The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 108: Primordial Chaos Demon God.

[Mana: 70k/105k]

Dina checked her status and was about to try her hand at stopping the large body crashing toward them, but Sara cleared her throat and raised her hand, and another moment later they were far out of the range of the moon fragment.

"Sara?" Arla turned and looked at her, and she smiled unapologetically at the mage captain and lowered her hand again.

"My role is to cut the cost of travel as well as help you all conserve your mana, considering the way your fights have been going recently it is wise to assume that demons and the demon god are targeting you when your guard is the lowest, even if sir Vestic is fighting her and lady Ikaris is with him that leaves us with the hard question asking when the next ambush will be?" Sara explained the reason behind her actions, aiming her sights on Dina who's magic she could feel subsiding.

"When did that become your call?" Bruce looked at her, but both Usami and Dina shook their heads in agreement of the maid's choice; it was a sensible one.

"No, Bruce, I agree with her, aside from Arla and Sara the rest of us are still recovering from the ambush this morning, and the demon god chose a time like this to attack, she watches and exploits every moment of weakness whether that is Sol's absence or the times we drop our guards, it's been happening ever since we separated from the army." Dina took Sara's side on this matter and took a seat, closing her eyes along with Eris and Usami.

"The mana around us is increasing violently because of whatever happened, I'm worried sick about Sol and Ikaris but I can't help but want to recover faster in case I have to fight without them from now on." Dina admitted bitterly. "I don't want to be helpless."

"From now on?" Bruce raised his brow and narrowed his eyes at her. "Are you thinking you stand a chance against something that can destroy a fucking moon on a whim?" He snapped gesturing to the sky as moon particles continued to fall across, around and above them. "Without Sol, without Ikaris, we're all dead!"

"I thought for sure you'd change after what happened the last time, but it seems you're still the same coward." Eris tore off her hanging sleeve a d used a strip of it to catch her hair into a low ponytail and get it out of her face. "Have you forgotten, Bruce?" She asked.

"If you don't have the strength just get stronger, if you're not prepared then start getting ready, do you think that if he doesn't return we'll be safe or are you just accepting death by the hands of that cruel monst-"


Everyone jolted and sprung into active fight mode when something fell through the atmosphere faster than the moon fragments and crashed a few hundred feet away, radiating mana into the air like a piece of sun.

"... Master Vestic!" Arla snapped after a few seconds of observing the mana, she ran without care in the direction of the crater and after her went Dina, Sara, Eris, Usami and then Bruce in that same order.

The closer they got the more dense the mana in the area became until Arla had to stop feet away when it became hard to breathe from physical mana particles choking the air around them.

"She could hear Ikaris sobbing, but it was too bright for her to see anything in the crater so she took a few steps back and just stood there staring, unable to approach.

The others all did the same with Sara failing to create a link because Ikaris's mana had erased all shadows.

"Come now, that was merely one strike!" They all heard a roar from above before Sitri appeared, crashing in a similar manner and leaving a crater of violent mana which she quickly absorbed and walked out of. "Stand up, Stand up and keep fighting me!" She stopped on the opposite side of the white mana and stared at the heroes' party.

"Or maybe, I should start killing these other weaklings, starting from the least liked shield weakling to the cherished mage weaklings?"

"Do not dare!" Ikaris screamed in rage emerging from the pool of mana and gathering it as she stood with her hands wide open blocking everyone behind her from Sitri. "Stay away from my friends... Otherwise I will show you no mercy!"

"How repulsive." Sitri scoffed, causing Ikaris to flinch and her divine mana to dim as she summoned a sword in her grasp and held it shakily; Sitri was powerful, far more so than she could have imagined, Sol's current state was proof of that, whether it was her divine self that was useless against her or her human avatar which was too weak to stand up to her, she stood no chance against this creature.

