Transmigrate inside a Web Novel as a Side Character.

Chapter 158: Chapter 158 Wipeout.

Witnessing one of his guards dead. The chief face contorted with rage.


The chief let out a thunderous cry that shook the room and created a heavy atmosphere that suffocated the people in the room, mainly for the weak power.

Soma cast his gaze a and noticed that the suring Orc that was circling his place turned strange. Their eyes seem unfocused and filled with only red. Th, after the roar is dismissed, the room turns eerily quiet. A single orc suddly convulsed multiple times. He raised its club and dashed toward Soma.


Like being couraged by the first orc, the other regular orc joined and attacked Soma simultaneously. In the face of this assault, Soma calmly scans his suring emy, their position, distance, and oping while creating the optimal step to obliterating them. He brought his stance down and th sprinted toward the nearest orc.

With his currt speed, the orc's movemt felt so slow that he could yawn upon witnessing it.

Soma retracted his fist back and slammed it into the orc's abdom, blasted its intsities to bits, and wt to the other orcs. Soma used every possible way to kill the orc. He utilized all of his body as a weapon of killing. With a single thrust of his punch, a hole was created, and juice flew all over the place.

With each of his sweeps from his kick, the body was split into two and smeared on the dusty floor with blue paint.

[You Gained Exp!]

[You Gained Exp!]

[You Gained Exp!]


Seeing all of his minions have be wiped out, the chief, along with his guard, seems differt from what Soma saw earlier in the fight. The orc guard's body was slightly bulkier, and their body was covered in bulging veins that seemed almost popped out from their skin.

Their eyes are also dyed with red but retain some intellect, only to kill the threat in front of them. The first orc guard swung its broadsword vertically, which Soma sidestepped to his left and dodged the incoming attack, but the momt he planned to counter, another broadsword coming from his left side forced him to leap back.


From behind him, the third guard thrust his broadsword to finish Soma. But Soma saw it coming as he spun a, and using that as momtum, he launched at midair and kicked the sword guard's head using his left.

A nauseating sound reverberated where shattered bones and a splash of brain juice flew through the atmosphere.

"Second, hm?!".

Wh Soma landed on the floor, black spikes blocked his view, and his body reflexively dropped down, lying on his back. A gust of wind from its swing brought his atttion back as he realized that if that thing hit Soma, he would definitely die, probably.

Soma hurriedly fixed his stance and ran, escaping the chief attack range and approaching the orcs guard first. The guard also saw Soma approaching them. So they prepared their weapon in advance, but with their staying side by side, they made things easier for Soma to kill them in one fell swoop.

The first guard swung its sword diagonally, while Soma dodged it by shifting his body downward before tering deep through the orc guard's range, using him as a shield to protect Soma from the other orc guard.

Soma raised his right foot, kicking the orc's crotch, making the orc guard bd forward while stiffing its body. Facing the orc directly, Soma rotated his hips to his left and gave the orc's jaw a good taste of his full-swing punch.

The orc guard's head blasted into bits, sding blue blood scattered across the floor. Seeing his comrade's state, the other orc guard was raged and raised his broadsword. Soma kicked the body of the orc guard, slamming its body to its comrade, making the orc guard stumble on his stance.

A chance appeared, and Soma hurriedly circled his way, approaching the orc guard's side before dropping a hammer punch toward his face, shattering its skull.


[You Gained Exp!]

[Remaining time seconds]

The time kept ticking as the person and monster stood facing each other while observing each other bodies for a slight twitch in their muscle.


"There is no time left!". Soma muttered.

He began to dash forward, facing the chief head-oon. It seems reckless to anyone who watches it, but Soma takes something from his storage and gages with the chief head-on.

A huge black spike coming from his side made Soma leap backward into mid-air and saw the human in front of him. The chief lips spread as he tried to finish the boy once and for all. But his body stiffed as the boy was holding an old parchmt with a strange magic pattern that gleamed in silver light.


A flickering tiny bolt begins to dance across the old parchmt before it emits a blinding light, releasing the magic that has be contained inside.

[Releasing the Magic Scroll]

[Lightning Magic 7 Lightning Bolt]

From above the ceiling, a magic circle emerged tge size was five meters in diameters, and it shone in a silver light. Th, a silver dragon descded upon the land, delivering its punishmt toward the vile orcs that still stood dumbfounded.

The roaring might from the lightning began to swallow the chief whole and fried him inside that million-volt electricity.

[You Gained Exp!]

[You level up!]

Magic scroll, as the name implies, was made from a monster leather or hanced paper imbued with magic through some process. The act of imbuing the magic toward some medium was strictly hard in practice. It could be done by a wizard who has already stepped into the realm of advanced stage.

The item itself is only available for one usage, and usually, the item was created in case someone needs it in an emergcy situation.

Soma saw the parchmt in his hand begin to dissipate, turning into a glittering light of twinkling stars before it disappeared completely, giving a fleeting momt of beauty.

"Fuuu, it's done".

[Oni Strgthing Techniques deactivated]

The fight that happed in such a short time felt so long for Soma as he felt a slight regret to once again use some external help to finish what he started. But, well, he shouldn't worry about that for the time being and only think that everything's fine as long as he wins.

Soma shook his head and turned his atttion toward the other studts, where he found Hina and Xiao Lian with the other studts approaching his side.

"Good job, Soma. I know you can do it".

Hina, who has known him longer than the rest, approached him with a blossomed smile on her face.

"...Thanks, Hina".


Xiao Lian, who saw Soma fight for the first time, still had some questions she wanted to ask, but in the currt situation, she could only swallow her tongue and nod her head, complimting Soma.

"Hm, Good job. You are quite strong".

"...Well, Thanks. …It's still not ough".



Soma turned his atttion to Eiji and Eri as they gave him a wave by hand, and Soma responded with a smile.

"Soma, what should we do next?".

Hina oped her mouth and made the other studts' gaze gather on him.

Soma pondered for a while before he spoke.

"Is there anyone who can use Earth magic?".

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