Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting

Chapter 77

Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting Inventory 77


Maybe it could be a freezer container.

Looking at it again, it also looked like a freezer forklift.

Whatever it was, he had to dive to the bottom of the lake to check it out.


Minhyuk first put his face out of the water.


He took a deep breath.

Then he took out a greatsword made of star metal from his inventory.

He intended to use it as a diving weight.

Dragon bones were stronger, but star metal was denser.


He was able to sink quickly into the water because of the weight of the greatsword.

A few years ago, a French freediver set a world record for no-breath diving at 120 meters.

Minhyuk, whose physical condition far surpassed that of an average human, would be able to go much deeper.

The depth of the water where the statue was located was not very deep.

Sunlight was reaching it.

Judging by the clarity of the lake, he guessed that the water was about 50 meters deep.

So, he could dive deep enough to examine the statue without breathing.


Minhyuk continued to descend into the water.

He was getting closer and closer to the statue.

He could see magic formulas drawn on the lake bottom around the statue.

It was clear that the statue before his eyes was the clue to expanding his inventory.

The statue was bigger than he had expected when he saw it up close.

I thought it would be about the size of a common 20-foot container.

But it was much bigger than that.


Minhyuk finally reached the statue.

He held his breath and examined each side of the statue.

And he found a nameplate attached to it.

<Refrigerated Warehouse (32㎡)>

<Specifications: 8m(W) x 4m(L) x 3m(H)>

<Minimum Temperature: -20℃>

The product name was written in Korean.

It was a 10-pyeong freezer.

The gosiwon room Minhyuk used to live in was less than 3 pyeong.

It was more than three times wider than the gosiwon room.

Moreover, the height reached 3 meters.

If it was this big, he could put in not only the dragon’s heart but also Gaon.

It was something he could put most of the magic tools he had found so far, except for the Altar of Protection.

A new horizon had opened up for procuring items through the refrigerator.


Minhyuk continued reading the nameplate.

<Manufacturer: Polar Bear Refrigeration>

<Address: Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do…>

<Phone Number: 031-3xx-xxxx>

He memorized the phone number and came up to the surface of the water.

After catching his breath for a moment,



With a flash of light, he moved to the cargo hold of the truck.

Minhyuk got out of the car and looked around the parking lot.

Four vehicles could be parked, but Minhyuk only had a truck and an SUV.

So there were two empty spaces.

When he measured it with a tape measure, it was enough to install the freezer.

‘Let’s install it in the parking lot for now.’

The parking lot will become cramped if the freezer is installed.

But it doesn’t matter.

If it’s too narrow and uncomfortable, I can buy a building near my house later and move the freezer there.

Minhyuk called the phone number written on the nameplate.

Ring ring ring-

-Yes, this is Polar Bear Refrigeration.

“Are you a company that makes refrigerated warehouses?”

-Yes, that’s right. What can I do for you?

“I’m looking to install a cold storage facility in my basement garage.”

– Oh, I see! Which model would you like?

Minhyuk told the employee the product specifications written on the nameplate.

– If you give me your email address, I’ll send you a quote.

“How long will it take to install?”

– The factory will start manufacturing the panels as soon as the payment is received. It takes about 5 days to manufacture the panels and 2 days to install them.

It would take about 10 days in total.

Since he currently had over 20 days of return time, it was plenty of time.




The next day, a refrigeration warehouse installation technician visited Minhyuk’s house.

He came to check in advance if it was possible to install it in the basement garage.

“Your basement garage is huge! The ceiling is high too. If you just reinforce the entrance, you could use it as a bomb shelter with no problems at all.”

He misunderstood that Minhyuk was building a bomb shelter in his house.

It was understandable.

If not for that reason, why would he install a cold storage facility in his basement garage?

“I envy you. You’re successful at a young age and bought such a fancy house in Gangnam. On top of that, you’re even preparing a bomb shelter in case of war… I’m not even prepared for retirement yet.”

“Is there any problem installing it in the garage?”

“No, there’s enough space, and it’s easy to bring in the power supply. There’s no problem installing it.”

As soon as the installation technician left, Minhyuk wired the payment for the cold storage facility installation.

Then he received a call from an office worker.

– I’ve confirmed your payment. Once the panels are complete, I’ll contact you a day before the installation visit.

Now, all he had to do was wait.

However, he didn’t intend to just kill time doing nothing.

‘Should I prepare for selling ginseng?’

Minhyuk first looked up the laws related to ginseng.

It was clear.

<The owner of the mountain (the mountain owner) has the ownership of the ginseng.>

This is because wild ginseng is also an accessory object of the land where it takes root.

Therefore, if you dig up ginseng from someone else’s mountain without permission, it is considered theft under the Criminal Act.

If the price of the stolen ginseng is 100 million won or more, you could be sentenced to imprisonment for more than 3 years but less than 25 years.

Minhyuk’s guess was correct.

In order to sell ginseng, he first needed to acquire a mountain that he owned.

‘Where should I buy a mountain?’

When it comes to mountains, Gangwon-do is the place to go.

Minhyuk got in his SUV and headed to Gangwon-do.




I spent four days traveling through Gangwon Province in search of a suitable property.

And finally, I found a place that I liked.

“This is great!”

The fresh air, thick with pine scent, seemed to purify my lungs.

“You can’t buy air like this with money!”

Led by a real estate agent, Min-hyuk had come to a mountain deep in Hongcheon-eup, far from the national highway.

It was a remote area, far from the national highway.

“But it’s so remote that it would be difficult to build a campsite, let alone a pension. Are you planning to grow special crops?”

“I’m going to dig for wild ginseng.”

The agent smiled at Min-hyuk’s answer.

It was a joke, but it wasn’t a joke that could be completely dismissed.

