Tower of God: Sequence Strength

Chapter 37: Submerged Fish Hunt - 3

Chapter 37: Submerged Fish Hunt - 3

Anaak ran through the dark cave, looking around frantically in an attempt to find where the bull and Endorsi had ventured.

"That little jerk!" she yelled, using shinsu to strengthen her legs and sped up her search. Her figure rapidly blitzed through the cave, leaving a slight whistling sound as she passed. Hundreds of meters of distance was passed in the matter of a few dozen seconds.

Anaak huffed in annoyance.

I need to find the bull before she does... or she might have already found it... She clicked her teeth, jumping across different pillars, avoiding diving into the water.

I would use shinsu sensing, but the bull is likely travelling through the water, making it hard for me to detect it.

Just as she jumped towards another pillar, a small light flashed by her eyes.


Anaak turned her head on instinct, finding a lone light, like a will o wisp dancing in the air, surrounded by darkness. She smirked and summoned a hook from her reel inventory.

"Found you!" she yelled, throwing the hook towards the light.


The hook dashed through the air with frightening speed. However, it narrowly missed the small light that moved to avoid the attack. The light proceeded to jump across the pillars, getting further away from the attacker.

Anaak quickly followed.

"Damn it! Stop running away!" She exclaimed.

After some time of empty chase, the light eventually disappeared from her vision as she landed on a stone platform that extended further into the cave, no longer surrounded by water. Anaak looked around, using her shinsu sensing to look through the area. However, finding nothing, she shook her head.

Just as she was about to jump off again into the dark, a voice called out.

"What are you looking for? Ms. Anaak Jahad?" The voice called out. Anaak's eyes widened as she turned around. In the darkness, a dim light emerged, and with it a guttural growl too. Something slithered around in the air, something large and shaped like a snake. Then, two dead, cold and unfeeling eyes gazed at her from above.


A strange sound was produced by this large creature. The creature was indeed like a large snake, the only clear difference being it's head which was like that of a crocodile. It's golden scales shimmered in the dim lighting, making it appear all the more menacing.

Slowly, footsteps began to echo around it and a white object, shaped like a rectangular rice ball emerged under the creature.

"You're?" Anaak's eyes widened just a tiny bit.

"Hehe. Surprised to see me?" The ranker chuckled. "Shinsu sense can pick up any entities and sense the environment with ease. However, for a wave controller ranker, deceiving the senses through false shinsu input is a piece of cake. I can't imagine any regulars below B rank doing it though." The rice ball droned.

Anaak looked at him for a moment before shaking her head.

"Hmph! I thought you were the bull." She turned back, intending to jump off the platform and resume her search.

"W-wait!" The ranker yelled from the back. Anaak turned with a scowl on her face, her anger and annoyance visible through her expression.

"What? I'm busy! Get lost!"

Hearing her words, the rice ball shook it's head.

"A shame you're in a hurry. I felt that we could bond you know? You do resemble your

mother... when she died in front of my eyes... hehe." The rice ball said crookedly.

At that moment, Anaak's pupils shrunk into needles, an expression of disbelief and confusion marring her face. "...What?" She managed to squeeze out. "What... did you say?"

The rice ball chuckled in response.

"hehe. Now now, let's not get too far without proper introductions. I'll go first." The smirk on the rice ball seemed to get all the more wider as it spoke. "I'm a member of the Royal Enforcement Division, Unit No. 67. My name is Ren." The rice ball chuckled again at the end. Then, it's mouth opened up slightly to reveal a small pendant. It was a small sphere, emerald in colour.

"One of... your enemies." Ren said. The pendant flew out of his mouth, somehow floating beside him without falling.

"Where..." Anaak said as her eyes remained riveted to the necklace he had just pulled out. "Did you get that necklace?" She asked.

"Hehe. Did you not hear me? It was me." Ren declared. "I was the one that killed your mother." The necklace flew back towards his mouth. A red tongue poked out and held the necklace, pulling it back inside.

"You want this don't you? Come and get it."

Anaak eyes held a crazed look. She summoned her armed inventory and pulled out the Green April through it, placing the other hook back inside.

"Give it back!" she yelled. The Green April immediately extended as she slammed it right towards Ren. However, instead of impacting him, a low clank of metal rang out.

Anaak's eyes widened as a larger version of the rice ball, this one with a gigantic red eye at the place of it's smile came out from the darkness. Besides it floated a claw like appendage,

orange in colour.

"This is my favourite pet. Though I enhanced him a bit too much so he's a bit dangerous." Anaak clicked her tongue as the claw beside the creature shot out with a large concentrated

baang of shinsu.


