepare the battlefield between him and Harbek Jarevar. He sighed heavily and said, When that happens, all magic casters including the good Blood Mages will unite together to defeat the evil Blood Mage. Dont forget the term use poison to fight back poison. If we create a division for the Blood Mages to be in the Mages Council, then they will help us fight with any evil Blood Mages that dares to stand against us. Not all Blood Mages were born evil, it all depends on how society treats them. As you can see, a Blood Mages Guild has been created for over sixteen hundred years despite being actively hunted down by powerful Executioners. They will always find a way to survive and one day rise to defeat the Mages Council, with or without my help.

How can you say that? They can survive that long because of you, my love. If it wasnt for you, those Blood Mages would have died a long time ago.

It was because of you as well, Kath Donoghan. If you didnt agree to help me out, I don't think I can stand a chance against the Mages Council. Adrik kissed Kath again for another two minutes before resuming their boring conversation but we will skip it.

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