
Chapter 732

Chapter 732

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Chapter 732

For a fleeting moment, their gazes locked.

Though the exchange was brief, Yuder was certain of the outcome of his attack.

‘He had cut it perfectly. It's bound to succeed.’

After his sword, wrapped in a blue aura, had passed through, the monster, centered around the mark left by Yuder, split precisely into four pieces and collapsed. Kishiar, who had leaped over the corpse he created, landed smoothly; his cloak billowed and then settled. The fluids from the battle had soiled his once-pristine appearance, yet they did nothing to diminish the man's serene and overwhelming strength.

Shortly after, Kishiar, exhaling briefly, flicked his sword to shed the fluids, and turned to Yuder with a smile.


Those who witnessed the flawlessly executed joint attack, not prearranged but as if planned, were unable to tear their eyes away from the spectacle, despite knowing they needed to move swiftly. Yuder felt the same.

Kishiar's movements seemed to read his intentions perfectly. No, they definitely did. Even without explicit instructions on where to strike, Kishiar's timely and precise attacks, coinciding with the chilling thrill Yuder felt during their brief gaze, lingered electrifyingly throughout his body.

It was a sensation that could almost be described as exhilarating.

However, the time Kishiar and Yuder could gaze at each other was exceedingly brief. Before they could exchange a word, a Cavalry member, leading the next monster and waving a hand scarred and scraped, called for their attention.


Yuder swiftly sprang into action, taking a deep breath.

But even as he marked the next monster, and then another, the exhilarating sense of control over his body did not completely fade.

Yuder Aile, with his black hair, alternately used various attributes, difficult to discern, to create openings and mark the monsters. Kishiar, without any signal, would then precisely strike the marked spot, efficiently killing the beast.

Mark, kill. And then mark, kill again.

Even as the Cavalry members bringing the next monsters momentarily faltered, or the creatures deviated unexpectedly, they remained unshaken.

The almost miraculous sight irresistibly drew the attention of all present, including those maintaining the perimeter and those from the Star of Nagran’s Southern stronghold under surveillance.


Sera, sitting bound, turned her head to a murmured voice beside her. An Imperial Special Forces soldier, overseeing the captured Awakeners of Star of Nagran, watched the battlefield, his eyes wide with awe and admiration.

"Unbelievable. To think I am seeing this with my own eyes. Duke Peletta a swordmaster..."

"Are you sure about him being a swordmaster? There are others among us who can wield a sword with aura-like power."

Another Imperial soldier asked, keeping his voice low, but his eyes too, remained fixated on Kishiar, who was showing overwhelming prowess without faltering against the monsters.

"Yes. That man is my closest colleague. So, I know better. It's real. Completely different from the power of an Awakener. Don't you feel it too?"

The inquired soldier didn't reply, but his silence was as good as an agreement.

And it was the same for Sera and the others from the Stars of Nagran, an absurd situation, but they too understood the truth in those words.

The Cavalry Commander, Duke of Peletta, Kishiar La Orr, was known to everyone as an Awakener. Similarly, the news of his recent acquisition of the new divine sword was so widely known that there was hardly anyone who didn't know of it.

Yet, no one could have imagined that he was such an extraordinary swordsman and a swordmaster capable of generating a perfect aura. Even while watching, it was hard to believe one's eyes.

The movements of Duke Peletta were nothing like those of mercenaries who boastfully wield swords, nor were they like those of average knights. He seemed as though he had been one with the sword since birth.

Even the strong Cavalry members, who had captured Sera and her colleagues without allowing them to properly resist, found themselves struggling against the monster. Yet Kishiar, facing the same beast, showed no difficulty in his swordplay.

His sword strikes were not flashy or hesitant, but simply cut through, again and again.

Whatever his sword touched, it cleanly severed. Even the tough shells that other attacks could barely scratch, and the insides that seemed soft yet tenaciously caught allies, stood no chance against Kishiar's strikes.

The act of cutting.

It was the first time she truly felt the essence and identity of a sword being so vividly demonstrated in its simplicity.

And that's why it was frightening.

The more one saw of this being, accomplishing the seemingly trivial yet unbelievable, the more overwhelmingly terrifying it became, the unknown within it becoming more apparent.

Every citizen of the Orr Empire grows up hearing tales of the owners of the divine sword. Most of the chosen wielders of the divine sword Orr were renowned swordmasters, possessing skills and stature fitting for the sword.

Seeing him now, no one could doubt that he was the new owner of the divine sword.

She bit her lip in fear. Even in the chaotic situation created by the sudden appearance of monsters, the enemies who had perfectly subdued them and brought them here were far more formidable than they were. The fact that there were injured among Sera and her colleagues but no fatalities, despite their desperate struggle, was proof enough. After all, capturing enemies unharmed is known to be twice as difficult as killing them.

But what frustrated her more was something else - the familiar faces among the Imperial soldiers monitoring them.

'Why are those who disappeared from our base here...?'

