Trinity of Magic

Book 4: Chapter 2: Leaving Instructions

Book 4: Chapter 2: Leaving Instructions

Margret slapped the desk, unable to hold back her shock at Zekes words. What did you say? You want to leave?

Zeke met her gaze. Calm down, Margret.

Calm down? How can I calm down when you are spouting nonsense, Zeke.

David, standing right next to her, also seemed troubled by the declaration. It had been three days since Akasha found the promising clue about the black metal, and Zeke had come to the decision that he had to visit that place himself.

One of the bases for this choice was that he would be the only one able to determine if the metal was really the material he was looking for. But the main reason for his decision was something else: He had exhausted the clues in his Minds Library.

Akasha had searched all books on materials, herbs, plants, treasures, and rare sightings, yet didnt find a single trace of the last material he needed. Consequently, Zeke determined that he needed to acquire new sources of knowledge. Since he had already visited all the academies of Tradespire long ago, he was left with no choice but to leave the city.

This was also in line with his resolution to not stay locked up in his workshop all the time. He could not afford to neglect his Soul growth any longer. Especially now that he might be able to shorten the time before reaching the next stage. If the Mana purifying device worked as the Dragon promised, his future bottlenecks would all be related to his Soul growth.

David, after living for almost a century, was still lacking in that regard. So, even if Zeke managed to catch up in terms of Core development, his chances were even worse. If he ever wanted to reach the Arch Mage level, he would have to start laying the groundwork now. This began with stepping out of his comfort zone.

Akasha had calculated that Zekes Soul had experienced less growth over the past two months than on the single day he confronted Otto Geistreich during the conference. To Zeke, this proved one of his conjectures: Soul growth was stimulated by extraordinary experiences. He didnt quite know yet what counted as such, but he could confidently say that repeating a daily routine was doing almost nothing. Therefore, the decision to leave Tradespire had been an easy one.

However, one problem remained. Zeke had no idea how to convince his followers. They didnt know about his Minds Library, nor the fact that he had exhausted the knowledge therein. Similarly, they didnt know about his discoveries of the Soul and the implications that came with it. Consequently, his decision to leave the estate seemed utterly foolish to them. Especially with the added danger of the empires bounty.

Zeke met the eyes of his two closest followers, before speaking in a calm voice. I am aware of the danger, but I still want to go.

And why is that, young lord? David asked, speaking for the first time.

I believe it necessary for my personal growth, Zeke explained, and before Margret could interject, he continued, Also, it might be safer for me than to remain here.

The woman scoffed. How would it be safer?

Zeke smirked, having anticipated this response. I plan to leave in secret, of course.

That is no easy feat, young lord, David said with pursed lips. The number of eyes on the estate, watching our every move has drastically increased since the conference. I suspect many of them are just waiting for a chance to capture you.

I am well aware, Zeke acknowledged. That is why I have sought help from an expert.

David and Margret exchanged a puzzled glance. This was the first time they heard of this. And who would that be?


David pondered for a moment. The name was familiar. Devlin Formweaver? Head of the Formweaver family?

Indeed, Zeke confirmed. I met him at the Bloodsword estate, and weve stayed in contact since. I was able to ensure his cooperation in this.

Are you sure you can trust this person, young lord? He is a spymaster.

Zeke considered the question. Am I sure? No. But Devlin has no incentive to betray me, at least not to the empire and not for a couple of coins. If such a betrayal was revealed, his family would be in trouble. Dont forget, Valor is fiercely opposed to the empire and so am I.

David nodded, conceding the point. However, Margret was not convinced. Trustworthy or not, I dont see how his assistance would make it possible to slip away unnoticed. He is a spy and no smuggler.

Zeke smiled. Its very simple. Devlin has agreed to replace me during my absence.

What do you mean?

Flesh Mages, David muttered. It is common for them to work as body doubles and stand-ins.

Zeke nodded. Exactly. I plan on switching places with a double at some point. Maybe during a visit to the Bloodsword estate. I am on friendly terms with them, so it shouldnt cause much suspicion.

Didnt Tristan Bloodsword go home after the conference? Margret asked.

Yes, but it doesnt matter, Ill just pretend to meet up with Mordred. The visit is only a pretense anyway. After the switch, it should be a piece of cake to leave unnoticed.

David and Margret both fell silent upon hearing the extent of his scheme. After a while, David broke the stillness with a cough. Its a decent plan.

Take me with you, Margret pleaded. Ill make sure to keep you safe.

Zeke shook his head. No, I cant take you. As a Grand Mage, you are too conspicuous.

You cant go alone either, Margret interjected.

Im not planning to. Im taking Leo.

Margret grimaced. Why him?

Zeke smirked. He is getting restless staying cooped up for so long. More importantly, he is around my own age, strong and loyal. I think hes the best choice.

Margret inclined her head, reluctantly agreeing. Still, she clearly hadnt given up yet.

Furthermore, Zeke continued with a sly grin. I have other plans for the two of you.

The two of us, young lord?

Zeke wordlessly slid two envelopes across the table, addressed to David and Margret. They exchanged another glance before opening their respective letters.

Expectantly, Zeke watched in silence as their eyes flitted across the paper. He had composed a mission for each of them, tailored to their specific needs in order to increase Soul growth as much as possible. However

Margret slapped the table once more, fury in her eyes. Is this supposed to be a joke?!

