The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 45: The Impatient Goddess

"So that's how it is!" Eris smacked her fist in her palm with a grin, that makes a lot of sense now!" She added nodding while the other heroes nodded and agreed with her.

"Yeah," Sol nodded as well. "Ikaris is indeed special in that way, without her help I'd have died that day, and I spent the next few weeks pretending to be her fiance to dissuade her mother from forcing her to marry that asshole, and in the end, she kind of just took to me I guess." Sol cooked up his false story and served it to them on a silver platter.

"It's not every day you get to meet the top 1% huh?" Eris stared at Ikaris shocked. "I'm totally impressed,"

"Pardon me, but this top 1% you speak of, what exactly does it even mean?"

"On earth there's this rumoured percentage of people who nobody knows about or knows enough about to even utter a sentence in their name, the richest people in the world who can do whatever they want to whomever they want, even the government's and countries have to obey them, they basically own the world." Dina seemed depressed while she answered, no wonder he called Ikaris goddess.

"Getting someone like that to acknowledge you is usually a death sentence, but Sol managed to not only avoid getting killed by Ikaris's mother, but he made her change her mind as well, that's kind of scary if you give it a little thought," She pursed her lips, and Sol nodded in agreent to her statement.

"It was terrifying, and I did almost die a few times but it paid off in the end; the shit I learned in that single month is worth a lifetime of experience, and it's all I can attribute to my current power, the strong eat the weak, that's all there is to life." Sol clenched his fist with an eery smile at everyone.

"There are a lot of things that this does not explain-"

"And there are a lot of things that I'll never tell," Sol raised a brow at Arla. "Unless you want to make a Heart Oath with me, I won't even consider telling anything too important." Sol stood up and walked to the window with Ikaris following behind him while the half elf fumbled through her mind.

"Mimic allows me to copy the power of anyone who I study, using something like swords and spears became second nature after Ikaris's brother drilled them into me to the bone every day for a month andagic here has multiplied my skills hundredfold...

I've been copying Sara's magic and venturing out into the unknown every night to fight some crazy battles; challenging myself agsint some terrifying monsters, and the results speak for themselves," Sol turned to them.

"If you want to grow stronger, do so in battle, training has brought you this far but only the real thing can help you improve any further,"

[Activating shadowstep. Activating smokescreen]

Sol took hold of Ikaris's hand and moved so fast it gave the impression that they teleported away, and the resounding magic made an almost perfect copy of Sara's teleportation technique's residue whenever she used it.

"It was a lot less than I expected, honestly," Dina sighed and looked at everyone else to which they all agreed.

"He's definitely holding something back from us," Han sneered, but left it at that and started walking to the door. "Well, whatever, I'll see you all in the morning."

"Milady, are you okay?" Sara asked Renia who was sitting quietly with her hands balled into fists that crunched up her dress as she bit her lips.

"Lady Renia?" Arla rested her hand on the goddesses shoulder, bringing her back to the present and jolting her from her thoughts.

"...Sorry, I will be taking my leave now," Renia stood and waved her hand toward the empty corner of the room, and a black and crimson gate appeared with wind howling through it on the inside.

[The goddess of war stares at you curiously]

[The goddess of war wishes to know what you learnt]

"Ah, does anyone else feel... strange, like something happened that we somehow missed?" Renia asked the people in the room, and they all denied such a feeling, leaving her even more confused.

"How could... No, my memory has a lapse, why can I not remember... What happened?" She mumbled to herself as she waved and left through her portal.

[The goddess of chaos is in a state of confusion]

[The goddess of war watches with curiosity]

"Master," Ikaris sat on their bed behind Sol with her legs around his shoulders while he sat on the ground with his legs crossed and his back turned. "Have you grown weary of the Arkadian Pantheon?" She asked, slowly dragging her fingers through his hair while he played with a tesseract made of fine light.

"Not at all, I just don't feel like entertaining them right now; after what Diablos did, I need to calm down a lot before I can face another god, otherwise regardless of what kind of fight they propose I'm going to try killing them with every bit of residual hatred still festering inside of me," Sol answered, closing his eyes and resting his head on her leg causing her to sigh and start massaging his shoulders.

