Transformed into Cosmic Horror in a Sci-Fi Universe

Chapter 52: The Constellation of the Abyss

Transformed into Cosmic Horror in a Sci-Fi Universe – 52

EP.52 The Constellation of the Abyss

Unlike anime or movies, this has a certain immersive quality. These are real, living beings thinking and acting on their own, without any scripts or predetermined stories. It’s like combining the thrill of a real variety show with the special narratives you’d only find in anime or movies. Even after observing for quite some time, I find it neither boring nor tiresome; it’s quite enjoyable.

What’s more, the ability to directly intervene and change things adds to the fun. If I interfered too much, it would just follow my thoughts and become boring, but subtly nudging things in the desired direction is quite satisfying. I can skip unnecessarily dull parts or alter the flow to something I want to see.

For example… let’s take a look over there. A universe with an environment very similar to the Earth I originally lived on, but with a slight twist, it has what is commonly referred to in novels as a “hunter world.” It’s a world connected to a fantasy-like dimension where bizarre and powerful monsters come through gates. I’ve also linked it to the divine realm, adding a touch of the “constellation” trope. Gods choose their avatars, bestowing power upon them and making them hunters.

Although I created it, the structure and overall setting are based on an existing universe. After all, in the infinite expanse of universe bubbles within the gap, every possible scenario exists somewhere. Whatever I create will inevitably feel similar to something else.

Anyway, let’s use this as an example. Since we’re talking about gods choosing avatars, I can take the role of selecting the “protagonist” of this world. Calling them a protagonist might sound grandiose, but there’s no need to overthink it. In a world like this, the strongest one is naturally the protagonist.

All I need to do is grant him more power than the other hunters. Let’s see… how about that guy over there?

Park Yujin. Coincidentally, his name is also Yujin. A 25-year-old young man living a lowly life, drifting from one convenience store job to another. He dreams of becoming a hunter but has given up, believing no constellation would ever choose him.

…What is this? Did I subconsciously create him? He’s the epitome of a hunter story protagonist cliché. The only difference is that, in reality, no god has chosen him. Judging by the state of the constellations, he doesn’t even seem to be on their radar.

But by choosing him myself, Park Yujin could become the strongest in this world. Of course, I won’t give him absurd power from the start. There’s no need to create an adversary by mistake. Still, I’m curious about what an adversary would look like in this universe. With three worlds intertwined, would an adversary arise only in the world where the threat appears, or could one emerge in any of the three worlds, given their integration into a single universe?

I’ll have to replicate this and experiment later. For now, let’s take on the role of a constellation. I’ll gift this unfortunate young man a new life, just like a protagonist in a novel. It brings back memories of my own past. When I was human, I lived a similarly desperate life, always hoping to become someone extraordinary someday.

But I ended up becoming something far more extraordinary than I ever imagined. It’s quite astonishing.

Anyway, let’s proceed.

I bestow the power of the constellation upon Park Yujin. Let’s see… it seems like the power is granted in the form of a status window. Something like this, perhaps?


Twenty years ago, “gates” connecting to other dimensions appeared. Strange, monstrous creatures emerged from these gates, plunging the world into chaos. Amidst the turmoil, beings known as “hunters,” chosen by constellations, appeared to combat the monsters. They ventured into the gates, exterminated the monsters within, and closed the gates completely.

Remarkably, it was discovered that the stones found within these monsters, known as “magic stones,” contained immense energy. The world was astounded. The appearance of gates and hunters, initially thought to herald the end of the world, turned out to be a transformative event that provided a new energy source. People cheered, welcoming the change.

Thus began the era of the great hunters. The world revolved around hunters, who became more famous than celebrities and earned astronomical sums of money. Corporations known as “guilds” managed hunters and grew to surpass even the largest companies.

“Haa… What’s the point? I’m just working part-time at a convenience store.”