As expected, their reactions were fierce. In order to foster new experiences, he had given each of them a mission that went completely against their nature. Unlike Margret, David hadnt reacted much, he was still looking down at his own letter. But Zeke didnt miss his trembling hands and shaking pupils. If anything, Zeke suspected that his shock was greater.

I am quite serious, Zeke said, his smile widening. I devised those missions especially for you, taking into account every detail about your abilities and personalities.

Margrets face contorted. I thought you knew me better than this, Zeke. If anything, this is exactly the opposite of a suitable mission.

Zeke nodded, his face turning serious. Thats the point, Margret. I have given each of you a task that will push you to your limits, in more ways than one.

David seemed to realize something. Is this related to what you discovered at the Ascension Ceremony?

Zeke nodded solemnly. My journey, as well as your missions, are all related to that. As of right now, neither of you has the qualifications to successfully advance to Arch Mage. But I intend to make sure both of you take that step successfully. The only question is do you trust me?

Another silence fell over the scene. This time, Margret was the first to answer. I do.

David took another glance at the letter, his hand still trembling slightly. Still, he eventually agreed as well. I will do as ordered.

Excellent, Zeke said, satisfied with their reaction. Then, all that is left to do is put the plan into motion.


Three days later, Ezekiel von Hohenheim visited the Bloodsword family. Numerous hidden observers keenly watched his departure. A few hours later, the boy returned with all his followers present.

Nothing seemed out of order.

At the same time on the fourth layer, a group of Blood knights visited a local tavern. It was a common occurrence, as the Valorians were known for their love of booze. In the back room of said establishment, Mordred Bloodsword was exchanging hushed words with two men around his own age.

I cant believe you actually went ahead with such a crazy plan.

Did you doubt my words? one of the two replied. His golden eyes glinted in the light of the lantern. As they talked, the two young men hurriedly stripped off their armor. Under the red armor, typically worn by Blood knights, they wore ordinary clothes.

Yes, Mordred replied with a smirk.

Zeke, who had just taken off his helmet, stared in disbelief at the young Bloodsword. Then why agree to it?

Mordred shrugged. It seemed like fun. Whats more, my old man told me to lend you a hand where I can.

Zeke shook his head in disbelief. Wasnt Mordred being too nonchalant about this? He was gambling with his life here. Meanwhile, Leo had also gotten rid of his armor and was now only wearing common clothes as well. Well, whatever. Can you keep watch?

Mordred nodded and stepped to the entrance.

Zeke took out a vial from his breast pocket and poured its contents into a large bowl. Afterward, he combined the powder with a swish of water and stirred the mixture until an inky substance formed. Without a moments hesitation, Zeke scooped up a handful of the black paste and smeared it into his hair.

He then turned to his brother and handed him the bowl. Leo silently accepted it and got to work. They had planned every step in advance, so he naturally knew what to do.

After giving the concoction a moment to work, Zeke rinsed it off quickly followed by Leo. When their eyes met, he saw the surprise on his brothers face. He himself also felt bewildered by the others appearance. Leos dirty blonde hair had changed to dark brown, and Zeke had to assume his own looked the same.

Wearing a mundane linen shirt and thick, woolen pants, Leo looked completely ordinary. With his lean but muscular physique, he could easily pass as a sailor or farmers son. Satisfied with their disguise, Zeke took out his trump card. To make absolutely sure they wouldnt be recognized, there was one more thing they needed to do.

With a frown, Leo swallowed the offered morsel, quickly followed by Zeke. The last step of their disguise was the most important. Their affinities were too eye-catching. So, it was decided they would hide them until they left the city. However, this also meant they would be completely powerless for a while.

As time ticked by, Zeke felt his Core turning sluggish. This was the first time he had personally experienced the effects of Supra root. Soon, his Core stopped responding to any of his commands. It was an uncomfortable feeling, as if he had suddenly lost control over one of his limbs. Leo, having experienced it before, was considerably more relaxed. He nodded at Zeke, relaying that the root had taken effect.

This was it they were indistinguishable from any of the other patrons on the fourth floor. No matter if it was their hair, clothes, or Cores, they perfectly blended into the crowd.

As they approached, Mordred turned to face them and did a double take. He couldnt hide his astonishment upon seeing the change for himself. However, instead of saying anything, he merely nodded once and left.

Zeke praised him in his heart. Now that they had changed their appearance, they couldnt afford to be seen together with the Bloodsword heir. Waiting for a moment so as to not draw attention, the two also exited the back room.

As expected, they had no problem blending in with the other patrons. Soon after, Leo was happily drinking and boasting with a group of sailors. Zeke smiled wryly, his brother truly had the ability to get along with anybody. He had been right, there was no better person to accompany him on this trip.

While Leo was partying, drinking one round after the other, Zeke watched over him silently. He didnt stop his brother, pleased with his performance. As dusk turned to dawn, most of the patrons had either left or passed out. The Bloodsword delegation had also long since returned home.

Zeke, supporting a completely drunken Leo, made his way to the docks at the lowest layer of the city. The first ferry heading to the mainland would leave at sunrise, and he didnt want to miss it. After showing their adventurer tokens to the cashier, Zeke paid their fare and waited for the boat to arrive.

He placed the peacefully slumbering Leo down and took the seat right next to him. His eyes held a mixture of nerves and excitement as he looked out over the endless sea.

For the first time in his life, he would venture forth into the world, completely on his own.

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