"The only time I have ever seen you relaxed is when you are by my side," Ikaris stated, and he chuckled. "You trust none but me."

"That is because you are the only one I can and will ever trust," He turned and stood before her. "I have said it before, but you somehow didn't hear; Ikaris, after losing everything on Atla, and then returning to Earth and seeing that there was nothing at all waiting for me, I realised that you were all I had left of both worlds," Sol stared down at her while she held on to his pants expectantly.

"I cherish, I adore, I love you, master," Ikaris went teary eyed when Sol rested his hand on her head and smiled down at her.

"You're everything to me, my whole world, I can't lose you. Never." He leaned forward and pushed her onto the bed causing her hair to spread around her head as her eyes and her skin lit up revealing her ethereal self as her ears slightly elongated and her body glowed.

"Master," Ikaris reached out to Sol's face, and he slowly leaned past her arms that closed behind him and pressed his forehead against her breasts while his own eyes started glowing cerulean and their clothes began burning away.

[I am telling you, my memories have been tampered with!] Renia sat on a throne of chaos next to Dr'ul who was not buying into that. [Time was not tampered with, and we only had one conversation, so how could she have tampered with my mind and how am I unaware of when it happened?] Renia asked, shaking her four hands while chaos raged around her.

[Do you dare to confront her about it?] Dr'ul asked, referring to Ikaris, but Renia showed immediate hesitation as she remembered the power she had sensed within Ikaris's fleshly vessel.

[Forget about ever fighting her, to do so is to invite death and annihilation upon the entire pantheon!] Renia warned the battle-frenzied Dr'ul, who only nodded with a thin smile.

[Yes, I remember quite clearly the first time she looked at me, on the night after their arrival] Dr'ul admitted. [A divinity so pure and ancient that she might as well be the progenitor itself, the first god, the creator of all dimensions, the one whom we all should answer to]

[That is absurd to even think about, Sister]

[And yet, here I am thinking about it] Dr'ul shrugged and relaxed in her throne. [So, how did it feel being by the side of Sol Vestic?] She asked.

[That presumptuous man is beyond me] Renia pressed her fingers on her forehead and turned her black eyes to Dr'ul, leaning on her throne and crossing her legs with a chuckle. [Clearly, he should fear me, I am stronger than he is, I am the goddess of chaos!

But he is fearless, and at first I attributed it to him being protected by Ikaris, but that is a false and dangerous belief] Renia looked at her sister who returned a frown of confusion.

[Ikaris does not protect Sol, she does not order him around, she does not see him as a subject at all, to her he is the man whom she loves with her eternity, he is her protector and her shepherd]

[I would have never assumed it even though I have heard her say this] Dr'ul pressed her fingers against her lips.

[Sol only regards her as goddess by title when he is annoyed, to him, Ikaris is just a woman, it is fascinating and terrifying how a human has been able to capture the attention, devotion and affection of such a being, it makes no sense whatsoever!] Renia clapped all her hands at once.

She expected her to be somewhat intimidated, but instead she saw her sister's hair light up and turn to pure fire as she began chuckling.


[I am estatic!] Dr'ul laughed louder as a blush crept across her face, making Renia uncomfortable. [I am absolutely estatic!] Dr'ul exclaimed again, summoning her sword and stabbing it into the ground, causing her chambers to tremble and the heavens to rumble with her laughter.

[I have long wanted to battle against a god, but would you know the pantheon has never once had a dispute, they fear war, they all fear me!] Dr'ul looked at her sister who seemed terribly uncomfortable being in her presence when she was like this.

[But Sol, he made my hand tremble after two swings of my sword, and he dared to call me by name, he has promised me a fight and I am estatic, I am intrigued!] Dr'ul laughed while her cheeks reddened even more.

[But if he dies-]

[He will not!] Dr'ul looked over at Renia. [Sol is basically a god already, the power he wields, the control he wields, the terror of his rage, he is the perfect opponent, the first in a thousand millennium of cowards who refused to look me in the eye!] She stood and swung her sword several times in the empty space.

[That man acknowledged me, stared me in the face and promised that he will be my opponent, and I am thrilled beyond my wildest fantasies!]

[I am impatient, I am mad with impatience!]

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