To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 777

Episode 777 The Group of True Evil (10)

“You mean all of us?”


“How rare. Is it that important?”

“I don’t know because I’m just a forwarder.”

“okay. What did you say you should look for?”

Ninety-eight answered.

“If there is anyone wearing a white robe, he told me to kill them all without asking.”

“The white robe.”

“I heard that a tiger would come when I said it, but looking at it, it seems like a saint. It became fun.”

Thirty-five laughed heartily.

Everyone in the thirtieth generation seemed to be quite happy with this, since we had just been talking about it.

It is an opportunity to actually meet and fight against the rumored hero.

“Don’t touch me carelessly. I’ll taste it first.”

“Death thirty days. I also want to compete.”

“Don’t cut in line! Why don’t you leave this place to me and get a good rest? Ha ha ha!”

Around that time, forty-five also became a little more lenient.

If there were one, two or three or four people, of course it would be a landslide victory for the saint, but what if all ten of them attacked?

Can even a saint do it?

‘Maybe the new owner will lose.’

It’s difficult when that happens.

Forty-five, who had already taken away their body and mind from the pleasure of being beaten, didn’t really like Ray’s death.

I guess I’ll have to get my hands on it.

“He told me to move as soon as I heard the message.”

“The Serian Mountains. I didn’t want to go there because it was a country estate on the outskirts.”

“Keuk. The blood is boiling after a long time.”

they got up

“Then move.”

At the end of the still quiet 30-year-old, all new models disappeared in Daejeon.

Forty-five were also included in the party.

* * *

I want to drink water.

If I had known it would be like this, I would have drank to my heart’s content at the banquet last night.

Even if you regret it, it’s already too late.

I have already seen the same moon twice in the same spot.

I entered the second day, but still no one came to help.

Does it make sense?

A ray of light so brilliant was brightly illuminating the sky, but why did not a single one come to visit!

Could it be because your usual behavior was bad?

Looking back at his actions, Ray shook his head.

Extorting money from merchants or suppressing bandits by force and making them do chores?

Or kicking Harpmann’s ass counting gold coins or selling a mistress to a slave trader?

It’s absurd to punish me with just that.

It was clear that there must have been another reason.

‘Aagh! I got a cramp in my leg!’

Ray screamed silently.

However, there was no one to help him in the backing without a listener.

* * *

The day dawned again.

I tried reciting the prayers of the holy kingdom in my mind all morning, but there was no effect.

After all, Gaia must have been an existence that only existed in people’s imaginations.

As the morning passed and the sun rose in the middle of the sky, the heart that initially desperately wanted help began to change little by little.

Whoever comes first will be killed.

I will trample it very carefully and make it into a paste so that I can never stand again.

The love and hatred towards the person to help soon grew into hatred.

don’t come kill.

The strong will soon became the spirit of words, albeit weak.

As the death penalty became typified and pricked the skin, the attendants, who otherwise would only pass by a few times a day, stopped stepping anywhere near the patronage.

continued pressure.

As he wrestled in the scorching sun without even getting a sip of water, his mental strength was gradually depleted.

And the limit is approaching faster than expected.

It’s because the toilet signal came.


The human body is equal to everyone.

Sword masters and high-ranking wizards are people too.

No matter how high the level was, it was impossible to completely avoid the menstrual phenomenon.

Now please, anyone is fine, so please help!

I looked around desperately, but there was no one there.

no there is!

Just in time, a number of wagons with royal patterns arrived from outside.

Showing their cards to the soldiers guarding the mansion gate, they went straight into the mansion.

Maybe, really, maybe they were the ones who came to save themselves.

If that’s the case, I think I’ll be able to maintain a strong alliance with the Celia royal family in the future.

‘Just a little bit… Let’s be patient a little longer.’

until they come here.

Let’s be patient until then.

Ray’s patience was being put to the test.

He didn’t know it, but a lot of different people were already gathering around Count Cerian’s house.

All because of one person.

* * *

Within a day, the 30th division, which had reached the Serian Mountains and searched the nearby villages, had to gather without finding anything.

“There wasn’t this one.”

“It’s the same with other towns. If this happens, let alone compete with the saint, I will return without even seeing his face.”

“He’s a guy who hides well like a rat.”

One after another, he just made a fuss.

Even if we go back like this, there is nothing to report.

Even one person is fine, so it would be nice to find a white robe, but such a robe should be common.

He said lightly, as if thirty-five passed by.

