This Girl Forced to Become an Entertainment Company Boss

Chapter 69: 069

Chapter 69


"Wasn't it like that before?"

"She's really become the boss now."

"Ahhh wife please use your power to give me special treatment!!!"

"It wasn't before. Previously, someone named Xi Tong owned 100%, but now Jiejiu Medicine owns 90%, Xi Tong owns 5%, and Cong Lixia owns 5%. Cong Lixia is still the supervisor, and Xi Tong is still the legal representative and beneficiary."

"Wow... Jiejiu Medicine is now the executive director."

"Jiejiu Medicine went from general manager to executive director in just one year. How much money did she make?! [dumbfounded]"

"Even more shocking is that Jiejiu Medicine just graduated today... Today!"

"Jiejiu Medicine isn't just the executive director, she's also the executive president and CEO."

"Aren't executive president and CEO the same thing?"

"No, they're two separate positions, but usually held by the same person."

"As a Jiang fan, I'm tingling with excitement. It's hard to imagine what the company went through internally during this time."

"Who would have thought that after watching so many talent shows and being a fan for so many years, we'd end up following an executive director."

"So Jiejiu Medicine now holds multiple positions?"

"Yeah... I can't even imagine how rich she must be now."

"I always thought Jiang Juyou was the boss, turns out she wasn't."

Jiejiu Medicine didn't even have time to finish reading the post. She had just clicked on it when her attention was drawn away by the system's words.

The calm male voice said, "It means that from now on, Random Entertainment will be officially taken over by you. It belongs to you."

Jiang Juyou's brain was still having trouble processing this. She tilted her head and glanced at the contents of the post again, frowning as she finished reading it.

His voice continued, "When you clicked agree, all the procedures were completed. Don't worry, I've taken care of everything."

Jiang Juyou, sitting in the back seat of the car, had a belly full of questions. She glanced at the driver in the front seat and, after much hesitation, could only communicate with the system using her inner voice.

"Wait... Don't you need money to buy shares? Where did I get the money from?"

"My head's turned to mush. What's going on here?"

"...How did it suddenly become mine?"

Almost immediately after that post appeared, all the fan groups were flooded with news about Random Entertainment's change in equity structure. Marketing accounts sprang into action, screenshotting and posting on Weibo, and the topic quickly rose to become a trending search.

Fans who had just been joking about Jiang Juyou finally graduating were also stunned by this news... Wasn't Jiang Juyou the boss before?

Most people had assumed Jiang Juyou was the owner of Random Entertainment, but who would have thought, Jiang Juyou was really just an employee before.

"Nothing to say, I've been promoted from general manager's wife to boss's wife."

"But Jiang Juyou was pretty much like the boss before, she had to manage everything."

"Will this change affect anything? Will she still be in charge of the trainees?"

"Oh my... Executive Director, CEO, Executive President, Artistic Director, Chief Producer. Jiejiu Medicine, you..."

"We're all graduates, but the joys and sorrows between people are truly different. Jiejiu Medicine gets promoted to big boss, while I graduate into unemployment [heartbroken]"

"I'm on my knees begging Jiang Juyou, please, hire me!"

"It's super hard to get into Random Entertainment now. Every position requires at least a bachelor's degree and three years of experience."

When Jiang Juyou first appeared on the show, people had already dug up information about Jiejiu Medicine. Now they're revisiting that material, and no matter how they look at it, her life seems extraordinary.

A second-tier university, liberal arts major, specifically ideological and political education. Yet during her internship, she entered an entertainment company that had nothing to do with her major. After working for a week, she was promoted to Artistic Director and Chief Producer. A year later, she overtook the boss and became the largest shareholder.


Who wouldn't call this inspirational? Not just fans, even casual observers were impressed. Especially after hearing that Jiang Juyou had just graduated today, everyone's mental state took another hit.

Meanwhile, in the car, Jiang Juyou had composed herself. She patted her legs as if dusting off non-existent dirt, steadied her nerves, and asked the system, "...So what will my salary be from now on?"

This was a question they had discussed long ago, but never in such detail. This was the first time they were directly addressing this issue.

"Whatever you want it to be."


After a blank two seconds, fireworks started going off in Jiang Juyou's head. Slowly, her eyes began to sparkle.

She asked again, her voice floating, "I can set it to whatever I want?"


After the system finished speaking, it paused, "But we should still be practical--"

"I understand!" Jiang Juyou cut him off with a wave of her hand. "The company is all mine now, what wouldn't I understand?"

With her new status, even her sitting posture changed. Jiang Juyou crossed her legs and casually flicked her hair.

She picked up her phone again and started looking up real estate agent contacts. "Finally, I don't have to live at the company anymore!"


The employees of Random Entertainment were equally shocked by this news. They first saw the announcement on the company's internal software, then learned more detailed information online.

Their feelings were similar to those of the netizens. Since they had never seen the big boss, Jiang Juyou was like the boss to them. But after seeing this announcement, their feelings were different.

The group of people who had just started work were whispering at their desks, "...Do you think there will be any more position changes within our company?"

