Theatrical Regression Life

Chapter 570

Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 570

Episode 570,

‘Jung Eun-woo’s Project to Make It Easy’, the atmosphere at the concert hall was harsh.

“Why did you tie me up…?”

“Because I committed a sin.”

“? “Have you regressed?”


“Did I say shit last time?”



Song In-myeong, who was tied up by Jeong In-ho and thrown into room 11, looked on with a straight face.

“This is all a conspiracy.”

“And now you’re going to deny the fact that I saw it myself? Where on earth could there be room for a conspiracy to intervene here? “Where on earth is there room for that?”

“There is no way a good and sincere student like me would have done something like a troll.”

“If having no conscience is a crime, then you are already in prison for life.”

Realizing that everything was over, Song In-myeong begged in his unique, drawn-out tone.

“Oh, brother, please just look at me for once… I’m really confident that I will listen well…”

“It’s really hard for me to forgive you because I know your future.”

“I’m going to be cute and talk softly until you let me go.”

“I guess I committed a big sin and was reincarnated before I was born as Jeong In-ho, a human being on Earth…” “

Why do you keep saying ‘What sin did I commit in my past life’ for so long? When you were a child in high school, did you tend to get poor Korean scores?”

“I haven’t decided how to kill you yet, so please be quiet.”

Before my hand slips in anger and kills me.

‘You radioactive pollutant.’


Jeong In-ho took off his glasses and pressed the bridge of his nose with his finger.


I felt a little dizzy, but I couldn’t tell if it was the effect of the regression or Song In-myeong’s nonsense. Maybe it was both, or there could have been other factors.

And if we look for another factor, there was also the presence of Lee Jae-heon.

‘How should I overcome this hardship and adversity?’

It was already clear that Ha Seong-yoon, who must have returned together, would grab Jeong In-ho by the collar as soon as he arrived at the concert hall and tell him off.

‘It’s fate.’

That would happen for the crime of keeping Song In-myeong alive instead of killing him in the last episode, and this time, even Jung In-ho could not resist the punishment. I am already delirious with self-destruction.

‘No matter what, I never thought that a human in the form of humanity would do something like that… At least Lee Jae-heon cooperated well until he died.’

I should have kept in mind that if the other person is wrong, he or she is just a bastard who has a plan and is lazy. It wasn’t a realization too late as I had to regress, but it was also a fact I regretted enough.

“So, try crawling here first.”

“Are you crazy to treat me like a caterpillar?”

“The caterpillar is cuter than you. I don’t know if I’m comparing myself to a caterpillar because I have nothing to compare it to. “Anyway, it’s hard to look at your disgusting behavior, so please stay here for a moment.”

“Then what are you going to do?”

“I think things can proceed properly once all the regressors from this episode gather together…”

“Ignoring me?”

Jeong In-ho, completely ignoring Song In-myeong, closed the door to room number 11. I heard some grumbling coming from inside, but I didn’t make a fuss.

‘I guess he knows that being quiet is beneficial in the current situation.’

Song In-myeong, a serial killer with a certain degree of self-objectification, had an excellent ability to understand his situation. He was even good at not only understanding things, but also pleasing others with his high pride.

There was no way Song In-myeong didn’t know the danger of the current situation. As the saying goes, if Song In-myeong causes trouble and makes the returnees uncomfortable, death will only take a moment.


Now, I wonder why Song In-myeong, who can tie both hands with just Jung In-ho, was so threatening in the last episode….

‘Because this is a secret world.’

If we recall the case of Kang Min-ah, even if the feeling was a sense of responsibility, just by being distracted by something, the survivor of the other side of the world was able to exert strength beyond her capabilities.

‘Furthermore, Song In-myeong is a difficult opponent from the very beginning… and is much more vulnerable to emotions such as anger and irritation than ordinary people. ‘I was quite angry in the last episode, so I guess you could say my strength temporarily increased.’

It was a similar feeling in the last episode.


After organizing his thoughts, In-ho Jeong approached Jae-heon Lee, who was standing in front of the fish tank.



“…Yes, senior.”


“I’m really annoyed.”

The fact that he only reacted to the word ‘senior’ also meant that Lee Jae-heon was truly out of his mind. Every time he called Lee Jae-heon “senpai,” Jeong In-ho felt his stomach become twice as frustrated.

“Then can I check your neck again?”

Earlier, out of frustration, he backed off for a moment to restrain Song In-myeong, a dangerous bomb. However, if I regained my composure and thought about it as much as possible, it was essential to check Jaeheon Lee’s condition.

“Why do you keep refusing to do health checks? It must be because something is wrong with your body, right? It’s obvious, because the manager has always been like that. “When you have a problem, you act more brazen and like an old man to divert people’s attention.”

“It’s too harsh to say you’re an old man….”

“…Okay, let’s take a look at your neck for a moment.”

Fortunately, Jaeheon Lee did not refuse or run away.


Is it because the gills are still intact?

Lee Jae-heon showed great aversion to being worried about himself the more he was damaged, so unlike the last episode, he may have felt less aversion to showing his unscathed gills.

‘…I checked again and there was definitely no bleeding. It certainly seems like the situation has returned to the situation just before it was torn apart…’

Jeong In-ho said calmly.

“I’m glad you didn’t tear it.”

Lee Jae-heon, who was blinking, answered.

“I want you to look at my fingers.”




Immediately after returning, In-ho Jeong guessed the condition of Jae-heon Lee’s gills by looking at his fingers, which refused to check for injuries. The fingers are not as red as before.