Sera had thought those who fled from the southern base were not worth her concern. Maybe if the Sage had ordered their retrieval, things might have been different, but in the current situation, communication was not easy.

Not wanting to take on more responsibility by chasing after them, she had focused on stabilizing the base with the southern merchants, never imagining it would come back to haunt her like this.

The trusted southern merchants died too easily, and her colleagues who trusted and followed her were captured disgracefully. The Awakeners from the central base, captured with her, seemed to regard the southern base Awakeners, including Sera, as traitors who acted against the Sage's will, refusing even to meet their eyes.

Their attitude only worsened after seeing Sera's surprised reaction to the recently-passed-the-test Cavalry trainees who had originally escaped the southern base.

Even the recently-passed-the-test Cavalry trainees did not give Sera a proper answer about the current situation. They simply looked at her pitifully, yet coldly, saying, 'We are now part of the Cavalry, and we do not wish to speak with you any further.'

Having only saved her own life, everything was a mess. She wondered where it all went wrong.

Did the Sage know about all this? And the southern merchants who had died without a word?

Amidst the confusion and regret, Sera looked for any opportunity to escape.

It seemed unlikely that the Duke of Peletta could handle the vast and mighty monsters alone for long.

Indeed, his movements had slowed down a bit since the ninth monster. It had started after he narrowly deflected an attack aimed at Yuder Aile by a transformed leg of the monster, grazing his arm in the process.

Those who had expected Yuder to easily handle the attack without the Duke's intervention were surprised by his choice to intervene, but fortunately, it seemed not to be a serious injury, and the confusion soon settled.

Following this, Yuder Aile began to move more fiercely, and so far, their counterattacks hadn't shown any significant vulnerabilities.

However, the scorched sleeve of his once white garment, now turned black, was notably visible. The force behind their monster-slaying hadn't weakened, but everyone knew it wasn't good to prolong the fight.

Still, the Duke of Peletta and Yuder Aile were managing well, unlike other Cavalry members who were visibly struggling more with the remaining monsters. The number of perilous moments, when they almost got seriously injured failing to block the monsters' attacks, was increasing. It was a clear sign that their stamina was reaching its limits.

If things continued this way, the formation might break, or some would have to retreat, requiring backup. In the ensuing chaos, it seemed possible to find a chance to escape.

‘Just a little longer…’

Sera watched the monsters held by the Cavalry members, looking for an indirect way to exert her power. Just as she was about to turn to a colleague who could help, a slight breeze blew from somewhere.

Moments later, a fresh surge of energy passed over their heads, and the part of the monster facing Kishiar was cleanly sliced off.

Amidst the surprise, someone landed from a high point before them.

It was a knight with distinctly southern features and a cold face.

“...Sir Zuckerman!”

Someone called out with evident relief. The southern knight didn't respond to the voice calling him, focusing only on the Duke and Yuder Aile. Taking advantage of the monster's halt from being sliced, Kishiar, stabbed and killed it. He then took the opportunity of the time until the next monster arrived to stop and turn his head. Yuder Aile beside him did the same.

"Nathan. You've finally arrived."

"Yes. Adjutant Nathan Zuckerman, reporting back now."

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[BL] Cloudless Sky

Jin Soram, the top-ranked hunter representing South Korea's Rift Phenomenon Management Headquarters, is stronger than anyone else and lazier than anyone else. As soon as he arrives at the office, he buries himself under a blanket and falls asleep. When he goes out on a mission, he causes accidents and returns to the office, often shirking his duties.

"Do you know how it feels to play a game that's already messed up? ...Anyway, the next round will come, so this time, I'm just going to play it recklessly."

In fact, his true identity is someone who has regressed through three lives, trying to save the world from the Great Rift but failing each time. After repeating a life where he couldn't sleep peacefully even for a day, he became completely exhausted before this life even began.

"I know. You worked hard, Jin Soram."

And then there's Han Tae-un, the man who saved Soram and died in all three previous lives. As he did in every life, he comes to Soram's side once again. The Great Rift is approaching soon. It's impossible to resolve it in this life without any preparation. Soram vows to save Tae-un in this life and die himself. At least, he won't let Tae-un save a failure like himself again.

"For now, until then, let's sleep..."

As Soram sluggishly lives his life waiting for that moment, a gradual change occurs in his heart.

'I thought this was a messed-up round... but I want to live a little longer here.'

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Leonardo Blaine, the true war hero of the Raina Logia Empire and the commander of the Armsilver 11th Squad, is dishonorably discharged for disobeying orders during the final battle that could have led the Empire to victory in the territorial war. People criticize and point fingers at him, and after being released on parole from prison, he disappears without a trace.

Three years later, his name has been forgotten by the world. The Council has been persistently pursuing him, but he has proven difficult to capture. Frustrated by this, Hugo Agrizendro, the commander of the Council's army, decides to personally apprehend him.

"Since when have you been watching me?"

