To Bewitch a Devil

Chapter 109

109 Wake up

Quickly, Zavian gave instructions to his guards to get every guard in the palace to search for her. With that, he stormed off to the only other person he guessed she might be with.

Zavian banged on the door immediately he reached it, and it didn’t take long for the person on the other end to open up.

“Your Highness?” Axel called out, surprised. Zavian moved past him and into the room, searching everywhere.

“Where is she?” He bellowed.

“Where is who?” Axel asked looking perplexed; what was going on?

“Neera, where is she? Did she come to see you?”

Axel frowned. “I have no reason to hide her, and she is not here. What is going on?”

Zavian looked at Axel and he looked surprised and confused; seeing that he knew nothing, he walked past him and out of the door.

As he walked out of the room, his mind scattered in a million different pieces. Did she run away? Did he scare her that much last night? Was she sent on an errand? He had forbidden her from working anywhere except his chambers, so why would she disobey a his orders and make him worry the way he did?


“Your Majesty”, a guard called over to him, panting as he stopped in front of him. “She was seen leaving the castle in a hurry this morning, she hasn’t been back ever since.”

At this point, Zavian was certain something was wrong. He could feel the blood rising to his brain, clouding his thinking and becoming hot with rage. No, she wouldn’t just leave like that, she wouldn’t. She had always said she had nowhere to go, and she knew outside the palace grounds were not safe for her, as she couldn’t go about looking like Lilah.

Zavian could feel it in his bones, he knew that something was wrong. So he acted fast. He called for Azriel, and ordered the search of the Castle grounds and outside the palace walls. They were to search through every nook and cranny of the entire town until they found her.

“I think you are just panicking,” Azriel told him as he walked after him into his study. “She must have gone to get something, and would be back before dawn.”

“Without telling anyone where she was going to or who she was meeting?” Zavian shot at him.

Azriel was quiet for a second and then he spoke;

“I don’t think it looks good sending your soldiers to find a mere maid...”

At his words, Zavian stared daggers at him. Azriel kept quiet instantly. Zavian looked like he could kill him if he continued talking. The last time he had seen Zavain this out of control with his emotions was when he lost Lilah. This was what he feared; his friend passing through that same torture he had seen him go through before.

Zavian stopped his aimless pacing. “Bring Freya to me.”

“You know your sister; she wouldn’t do anything to help. If anything, she is happy that the girl is missing.” Azriel said.

“I’m not asking for her help. She tried to kill her the first time, I won’t be surprised if she tried to do it again, bring her to me.” Zavian orders and Azriel nodded and walked out the room.

As soon as Azriel walked out the room, Zavian dropped into his couch. He had tried to calm his pounding heart, and believe she had just gone to get something; but he couldn’t. He knew Neera, she couldn’t leave the castle without telling him.

Zavian shut his eyes as he tried to control his rage; oh god, if Freya had anything to do with this, he wasn’t going to forgive her.

His thoughts were cut short when the door pushed open, and Freya walked in, Azriel following behind.

“Freya, please... if you’re with the girl, let her go. I promised to do whatever you want, this was the only thing I asked of you, why would you not listen?”

Zavian asked; pain in his eyes. Freya couldn’t believe her eyes, she didn’t know if she should be angry at the lack of trust on her brother’s part or the fact that he thought she would use underhanded means to hurt Neera.

“I do not have any reason to hurt her.” Freya spoke; her eyes looking visibly angry at the accusation.

“Freya...” Zavian called; but instantly Freya burst out laughing.

“Do you think if I wanted to hurt her; I’ll do it like this? Come on, brother; it’s over a thousand years and you do not know me?

I’ll suck the bloom out her veins and leave her for dead right in front of the castle and you would do nothing. I let her be because of you, how dare you try to accuse me?”

The room instantly became quiet and Freya became visibly angry.

“Now I think about it; is this not good news? I think the person who had killed her did a good thing, don’t you think? At least, you’ll concentrate on your duties and let the dead remain dead.”

At her words, Zavian swept to where she was and before she could react, she was up against the wall, his hands around her neck. Freya turned pale and clawed at the hand at her neck. She could feel the sting of his claws on her skin, his eyes turned red and his fangs were out.

“Do not forget your place,” he seethed, his hands clawing into her skin.

“You seem to have forgotten what is required of you, your majesty,” Freya managed to choke out. Zavian raised her higher, and she winced out a laughter; “Wake up, Brother. Lilah is dead!”

Zavian tightened his hand around her neck at her words, she struggled against his hand as she kicked her legs into the air.


Azriel called when he noticed it was getting out of hand; he didn’t want to interfere between them, but Freya looked out of breathe.

With a thud, Zavian let her go and she fell to the ground. She gasped for air, coughing and wiping away the bit of blood from his piercing claws. Without a single word to any of them, Zavian turned to the door and walked out of the room.

It was almost nightfall, and there was still no sign or news on Neera’s whereabouts. Everyone avoided the King as much as they could, and they all knew better than to call his attention to other affairs that needed his catering. It was Azriel who had prevented Zavian from going out to look for her himself, it will only reinforce the public rumours that the King cared a little too much for the maid.

Freya was right, Zavian needed to wake up, but no one knew how to wake him.

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