“Well, I searched all over the village, but it might be in the castle.”

“In the castle?”

“It’s where the lord lives. If you’re in a place like that, wouldn’t it be natural to look around town and not find it?”

It made sense.

If they were entrusting themselves to the aristocratic family, it could be explained that they had been fooling around in the village.

Thirty said.

“I’ll take a look at the county’s house one last time and leave. If you do this, the left will understand.”

“I don’t like it, but I have no choice but to do it.”

The thirties turned their steps.

Coincidentally, there was a person they were looking for so much.

* * *

The Wizards of the Association greeted Levia, who had inherited the title as Count, and headed straight to the patronage.

At first, I admired the beam of light seen from afar, and then I was frightened to see the white robe holding a magic tool.

“Oh no! Holy saint!”

Count Vincent, who recognized him first because of the one-sided ceremony, came running in a month.

He looked at Ray with a clear look of bewilderment.

“Why are you doing this! For several days…”

He spoke and looked at his posture, but the distribution of power was flawless.

No, now is not the time to be admiring.

Count Vincent looked at the current situation and thought.

A magic tool that emits huge amounts of mana.

Inferring from the waves felt, this must be in the middle of a runaway mess.

If you’re barely holding on to sustain the mana bursting out.

“Are you unable to move now?”


No response.

Count Vincent continued.

“If I am right, please blink twice.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ray closed his eyes twice and opened them.

There was a look of desperation in those eyes.

Count Vincent pondered, then let out a big sigh.

Then he called the old wizards standing in the back.

“You guys, come over here and see.”


“Did you call?”

Looking at them approaching the call, Count Vincent said.

“It seems that the saint is in a difficult situation. You guys who have mastered magic, I believe you understand the situation.”

“of course.”

They also noticed how things were going.

“I’m going to ask you directly, but is there a better way?”

The wizards expressed disapproval at the Count’s question.

“The mana is too unstable to carelessly touch. It could even get us caught up in it.”

“It’s not just that. In order to take out the Holy Son, we need mana equivalent to that… I think it’s not enough for us.”

“As expected.”

As expected, Count Vincent sighed again.

Even if all the wizards here gather and infuse mana, they won’t be able to survive even for an instant.

To that extent, the mana spouting out of the magic tool was at a level that could not be explained in words.

If all the top wizards in the kingdom gathered together, they could earn a few seconds.

It will take a good month to summon them, and within that time, the saint will be swallowed up by mana and become a ruined man.

In a situation where he could neither do this nor that, Count Vincent honestly confessed the truth to Ray.

“…I apologize. I can’t seem to be of any help. We will try to arrange a way as soon as possible, so please wait a little longer.”

Flash-! Flash-! Flash-!

Ray blinked his eyes like crazy.

Count Vincent misinterpreted the meaning.

“I’m glad you waited. Let’s put heralds in neighboring kingdoms as well. I will summon the wizards and push the mana all at once, so please have the saint break the magic tool in the gap.”

He couldn’t see well because it was covered by his robe, but his eyes were weeping.

Of course, that figure was not visible to Count Vincent.

“While reinforcements come, the children from the association will protect the saint. There are especially many young people here, so you won’t be bored during that time.”

Flash-! Flash-! Flash-!

“ha ha ha. You’re happy, so I’m happy too. Let’s come up with measures with trustworthy people. I’m leaving for today.”

Flash-! Flash-! Flash-! Flash-!

The Count turned his back as quickly as it was cold.

When he returned to the mansion accompanied by the elderly wizards, only the sons of nobles remained in the backyard.

A faint smile formed on their lips as they listened to all of their conversation so far.

Did you say that it is Junchi even if it rots?

Even though they were young, they were elite wizards enough to be in the association.

He could tell that he was in the worst state right now, with his hands and feet tied tightly to such a powerful magic tool, not knowing when reinforcements would come.

“Can I really live?”

“I heard what the count said earlier. I heard it should be at least a month?”

“ha ha ha. It looks like I’m going to die right here.”

“Even if you’re a saint, it’s no big deal.”

The sound of talking in the distance.

He must have said it because he was so far away that he couldn’t hear it, but Ray, who had already raised his spirits to the extreme, heard it very clearly, as if whispering in his ear.

Of course, the face looked cool too.

Ray, who never forgets what he looked at once, took them through.

The day of freedom will be the day of purge.

Boiling emotions slightly increased his patience, which was approaching its limit.

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