"The boss is only 22... She's 22... I'm 22..."

"Multiple positions, feels like the boss had multiple positions before too, even had to plan albums herself."

"Will the boss give out red envelopes?"

At this moment, Jiang Juyou had just gotten out of the car at the school and was immediately noticed by passing students. They quickly started spreading the news and raised their phones to film Jiang Juyou.

Others might not be as familiar with Jiang Juyou as they were, but she was from their school, from their department. It would be hard not to recognize that face.

Jiang Juyou was wearing a light beige suit with a high-necked white pearlescent shirt underneath. The collar was open, and she was wearing a pearl necklace.

Her lower half was dressed in a darker fishtail suit skirt, paired with thin high heels. Jiang Juyou, who usually went for a cool, mature look, seemed more ladylike today.

She held her phone in her hand and after walking a few steps forward, noticed people in the distance pointing their phones at her.

Jiang Juyou, who usually coldly ignored such things, surprisingly raised her hand and waved today.

As she lowered her hand, Jiang Juyou inwardly sighed: Indeed, money makes people kinder.

The students in the distance saw Jiang Juyou wave at them and let out small screams.



"Senior, please hire me, I'm begging you!"

Jiang Juyou, walking alongside a teacher, turned back to look when she heard this, and even smiled.

Now she couldn't answer casually, nor could she push the responsibility onto the boss, because she was the boss now.

What a sweet predicament.

But as she turned her head back, her mood changed again. She had been thinking about her promotion and raise, and forgot about the impromptu speech she had to give on stage soon.


Jiang Juyou's face immediately turned cold as she started recalling the content she had memorized last night, while still occasionally answering the teachers' questions. Her brain was processing several things at once.


At this time, Jiang Tang, who had just woken up, and Jiang Liuxing, who had just finished class, were frantically tagging Jiang Juyou in their group chat.

"Jiang Tang Will Definitely Be Famous Next Year: How did you suddenly become so rich?"

"Liuxing is the Ziwei Star: The internet says your monthly salary is a million, is that true, sister [starry eyes]"

"Jiang Tang Will Definitely Be Famous Next Year: Monthly salary of a million??? Wasn't it eight thousand?"

"Liuxing is the Ziwei Star: Sis, can you get me in now? Tang sis is already in! I want in too!"

"Jiang Tang Will Definitely Be Famous Next Year: Executive director, oh my..."

"Jiang Tang Will Definitely Be Famous Next Year: Suddenly feeling so good, having such a connection, I can walk sideways from now on."

"Liuxing is the Ziwei Star: So can we increase the limit on our family's debt a bit? The sooner we pay it off, the sooner we'll be free."

"Jiang Tang Will Definitely Be Famous Next Year: No, I can't come up with that :)"

"Liuxing is the Ziwei Star: @Juyou's Grocery Store, sis you hid it so deep, how could you keep this to yourself!!!"

"Jiang Tang Will Definitely Be Famous Next Year: Exactly!!! Not telling others is one thing, but why didn't you tell us!"

"Liuxing is the Ziwei Star: I want a Hermès."

"Jiang Tang Will Definitely Be Famous Next Year: Me too!"

At this moment, Jiang Juyou was sitting in the first row of the auditorium, surrounded by teachers and with cameras in front of her. Unable to check her phone, she could only feel the vibrations in her pocket.

After the dean finished speaking, applause erupted from the audience, and Jiang Juyou joined in, raising her hands to clap.

Immediately after, the dean introduced the graduates below: "Now, let's welcome our outstanding graduate of this year, Jiang Juyou!"

Jiang Juyou, sitting in the audience, was wearing her graduation gown, with her sparkly high heels peeking out from underneath.

As she climbed the steps one by one, everyone's attention was drawn first to her dazzling shoes, then to her face, with comments like:

"Was Jiang Juyou always this beautiful?"

"Fame really does wonders for one's appearance..."

"But she hasn't debuted yet."

"Money does wonders!"

"If I dressed like that, I'd look good too!"

"Not necessarily."


The audience was abuzz with chatter, while members of the new media club were taking commemorative photos.

Taking advantage of this cover, Liu Yue openly crouched in the aisle, taking pictures of Jiang Juyou.

After walking a few steps to the center of the stage, Jiang Juyou first bowed to everyone, then introduced herself: "Hello everyone, I'm Jiang Juyou—"

As soon as this simple introduction was finished, even louder applause erupted from the audience.

Jiang Juyou held onto the microphone, straightened up, and looked at the sea of faces below.

Before coming, she thought she would be nervous, and believed so even until she got in the car. But after her change in status, her mood suddenly shifted.

It really was different now.

"I am a graduate of this year, and also the executive director of Random Entertainment."

The applause from below grew even louder—

Jiang Juyou thought: I wish I could go to the bank right now, withdraw money, and throw it from the rooftop!


The debt was jointly repaid by the three sisters, but it was in Jiang Tang's name because she was the only adult at the time. Currently, they didn't need to worry about it being exposed.


The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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