Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 196: Emotional Understanding

Chapter 196: Emotional Understanding

Cui Yuanyang did not know if her feelings really were all just a result of her youth and ignorance... Anyway, the more that others said so, including even Zhao Changhe himself, the more unconvinced she felt, and the more she convinced herself that it was genuine affection.

While naivety and ignorance were indeed quite often associated with people at this age, it should not just be forgotten that there was another word that also corresponded to people at this age: rebelliousness. Back then, when she had sneaked into the mountain stronghold and eventually gone to look for Zhao Changhe, was it not exactly because of such rebellious tendencies?

After Zhao Changhe left, she thought about him every day. She rejoiced in his feats that flashed in the Tome of Troubled Times, bragging to everyone and saying, “See, my big brother Zhao is amazing!”

Eventually, all her thoughts seemed to boil down to her liking him.

However, she did not really know what to do when it came to interacting with the person she liked. She had never felt the urge to kiss someone the way it was described in the stories she had read. At most, she would feel somewhat expectant toward certain things, curious as to what they would feel like... but she did not really desire them all that much.

When she thought about trying it out, she would feel disgusted just looking at other men’s mouths, but now that it was her big brother Zhao, it did not seem as disgusting. If she was going to try it out, then she could only do so with him.

Does this... Does this count as liking someone?

She only knew that she really liked being with Zhao Changhe very much. It was as if as long as he was around, there was nothing else in the world that attracted her.

She particularly liked the feeling of nestling in his arms, as if she were wrapped up in a really warm blanket.

She would sometimes have doubts in her mind. Is everyone else actually right? Is what I’m feeling really just some kind of dependency born out of the hardships we faced? Is what I’m feeling not actually love?

But now, he had not even asked her whether she agreed or not; he had just directly gone and “sealed the deal.”

It felt like an electric current surged straight into her brain, leaving her feeling dizzy and fuzzy all over. The only thing that kept swirling inside her mind was the thought: So this is how it feels...

Then, bits and pieces from the stories that she had read flashed through her mind.

So that electric current that those books were talking about was actually real.

That dizziness that those books were talking about was actually real as well.

There was also that description that mentioned something along the lines of losing yourself and feeling as if you’re completely at their mercy.

So that was true as well.

All those books also had another thing in common. They all said that if you were kissing someone you liked, it would feel very good. On the other hand, if you did not like them, you would instinctively resist their advances.

Yangyang affirmed her feelings at this moment. I feel very comfortable, and I’m not resisting in the slightest. See, I said that I liked him and I was right, yet nobody believed me. Hmph...

Despite how long this series of thoughts that flashed through the young girl’s mind seemed to take, the kiss actually only lasted for a short time.

Her lips were soft and sweet, and they felt wonderful, but Zhao Changhe still felt a little guilty. After gently kissing her lips for a short while, he pulled back.

Seeing her eyes blur, along with the bewildered look on her face, Zhao Changhe felt even more guilty and said softly, “Yangyang...”

As soon as he said one word, Cui Yuanyang came to her senses and said, “Why so fast?”

Zhao Changhe: “?”

“I even started using the Qinghe Purple Qi Art, wanting to see how many breaths I could last. Big brother Zhao, I’m not that weak now, it’s okay...” Cui Yuanyang smacked her lips twice. “Mmm, it felt really nice. However, I feel like the girls without internal arts are quite pitiful, they probably won’t be able to last several breaths before they have to pull away...”

Zhao Changhe tilted his head back, and the guilt he had been feeling completely dissipated. However, the charming atmosphere that had been present just now had also passed.

At this moment, all his previous thoughts flew away. He simply hugged Yuanyang like she were a child, rested his chin on her head, and said softly, “What a child.”


She savored the feeling, and she actually wanted to try it again. However, she also felt that it was very comfortable to be in his arms like this and thus felt too lazy to move. And so, she simply lay on him and mumbled, “You say that I’m a child, yet you kiss me. You’ve indeed become bad now, and you say things without actually meaning it...”

“Okay, okay, you’re a big kid.”

“You do know that many people get married at this age, and many people my age are even mothers already. You’re the only one calling me a child.” Cui Yuanyang started to lose her temper. “If you keep saying that, then you can’t kiss me anymore!”

It’s over. She’s really become a woman now, and it all happened even faster than Sailor Moon’s transformation.

Zhao Changhe wanted to cry but no tears came out.

Cui Yuanyang bit her lower lip. She quietly grasped the large arm that was wrapped around her waist and slowly moved it upward. “You said that I haven’t changed at all, but that’s not entirely true... I feel like there have been some slight changes in some areas. Do you want to measure it?”


The sound of a vase being shattered came from outside the courtyard, and the guards apologized in unison, “Ah, our apologies, Miss. We accidentally knocked over a flower pot.”

You broke a flower pot and you feel the need to report to me all at the same time?!

Cui Yuanyang’s face turned beet red, realizing that the guards were not there just to protect her safety, but also to protect They didn’t want her to be eaten up by the big bad wolf.