Jaeheon Lee also seemed to have noticed that gaze.

“…You didn’t hurt your gills just because I noticed?”

“…I think you’ve returned…”

“Aha, that’s right.”

If you think about it, even though Lee Jae-heon was crazy, he seemed to have partial memories. One of the things Lee Jae-heon remembered was that Jeong In-ho was a regressor, and he seemed to have interpreted Jeong In-ho’s behavior based on that information.

‘And since I, who returned, was sensitive to Lee Jae-heon’s condition, I thought I shouldn’t hurt him… That’s why, unlike the last time, I didn’t touch his gills.’

I roughly understood it.



“…It’s a shame.”


“For some reason, the manager did not injure himself, but he will probably get injured soon.”


“You can’t become a monster.”

Not all survivors died immediately after Lee Jae-heon switched places with Park Da-hoon. Even though Jeong In-ho died without being able to escape the aquarium, he had been thinking about the next episode with the returnees until then.

And among those concerns, of course, was the topic of Lee Jae-heon.

“The type of mutation you are experiencing now… they say that if the relevant part is removed, the progression will be stopped, at least temporarily. “I found that information somewhere in those rooms.”

“I remember.”

“Oh, I guess I’ve already found the information. Well, it seems like it was a situation where the survivors were looking for their wetsuits. that’s right. “I already found information about the mutation and reported it to the wetsuit team on Detective Hong Gyeong-jun’s side.”

This was the problem with regression.

‘I can’t tell what situation I’m in right now…’

Jeong In-ho blinked once and continued speaking in a stern tone.

“In the last episode, the survivors were more anxious because the manager turned into a monster. “I didn’t have much free time, and there were various problems… so I feel like the ending was too rough.”

“Then what if I die?”

“If I thought dying would solve everything, I wouldn’t have said anything.”

This was not a situation that could be resolved with something as simple as death.

“…I think you should cut off the gills like last time.”

Only if Lee Jae-heon continued to cut off raw flesh was he able to extract what little leeway he had.

“Actually, I didn’t cut it out completely last time. Ha Seong-yoon said he was left with a crude injury, as if his gills had been ripped off… How are you feeling now?”

“I feel like air is flowing through my throat.”

“Can you breathe through those gills?”

“…I don’t have that feeling….”

“That’s good news.”

Because it had a hole in its neck, it could feel the air flowing through it, but it was still unable to receive oxygen through its gills. This meant that the gills were only in shape and were not functioning as respiratory organs.

So, in short, the mutation has progressed less.

“I’m not sure if this is slower or faster than last time. Because the manager damaged the gills before checking its function…”


“…Even if the part is removed, it will continue to regenerate during the transformation into a monster. And you can’t let it completely regenerate. “This is a situation where we can’t just let the manager turn into a monster.”


Jaeheon Lee was especially quick at understanding this part.

“Don’t we just have to keep ripping it off?”

“…That’s it.”

Although it may sound ignorant.

‘…In a way, I didn’t mean to scold Lee Jae-heon in the last episode.’

The bleeding wound, which looked like an attempt to rip out the gills, was not self-inflicted. Thinking back to the disgust of Jeong Eun-woo, who turned into a monster and crawled on the ceiling, it was luck that Lee Jae-heon’s transformation was slow.

‘If Jung Eun-woo and Lee Jae-heon had become monsters, no one would have been able to survive.’

So now Jung In-ho had to urge Lee Jae-heon to do what he does best.

“Or… would it be better for me to take it off myself?”

“Do you have the courage to do that, junior?”

“I would appreciate it if you thought of it as something like your final conscience.”

“If a junior who is not a doctor removes it, it will only take longer.”

“That’s right.”

If Ha Seong-yoon had been around, I probably would have entrusted the extraction to him, but it was a shame.

‘But… it can’t be any later.’

The sooner Lee Jae-heon’s mutation could be stopped, the better it was for the survivors. In a situation where we did not know exactly where Ha Seong-yoon was, we could not put off removing Lee Jae-heon’s gills while waiting for a skilled doctor to arrive.

“…So you’re saying you’re going to do it yourself?”

Jaeheon Lee answered with a deep smile.

“Because it’s what I do best.”

“…I know.”

“Don’t worry, junior.”


“It reminds me of the old days and is fun….”

It would have been better if that obnoxious mouth had been kept shut.

– Crump!!



If I had done that, I would have felt a little less frustrated.

‘…the sound…’

was disgusting.

“… Cluck….”

“….” “

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (( ((…)))

The blood flowing out of the hole in the throat and the mouth was disgusting to the internal organs and the sound became clearer as the person closed his eyes. As the sound continued, it seemed that Jaeheon Lee was unable to rip off the gills in one go.

“this… “It’s hard to take it out…”

“…It’s difficult to take it out.”

“I got caught…”

“Yes, I see.”

“…the hole is small.”

Then I heard the sound of vomiting again.


“It’s done.”

When I opened my eyes, Jaeheon Lee was holding something bright red in his hand.

It seemed to be Jaeheon Lee’s gills.

“…Thank you for your effort.”

Seeing that bright red appearance, Jung In-ho seemed to hear the sound of the glass box that had imprisoned Lee Jae-heon in the previous episode breaking. It was the sound of large pieces of glass breaking into pieces and falling into his ears and brain.

In the end, it is more effective to torment this poor human…

(continued in the next episode)

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