To Bewitch a Devil

Chapter 159 - 159 Outside the Castle

159 Outside the Castle


Neera shifted her weight on her aching legs, careful not to make any noise from where she hid. The shrubbery was high enough to conceal her from sight, and the dry edges of the grass pinched at her feet. She hugged herself tighter as the sound of approaching footsteps came closer, her heartbeats picking a pace.

She wanted to peek, but she was afraid the rustle of the leaves would make her seen. So she stilled herself like a rock, her head bowed between her raised knees, and waited for the footsteps to fade away.

“Neera, come out!” The yell came. Neera held her breath as the footsteps grew closer, and closer, until…

She let out a scream when a hand reached out to pull her. She slapped lightly on the grip of the hand and burst out in a laugh.

Penelope frowned. “Are we children? Why are we playing this game?”

“I know you’re having fun.” Neera said as she pulled out the leaves that stuck to her dress.

“And do you know how long I have been looking for you? I find this very annoying. Let’s play something less stressful,” Penelope suggested with a tired groan.

Neera gave a purse of her lips and sat cross-legged on the grass. She looked up at Penelope, squinting at the rays that shot right at her behind her friend’s head when she moved. “It’s strange because I have so much time now and I get bored not knowing what to spend it doing sometimes, and right now I am having so much fun with you.”


“As much as I appreciate the sentiment, you feel this way because you don’t leave the castle grounds.” Penelope tilted her head in the direction of the gate, a smile dancing on her lips.

Neera bit her bottom lip. “You know the King won’t allow me out of this place.”

Penelope’s eyes blinked in rapid succession. “Because of the kidnapping that happened long ago?”

“It’s because of my safety,” Neera sighed. “The condition for having no guards on my neck all the time was to stay within the castle walls.”

Penelope threw her head back and gave out a loud, frustrated groan. Her fisted hands by her side as she fumed portrayed her as a petulant child. “I am so tired of hearing the word, condition, condition, condition, with all due respect to the King and other ancient demons, damn conditions!”

Neera was surprised at the sudden uncustomary flare of her friend. Penelope has always been calm-headed. Realizing she might have gone too far, Penelope heaved out a steady breath and sat next to Neera. Her eyes scanned the surrounding area and Neera had a bad feeling about what she was about to say next.

“I don’t see any guards around,” Penelope whispered. “And besides, the King isn’t coming back anytime soon, is he?”

Neera shook her head. Zavian had been tensed lately, and she wasn’t privy to any information why. Just before he left that morning, he had told her he was going to meet up with the Commander General, where and to do what, she didn’t know. And she wasn’t sure when he would be back, but for the past week, he always rode in when the sun was retiring for the day.

“No”, Neera shifted back, creating some space between them both. “I can’t do that.”

“Come on! Just a few minutes, I promise. I will be your guard all day, but I am not staying here and playing another game of this hide and seek you have forced upon me,” Penelope persisted.

Neera would love to have a taste of the outside world again, be around people, go to the market, haggle, and eat delicious pastries- the thrill called to her. She could not believe the mundane things she had seen as a norm once upon a time were now something that gave her excited her.

She wrung her hands together; the thrill growing more and more. When Penelope looked at her, she could see the excitement flourish. As if on cue, they both screeched with joy.

“Okay, we have to work on your disguise,” Penelope snapped her fingers. “Hide your beautiful hair with a scarf, and use a cloak. We need you as invisible as possible. Head out and head right in. No one would know a thing.”

They both got off the grass, dusted their dresses, and set to work. Penelope hurried off to the maid’s chambers to get the clothing. She was back fast, and she worked Neera’s tresses into a bun, tied a scarf around her head, and gave her a cloak.

Penelope stared at her, proud of her work of inconspicuousness. Neera looked plain and hidden, and no mystery shrouded her for people to sniff their curious noses at. She held onto Neera’s hand, and searched her face.

“Maybe we should give you a limp, get this whole disguise to look more authentic,” Penelope suggested.

Neera laughed and drew Penelope close. The two walked with arms interlocked to the gate. Neera bent over a little to hide her face from view, hoping her nervousness would not stop her from questioning. When the gates drew opened, she couldn’t believe how easily she had gotten over the difficult part of the escape.

Penelope didn’t even hide her joy at the victory once outside. She clapped and laughed, and when the realization hit that they were still within the area of the premise, she pulled at Neera’s arm and tugged her along the way.

A painful memory sliced through Neera as they walked the cart that had once trudged along that path and landed her in a room of hell. She shuddered, and Penelope felt it.

“Are you okay?” She asked.

Neera nodded. “I am just glad some things are behind me.”

Penelope gave her arm an encouraging squeeze. They walked down the road a bit, and they were fortunate enough to find a carriage that would carry them into town. Neera stuck her head outside the window, and she inhaled the smell of the Kingdom; even though it was all dust and freedom, it smelt divine.

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