"Stay away!" Ikaris snapped again when Sitri took another step, shrinking in size and clutching her sword with both hands as her divinity was suppressed and her Arkadian mana violently came to life. "I forbid it, I forbid you!" She grit her teeth taking a step backwards.

"Your power has no sway over me, forbidding me does nothing, you gods are all the same no matter the dimension, flaunting authority and power as if you think you own anything, do you think those disgusting divine powers of yours can harm even a hair on my head, Goddess Ikaris!?" Sitri's tail whipped and slapped against the ground causing a quake destabilise the surrounding for miles in an instant.

"The universe is owned by us demon gods; the true gods, you creatures that call yourselves divinity are slaves where I come from, the powerless playthings of my kind, and here it is no different, you want to see power do you, are you trying to die that quickly!?" She roared. Your existence is of no meaning to me! Negligible god of nothing!"

"Did she just call Ikaris ...a god?" Eris's mouth hung open.

"It matters not what you say, how right or wrong you are, or how much sense you might make, I still reject your existence, I still see you as inferior, I still deny you, you are nothing but a false god, Sitri!" Ikaris's eyes streamed tears as she realised what she was doing and how hopeless she was as she opposed this monster.

"You might not see the beauty in the life you continue to destroy, but what you and your kind do is wrong, the power you all flaunt is stolen-"

"Then lament as you disappear forever." Sitri calmly spoke and closed the distance between herself and Ikaris.

Ikaris snapped at the sudden act and swung her sword, but a moment later she was on her knees and Sitri was holding both her hands above her with her heel piercing her leg and drawing crimson.

"Look at you, all the power to easily end all reality and yet you so easily take knee before me." Sitri commented "Do you not understand, do I need to school you further before you recognise your place?" She asked while Ikaris coughed after being punched in the gut and left breathless.

"You so-called gods never accept your fates, even when you know that you are inferior, give in Ikaris, accept what you are and give in... I may contradict myself but if you discard your pride I might consider keeping you alive and making you my slave upon glorious return to my home, you would make a fine concubine, with such beauty...

you might just live longer, not just you, but the goddess of love here, the goddess of war, chaos, you are all rare finds that I want to return with as offerings to my lord.

If he is pleased you will bare his children and usher in the next generation of demon-gods."

"My god..." Arla held her mouth as mana began falling from the sky and crashing across everything like rain when the aftershock of the explosion finally merged with the Arkadian manasphere.

"Never." Ikaris spat on Sitri's leg and then screamed out in pain when the demon-god sunk all of her heel into her leg and twisted her foot with a disgusted scowl.

"Whatever, I can make the exemption and sell you off to the slavers too, I have no fucks to care for with your trifling kind to begin with!" Sitri cackled. "I suppose I should kill that unborn inside of you first, ugh, what a disgusting thing." Sitri aimed her sword toward Ikaris's womb and began slowly inching it closer as she pinpointed the embryo.

The falling mana stopped moving, and her slit eyes dilated as she looked up and over Ikaris's shoulder to the crater that had gone cold.

"Get away from her..." Sol emerged still in his Primordial Chaos Demon God form, his pants had survived the explosion of a celestial body thanks to it being weaved by Ikaris, but the rest of his clothes were gone revealing a ten pointed star in his chest that burned with the primordial word for "chaos" in the centre of it and a similar insignia in his back.

"I thought you went and died again." Sitri raised her sword and grabbed Ikaris's hair lifting her off the ground and smiling at him. "I am very interested in this dynamic between the two of you; a human who somehow managed to kill a demon god, and the goddess who gave him the power to do it, it is so intriguing...

But even more so is that ancient demonic power you are shamelessly wielding, how did you do it?"

"Let go of her!!" Sol hunched forward and his feet dug into the ground as he prepared to pounce, his sharp teeth gnashed and his wings beated against the ground and his tail flashed wildly from side to side."

"She's an actual god?" Bruce had somehow glazed over everything else as he focused on that one detail.


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