An explosion happened, and with it, the entire area behind Anaak was obliterated. Anaak who had dodged the attack at the last moment looked back and then towards the creature. Then,

she yelled.

"Green April! Ignition!"


The shinsu in the environment surged with a strange power as the weapon in her hands roared out with strength. The weapon tore through the air and right towards the creature, hitting it

square in the face.

Boooom! Crash!

The attack uprooted the ground, throwing around the rocks and debris and kicking up dust.

"How's that?" she asked, a crazed smile on her face.

"Hmm... That was good but..." Ren droned. Just then, Anaak felt her hair stand on end.

Hurriedly she jumped forward, avoiding a claw attack from the creature that now stood

behind her.

Even an attack from the Green April's ignition is ineffective?!

Just then, something clicked.

Anaak looked down to find a needle sticking out of the left part of her chest.

She threw up some blood from her mouth as the needle pulled back. Another one of the same creature, both connected by a chain floated in the air.

Ren came forward and scooped up the Green April without a care in the world.

"Now... it wouldn't be fun to just kill you... so let's make this interesting!" Ren yelled, and from the darkness, a familiar figure emerged. Anaak's eyes widened as she took in the image.

There it stood, the bull in all it's glory. Standing on it's hind legs it towered at a staggering 7 meters in height. In it's tail, it held a peculiar figure with short brown hair and an orange dress. It was Endorsi!

"Hehehehehe!" Ren's low chuckle echoed through the darkness.

Winston ran through the cave, jumping from one pillar to the other. As he did, the strange

feeling in his chest began to amplify, making him feel a bit breathless. The premonition of danger he got from his intuition was unlike anything he had experienced until now, making him realize the severity of the situation.

This can't be just the work of the bull... this is something else. He clicked his tongue, not liking the situation that had arose because of his negligence. He had already figured out the way to go using his needle and divination, however, the question remained. Should he continue? He jumped atop a pillar and stopped. His smile had already receded into a small smirk, no longer appearing as prominent. He scratched his head, his expression one of inner conflict. Why do I hesitate? He wondered. Heh. If it were the teenage me, I wouldn't have hesitated to dive headfirst into danger, like a blockhead. He gave a deprecating sigh, chuckling as he did so. He looked towards the ceiling and sighed again, purposefully delaying making a decision. Shaking his head, he opened his reel inventory and took out what seemed to be a collection of bells, something he had bought from the Evankhell store. As he held them with him; the bells suddenly began to ring with a soft chime. He jumped ahead towards another pillar. The chiming of the bells amplified, now sounding the slightest bit more urgent.

He again held the look of contemplation.

Eventually he sighed again, and took out a coin.


The coin flipped up with a metallic click, spinning around in the air and landing right onto Winston's hand. He stared at the result of the divination for a moment, his eyes glazed over

just a tiny bit.

Shibisu ran through the darkness, his breathing rushed and forceful. He stopped for a

moment, supporting his body with his knees.

Huff! Huff! Huff!n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

He shook his head. "Those monsters! There's no way I can keep up!" He yelled, offering an

excuse to no one but himself.

He stared at the pocket and called out.

"Khun! What's the situation up there?!" He asked.

"The Dogs have already encountered the Thieves and the spear bearers have started their

assault. There was some trouble for a moment but that's all resolved! What about the Bull!?

Did you find it yet?!" Khun asked from the other side. Shibisu shook his head with an annoyed click of his tongue.

"No... They've really run off somewhere, they're even out of range for my observers. I can't

find them!" He huffed.

On the other side, he heard Khun sigh for a moment.

"...Alright then! Do this-" Just then, the connection was abruptly cut off.

Shibisu stared at his pocket for some time, hoping for a continuation of his words.

"Khun? Hey, Khun?" He called out. No answer.

He held his head and sat down on the ground, feeling all the more annoyed. "Just what the hell is happening?!" He yelled out into the darkness. Just then, he trembled.

Quickly standing up, he adopted a combat stance, looking over into the darkness. His body

trembled incessantly, refusing to listen to his commands as his senses were pushed into


This pressure.... this absurd pressure... It feels as if my body is about to break apart! He yelled in his

mind. What is this..?

Just then, a sudden voice rang out.

"Hey, you fashion terrorist!" A feminine voice said. And with that, Shibisu's eyes met two

shining dots in the dark, gleaming with a baleful red light.

"I'm gonna have to ask you for directions..."

A/N: Throw some stones.

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