Leonardo was calculative and astute, so it wouldn't be surprising if he had been observing Hugo for some time now. However, Leonardo's answer was something that even Hugo had not anticipated.

"From the very beginning."

[BL] The Mist (Same author as Turning)

In the autumn of his 18th year, after winning the high school kendo championship finals, an unexpected accident occurred.

Due to that incident, Kang Mu-heon lost one of his legs, his closest friend, and his promising future. He closed off his heart and shut himself away alone.

A few years later, the world's first real virtual reality game <THE MIST> was announced, where even those with physical disabilities could play in healthy bodies.

By chance, Kang Mu-heon encountered it and began a new life as the mage Kapros, facing unexpected meetings, reunions, and days of change....


"Why was someone like you born into this world to make me so miserable? Do you understand when I say it like this?! You were born with talent for the sword, a bright personality, everything - you must have been laughing at me always lagging behind! Did you even know how pathetic I felt because of your stupid hypocrisy? A genius? What does any of that matter!"

Seung-jo's cries stabbed at his heart, wailing as if he were crying even though he wasn't, but there was no time to think further. He quickly clutched my stomach, got up, and ran towards him.

He looked surprised for a moment, but he was desperate.

Just as the car was about to reach us, he shoved Seung-jo hard. Right after Seung-jo fell and rolled away with wide, startled eyes—


Bang! With an impact that felt like his whole body was being shattered, he flew through the air.

And in that brief yet long moment of floating in space, he remembered his reflection in Seung-jo's eyes for the last time.......


[ Then in THE MIST, may you become the master of infinite possibilities. ]


When his vision returned after everything went white, he was standing in the middle of a bustling town. Amidst the clamor, countless people were busily going about their business here and there.

He looked down at himself, standing dazed and wearing clothes of unknown origin. When he touched the sleeve, he felt the texture of fabric as real as reality. His hair felt the same, and even when he touched the wall of a nearby house, he could clearly feel the solid, cold surface.

Is this... VT?

It seemed like a joke. It truly felt as if he had come to another world and was touching everything.

As he stood there unable to think due to the shock, he suddenly remembered the biggest reason he had decided to play this game, and snapped back to attention. His two legs were still as they had been when he first stood.

'Can I really walk?'

He first stepped out with his left foot, then very slowly put strength into his heavy right foot. It felt like cold sweat was running down his spine.

And then,

He lifted it,

Moved it,

And took another step to touch the ground again.

So easily. As if there had never been any problem with this leg from the beginning.


At that moment, something that was neither joy nor emotion shot up his spine. Suddenly feeling a lump in his throat, he lowered his head and leaned against the wall. His right foot, bearing his weight, was doing its job perfectly.


Holding back the tightness in his throat, he took another step.

It didn't hurt. It wasn't heavy. His leg was no longer a useless piece of wood that ached.

Damn it, to be able to walk so easily like this.

To be able to run so easily like this.

He had wished even in his dreams for the day to come when he could walk and run like this again.

And so he walked again, kept walking, slowly getting faster, until finally he started running like a madman through the entire town.


"Kap. ...There seems to be a misunderstanding. That's not what I meant."

Just as he was thinking he should throw a punch, Yu-wan sighed with a troubled look and said.

A misunderstanding? How could it be a misunderstanding when he said with his own mouth that he didn't think of me as a friend?

"I didn't expect to receive such a question suddenly, so my explanation was probably too brief. Let me rephrase."

Yu-wan reached out his hand, his face completely changed from before - intense yet resolute - as he stared at him. As he didn't reject the hand suddenly approaching his face and kept his gaze fixed, his cool large hand touched his cheek completely.

A shiver ran down his spine at that moment.

"I'm sorry to say this to you, but I don't see you only as a friend. ...This is the complete answer."

Check out the new project 2:

[BL] Cloudless Sky

Jin Soram, the top-ranked hunter representing South Korea's Rift Phenomenon Management Headquarters, is stronger than anyone else and lazier than anyone else. As soon as he arrives at the office, he buries himself under a blanket and falls asleep. When he goes out on a mission, he causes accidents and returns to the office, often shirking his duties.

"Do you know how it feels to play a game that's already messed up? ...Anyway, the next round will come, so this time, I'm just going to play it recklessly."

In fact, his true identity is someone who has regressed through three lives, trying to save the world from the Great Rift but failing each time. After repeating a life where he couldn't sleep peacefully even for a day, he became completely exhausted before this life even began.

"I know. You worked hard, Jin Soram."

And then there's Han Tae-un, the man who saved Soram and died in all three previous lives. As he did in every life, he comes to Soram's side once again. The Great Rift is approaching soon. It's impossible to resolve it in this life without any preparation. Soram vows to save Tae-un in this life and die himself. At least, he won't let Tae-un save a failure like himself again.

"For now, until then, let's sleep..."

As Soram sluggishly lives his life waiting for that moment, a gradual change occurs in his heart.

'I thought this was a messed-up round... but I want to live a little longer here.'

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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