Transmigrated into One Piece world with a Gift Pack

Chapter 194: Dracule Mihawk!

Chapter 194: Dracule Mihawk!

As Little White soared through the air towards the north, Blaize was glancing at his attributes while deep in thought. He has '5.0' free attribute points, if he wants, he can raise his Haki and constitution attribute past the '80' bar limit.

But, he didn't plan to do it. Right now, Blaize only plans to increase his devil fruit attribute. As for his Haki attribute, he wants to break through the limit on his own.

Thinking through, he used '0.5' free attribute points that increased his devil fruit attribute from 74.9 to 75.4.

As soon as he did that, a 'bang' resounded within his body as if some kind of barrier has been broken. The next second, Blaize felt a new kind of power flowing through his veins.

'Is this?' He mused feeling the power. "The power of Gravity!"

After playing with his devil fruit ability for a minute, Blaize found the extent of his newfound power: Gravity.

Right now, he can pull, repel, increase, or decrease gravity within a certain range. This ability is similar to Fujitora's, Yami Yami no mi devil fruit, or Pain's from Naruto.

'Interesting! This is going to be fun!' Blaize chuckled. At the same time, he could tell that he hadn't fully unlocked the power of his devil fruit.

The stronger he gets, the more powerful his devil fruit will be!


After traversing for around an hour, Blaize finally saw an Island in the distance. As he got close to it, he saw a beautiful island surrounded by a coral reef.

'Is this Purple Bay Island?' He knew most of the island in Paradise. And, he once came to this island to capture a pirate crew. "Time sure flies fast!"

It's a type of tourist Island located near Sabaody, many pirates pass by this island frequently. So, it's also home to famous bounty hunters who hunt for pirate heads.

'Let's first change my appearance, I don't want the World Government to know that I came back. At least, not yet!' Blaize thought and changed the appearance with Nen using Hisoka's 'Texture Surprise' Nen ability.

Though there's no visible change in his stature, he altered his facial characteristics a little and added a mustache, a short beard with thin and neatly trimmed sides.

Looking at his appearance in the Mirror conjured with the help of his Nen, Blaize nodded. "This will do!"

With his command, Little White once again took off and flew through the air across the shoreline. After a few minutes, a small port town came into view.

Right now, what Blaize badly wants to know is the current timeline. So, he searched for a restaurant and went into one.

After ordering some wine and meat, he sat at an empty table and looked at the newspaper he got from the owner of the restaurant.

On the front page, he saw the words, 'Red-Haired Shanks, who has recently been crowned as one of the Yonko, battles hundred-beast Kaido.'

'So, he finally became a Yonko! I can't wait to fight him again!'

Blaize then looked at the timeline, and he was surprised to see it was 1518 with two months left. 'When I left, it was around the end of 1513, which means I was gone for nearly 5 years.'

Just as he prepared to leave, a pirate crew came out of nowhere and rushed into the restaurant blocking his path. Just a look, anyone can tell they were terrified by something.

One of the pirates, possibly the captain of the pirate crew, crashed into Blaize. As the other party is paranoid, he didn't even look back but directly slashed the sword to his rear.

But, before the slash could find the target. Blaize delivered a swift kick. The next moment, the pirate was sent flying away and soon, disappeared from everyone's view.

Seeing this, the other pirates reacted. They all looked in the direction their captain disappeared and shouted, "Captain!"

Before the pirates could make another ruckus, Blaize Conqueror's Haki knocked everyone off. "What a bother!"

The other people present on the scene were dumbfounded as they didn't know what happened. At one moment, pirates marched into the restaurant and the next moment, they were all lying on the ground.

As Blaize stepped out of the restaurant, he suddenly stopped because he noticed a person standing in his path. 'Dracule Mihawk!'

He carried his sword 'Yoru' on his back while clothed in an open black coat with no shirt underneath.

Blaize and Mihawk looked at each other. Blaize could tell Mihawk has gotten stronger since he saw him last time.

At the same time, Mihawk could tell the person before he is strong, ridiculously strong. Just a wisp of aura radiating from the other party's body warns him to stay away.

At the same time, it's that warning that kindled his fighting spirit. Without any words, Mihawk drew his 'Yoru' sword and waved it in the air before pointing it at Blaize.

Looking at Mihawk's actions, Blaize sighed. 'Can't we just mind our own business?'

"Tell me your name?"

"Is this really necessary? I am not a swordsman and I'm not in the mood to fight!" Blaize spoke, looking Mihawk in the eye.

At the same time, overwhelming willpower erupted from his body and slammed into Mihawk, nearly forcing the latter to take a step back.

'Such strong Conqueror's Haki. It's nearly as strong as Shanks!" With surprise-filled eyes, Mihawk asked again. "Who are you?"

Getting no response from Blaize, Mihawk's eyes sharpened as he raised his sword and slashed horizontally. It was a simple slash but the shockwave emitted from it was tremendous.

A wind blade of compressed air flew towards him, shattering the ground beneath! An attack of such scale frightened the residents of Purple Bay, as they ran as far away as possible.

Looking at the attack, Blaize shrugged. "So be it."


For Advanced chapters, Check out my P.A.T.R.E.O.N page. I have '25-plus' advanced chapters there.

Patre /FanficMortal

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