It was deep in the mountains, where it wouldn’t be strange to find wild ginseng.

“There are quite a few people among the mountain owners nearby who cultivate mountain ginseng. Since the environment is suitable for growing mountain ginseng, there may be wild ginseng as well. hehehehe.”

Mountain ginseng refers to ginseng that is cultivated by planting wild ginseng seeds in the mountains.

If you plant it in a field, it becomes cultivated ginseng.

In fact, it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish between wild ginseng, mountain ginseng, cultivated ginseng, and ordinary ginseng unless they know where they were grown.

Even among experts, there are many cases where opinions differ.

However, there are cases where it is definitely recognized as wild ginseng.

If it is over 100 years old, it is considered wild ginseng.

Ginseng has a lifespan of no more than six years, and if it is more than seven years old, it usually rots.

So who can grow ginseng and cultivated ginseng for 100 years?

That’s why some people in the ginseng industry say that even if it is born as ginseng, it is called a “ji-jong” (naturally grown ginseng) when it is 50 years old, and when it is over 100 years old, it is called a “cheon-jong” (heavenly ginseng).

Such people consider 100-year-old ginseng found near former ginseng fields to be wild ginseng as well.

‘I’m only going to deal with those that are over 300 years old.’

Min-hyuk bought a forest of over 100,000 pyeong.

Since it was a completely remote area, the price per pyeong was not that expensive.

However, since the area was large, the purchase price was 800 million won.

Min-hyuk’s bank account became empty again.

It didn’t matter.

It will be filled again dozens or hundreds of times.


The phone rang.

It was the freezer manufacturing company.

– We’ve finished making the panels! We can start construction tomorrow. Is the time okay?




It was said to take two days, but the installation was completed in one day.

From Noble mtl dot com

A 10-pyeong freezer was built in the underground parking lot.

“Please contact us if you have any problems. We will repair it free of charge for one year.”

The installers left.

Minhyuk put the mini-fridge right next to the freezer.

He had transferred the mysterious power to the mini-fridge.

He spoke with one hand on the mini-fridge and the other on the freezer.



He felt a current coursing through his body.

Minhyuk placed his hand on the freezer and said,



He returned to Lake Melbeck with a flash of light.

At the same time,


A bright light burst forth from the magic diagram drawn on the bottom of the lake.


The stone statue turned into light particles, scattered, and enveloped Minhyuk’s body.

<Inventory has been expanded.>


The fishermen and children on the shore watched the scene in awe.

Minhyuk, his task complete, walked out of the lake.

Everyone prostrated themselves before him.

Even if he told them to get up, they wouldn’t listen anyway.

It was better for him to disappear from there quickly.

He could pick up the clamshell later.

“Chun Sam-ah!”


Chun Sam flew over.

Minhyuk rode Chun Sam to Melbeck Citadel.

As they crossed the Golden Carp Square on the outskirts of the citadel, the marketplace came into view.

It was bustling with merchants and customers.

The market had become more active than before after the expansion of Gaho’s territory.

‘I wonder if they sell rosy clams here?’

Minhyuk stopped by the market instead of going straight to the palace.

There were shops that sold seafood as well.

Rosy clams were piled high in wooden boxes.

They were all big ones.

The number of stripes on their shells exceeded 300.

The merchant recognized Minhyuk and exclaimed in surprise,

“Y-Your Majesty?!”


Minhyuk covered his mouth.

“I want to buy the scallops.”

“Please, take them all!”

“Can I do that?”

Minhyuk handed the merchant a single gold coin.

His eyes turned round as he said,

“That’s too much for the scallops!”

“I never said I’d give them all to you. You should give me my change.”

“Ah… Yes…”

“Do you not have change? Should I pay with silver coins?”

“No, I have change.”

Minhyuk bought all of the scallops and returned to the palace.

He handed them over to the palace chef, Tres.

He had also worked in Melbeck while Minhyuk was there.

“Use the scallop meat as ingredients, and collect all of the shells for me.”

“Understood, Your Majesty!”

Minhyuk moved to the plaza in front of the palace.

There, Kaon, the teleportation gate, was located.



A giant refrigerator appeared before his eyes.

Since a freezer is also a type of refrigerator, he decided to just use the same term.

Minhyuk put Kaon into the refrigerator.

He was going to check what it would turn into.

However, there was no point in only putting one in.

He needed to put in a pair.

Flutter, flutter-

Minhyuk rode Chunsam and headed to Asdel Fortress.

It would take five days to go from Melbeck to Asdel by horse.

However, he arrived in two hours by riding Chunsam at full speed.

Minhyuk also put the Kaon in Asdel Fortress into the refrigerator.

With this, he had a pair of Kaons.



With a flash of light, he was moved to the underground parking lot.

He opened the refrigerator door to check inside.

A bicycle was inside.

However, it was not an ordinary bicycle.

There were two saddles and two sets of pedals attached to a single frame.


Gaon was none other than a two-person bicycle.

It was the kind of bicycle that made you envious when you saw couples riding it, and pitiful when you saw men riding it.

It was a special item that you could only see at tourist attractions, but there was no problem procuring them in bulk.

Minhyuk ordered 20 of the exact same bicycles online.

He would buy that many for now and order more later if he needed them.

He was going to install Gaon in 12 adult and other necessary places in the future.

‘Should I earn some money while waiting for the bicycles to arrive?’


Minhyuk moved to Melbeck Castle.

He received the seashells from Tres and put them in the refrigerator.

‘Let’s sell 20 for now.’


Minhyuk moved to the underground parking lot.

When he opened the refrigerator, the seashells had turned into 20 roots of 300-year-old ginseng.

Minhyuk took them and headed to the appraisal center.

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