But wasn’t the kiss just now what everyone referred to as being eaten up? What else would it be?

Ahem.” Zhao Changhe felt too embarrassed to measure any of the changes in her body. He stood up and gently placed Cui Yuanyang down, then ruffled her hair. “We shouldn’t just talk about these things. Come, show me how much progress you’ve made in your sword art.”

In fact, neither of them was in the mood to test their martial arts. Facing each other, they could see the embarrassment and amusement in each other’s eyes.

After looking at each other for a long time, they suddenly burst into laughter.

Two dry coughs came from outside the courtyard, and Lu Ya knocked on the gate before slowly entering.

Cui Yuanyang respected this guest elder very much and greeted him politely with a blushing face, “Uncle Lu.”

“Young master Zhao, after careful consideration, I’ve decided to put an end to this spectacle.” Lu Ya nodded fondly and looked at Zhao Changhe helplessly.

Zhao Changhe had no choice but to cup his hands in respect and ask, “Senior, can you explain?”

“The Cui Clan is not as unbridled as the jianghu. Regardless of whether you’ve been engaged or not, according to tradition, you should not even see each other before marriage. After all, you can see how Yuanyong and the young lady of the Wang Clan were kept apart,” Lu Ya said with a wry smile. “The head of the Cui Clan can be said to be very open-minded by letting Yanyang come out this time, considering that you two have not seen each other for a long time... But, how should I put it... Don’t overdo it. It really would not look good if this were to get out.”

The young man and woman’s faces turned a deep red, and they simultaneously lowered their heads and said nothing.

They both had similarly stubborn temperaments. If the elders were too rigid, the two of them were the kind to even elope on the spot. But when they were being treated this fair and sincere way, the two of them only felt embarrassment and obediently listened to the elder’s words.

“Actually, our original plan was to meet you at the Wang Clan. In public, with all the guests present, there would not be any room for gossip. It’s quite normal for old friends to get together and speak a few words with one another in private after such events. But who could have known that the Four Idols Cult would cause trouble and lead to an unexpected encounter on the road? Frankly, it would not be very good if word of this were to spread...”

Zhao Changhe said with pain, “Aristocratic families are really troublesome. They’ve always got so many rules.”

“This is not exactly a rule... Of course, if you say that aristocratic families care much more about saving face as compared to heroines of the jianghu like Yue Hongling, then that’s correct,” Lu Ya said leisurely. “The important thing to take note of here is that you have not met the conditions of the clan head. It would be ugly if your relationship were to become regarded as an affair. If you have truly met the conditions that were set, then why would we care about those rules of not being allowed to see each other before marriage?”

Zhao Changhe was startled for a moment, and then he cupped his fist and said, “You’re right.”

Lu Ya was also startled. He examined Zhao Changhe up and down, and said, “They say that you’re unruly, but you’re actually quite reasonable.”

“When I’m talking to someone reasonable, then I would naturally be reasonable too.” Zhao Changhe turned around and ruffled Cui Yuanyang’s hair once more. “Besides, I would never want Yangyang to be laughed at by others.”

Cui Yuanyang stomped her foot. “In the end, you’re still leaving?”

“Why are you protesting now? We’ll meet in two days anyway.” Then, Zhao Changhe suddenly became serious. “Yangyang, how about we arrange a little show?”

Cui Yuanyang was puzzled. “Huh?”

“The official stance of the Cui Clan is that I am a toad wanting to eat swan meat, and I was kicked out by my prospective father-in-law. But since he appreciated my efforts in escorting you and did not want to be regarded as ungrateful, he set up a three-year agreement. This is how outsiders perceive the situation right now. If we meet at the Wang Clan, you can’t just show up like how you imagined, you have to follow this narrative.”

Cui Yuanyang scratched her head in frustration. “But that narrative doesn’t say anything about my attitude.”

“You owe a debt of gratitude, but I’m still just a toad, so it’s awkward for us to meet. So, you must keep your distance. Actually, you don’t need to act deliberately, you’re not much of an actress, so you’ll just end up giving yourself away... Just talk with me less, it will seem more believable that way.”

“Why do we have to do this? I don’t want to not talk to you...”

“Because I think that there will be a good show at the Wang Clan this time. This coming banquet is by no means just an ordinary birthday banquet. It might not even just be an occasion for sword testing or competition as some people speculate. No, I’ve got a feeling that there will be huge changes during this banquet. If we pretend to be distant, it will lead others to make wrong assumptions, which could be useful in the future...”

Almost at the same time, Vermillion Bird said to Xia Chichi, “Alright, stop pretending to be dead over there. You’ll attend the Wang Clan’s banquet as the sixth Hidden Dragon. Something will likely happen during this banquet. Your task is to participate and grasp the situation firsthand. I’ll be observing, and I’ll provide support when needed.”

Xia Chichi stole a glance at her and said deliberately, “As a witch, I’m afraid that I’ll probably become the target of public criticism and be kicked out after a few words.”

Vermillion Bird left with a wave of her sleeve. “Stop pretending. You have your most reliable ally inside. You’re clearly smiling inside.”

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