Of course, not everything in the world revolved around hunters. Ordinary citizens continued to live their lives as they always had. Among these ordinary citizens, living a lowly life, was the man slumped over the convenience store counter with disheveled hair: Park Yujin, 25 years old.

“I want to be a hunter too. I want to make tons of money. I want to be popular with women… Ahem!”

Average in appearance and ability, Park Yujin was an ordinary young man.

If there was anything unusual about him, it was that he was an orphan with no one to rely on. As he lay there, his phone buzzed with a message.

(Manager Bastard: Hey, don’t slack off during work hours. I’ll fire you.)

“Damn it… What the hell is his problem? There aren’t even any customers.”

He wanted to curse out the manager who constantly picked fights with him and quit, but doing so would cut off his living expenses. So he endured.


[A being from the Deep Abyss has taken an interest in you.]

[A being from the Deep Abyss wishes to grant you power.]

[Do you accept the power?]


A translucent window suddenly appeared before his eyes. Park Yujin knew exactly what it was.

“Holy…! A constellation, it’s a constellation!”

A message from a constellation. A status window, awakening, hunter!

“Damn, a day like this has finally come for me!!”

Quickly processing the situation in his mind, Park Yujin nodded immediately.

“Of course, I accept!”

Deep Abyss, Outer Being—these were suspicious-sounding titles, but so what? It was still a constellation offering him power. It wasn’t like it was the Great Demon who would destroy the world or the King of Flies who devoured everything.

In fact, there were hunters who had received power from constellations known as evil gods. They, too, were legitimate hunters who fought monsters and closed gates for the sake of the world, their own honor, or money.

[The Being from the Deep Abyss accepts your will.]

[Awakening the power of the Abyss.]

[Name: Park Yujin]

[Age: 25]

[Gender: Male]

[Title: Avatar of the Abyss]

[Strength: 10(+10)] [Agility: 10(+10)] [Endurance: 10(+10)]

[Magic: 10(+10)]


[Passive: Blessing of the Abyss (LV.1)]

[Increases stats and skill effects according to the level of the blessing.]

[10 stat points per level.]

[Skill enhancement varies by skill effect.]

[The Blessing of the Abyss skill grows each time you absorb the power of the Abyss from monsters.]

[Attribute: Abyss (LV.1)]

[The Abyss attribute penetrates everything and reaches the essence.]

[Ignores 10% of defense.]

[Fear of the Abyss (LV.1)]

[Instills fundamental fear in those who face you.]

[Causes Fear status effect LV.1]

“…Wow, what is this?”

The appearance of a status window upon awakening was common to all hunters. The initial stats of 10 were the same for everyone. These stats could be increased through rare elixirs sometimes found within gates or through rigorous training and effort. However, since there was a limit to how much one could increase their stats directly, skills were actually more important.

A hunter’s rank is often determined by the type of overpowered skills they possess. That’s how it should be. But…

“A skill that increases stats…?”

An absurd skill had appeared. A skill that raised stats based on its level—essentially breaking through the stat limits in a ridiculous manner.

“This is insane… What is this?”

And that wasn’t all. There was a skill that ignored defense, crucial for dealing with powerful enemies who typically had high defense. Additionally, there was a status effect skill that could induce fear, which was incredibly useful in combat. Even having a skill that caused a simple slow effect could get one called to higher-level gates.

It was a comprehensive set of rare abilities. Any one of these skills could make someone a top-tier hunter, and Park Yujin had awakened three of them. He realized he had hit the jackpot with this constellation.

(Me: I quit. Bye.)

He immediately texted his convenience store manager. With these skills, he could easily earn tens of millions a month. What meaning did a part-time job at a convenience store have now? Although he felt like cursing out his manager, he refrained because he was in such a good mood.

“Hahaha! I’m a hunter, a freaking awesome hunter! Thank you, God of the Abyss! I worship you!”

[The Being from the Deep Abyss is pleased to see your joy.]

Imagining the bright future ahead, Park Yujin smiled contentedly.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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