The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 105: Challenge System.

"Is there an evolution listed in your status bar too?"

"Evolution?" Ikaris raised a brow at Dina.

"What would I evolve into?" She asked gesturing to herself and the fact that she was already the peak of evolution.

The rest of the day had gone by relatively unevtful aside from a few straggler monsters loitering their path, thanks to that relative peace ev though they wer't on any mounts they still made it to the foot of the Northern mountains they had be seeking for the last week of travelling.

Everyone was in the middle of setting up a temporary camp in Sara's absce wh Dina sprung the question of evolution on her after calling her away from the others. "Yeah, that makes sse... Anyways, after I reached level 50 it showed up, but I don't have any idea what it means, and the system hasn't explained anything either."

"Odd," Ikaris regarded the mage with curious eyes at this late information. "Why did you not ask while everyone was prest?" She queried.

"I don't know, it felt like a ssitive subject for some reason, I hav't ev said anything to Arla yet, I came to you first." Dina answered immediately, looking a at the others.

"Have you by any chance received the blessings of one of the gods?" Ikaris asked again, and Dina's eyes wided in surprise.

"How did you know?" She asked, intding to keep this bit a secret to avoid too much questions being asked, especially from the ever-thused Arla.

"Sol had a similar option upon arrival, though it did not state anything, the only differce with him and everyone else was the fact that he had me, and with me came his blessing;[Goddess's Love], aside from that nothing else was differt." Ikaris smiled at Dina. "You have received favour from one of the gods, who was it?"

"The Goddess of Chaos, Ria." Dina lowered her tone to make sure nobody would hear her.

"She must have found something in you she liked," Ikaris hummed and leaned her head. "I missed my chance to do it myself."


"Never mind that," Ikaris redirected the question with a wave of her wrist. "I am unsure how the system goes about the progress of evolution, but I do know that Sol had to kill a god to op that option, that is pretty much all I know on the matter, if the system is remaining tight-lipped th I can answer no more, sorry." She shrugged.

"To kill a god..." Dina mused on the subject and th scoffed. "There is no way that will ever happ."

"You never know." Ikaris started walking toward the others again wh Han stood before her. "Can I help you?" Ikaris's mood took a deep and dark dive wh their eyes made four.

"Are you... able to sd me back to hell?" He asked her lowering his gaze with his shoulders stiff. "This place, this periodic peace, the fresh cool air and the blue sky, it is stifling." He raised his eyes again and found her struggling to hold her laughter. "Please."

"You think that is anything comparable to hell, do you honestly believe that you have be in hell this whole time?" Ikaris asked him, and he seemed to go numb thinking of anything worse, in that place he had be through unimaginable things, some ev worse than what Sol had done to him.

"That is not hell, and ev if I could sd you back it is not my decision to sd you back to your little piece of heav; you were left here to watch over us, are you defying your master's orders?" She narrowed her eyes again and Han's expression wt ghastly at the thought of Sol getting mad at him.

"Never, of course not, I apologise!" He lowered his head. "Excuse me!" He quickly retreated several steps and isolated himself again.

"Gosh," Dina who had observed the interaction shook her head. "I'm impressed and slightly terrified at the same time, Sol broke him to the point where he has become his opposite self, no sexual drive and nothing but fighting and struggling on his mind."

"Do not feel pity for him," Ikaris regarded Han with a spiteful gaze. "He is trash."

"That he is." Sol appeared at her side with Sara in tow. "But ev trash can be useful sometimes, it's would be a waste to kill someone with his kind of pottial, so I'm making the best of a bad thing."

"Sara!" Eris swiftly approached and checked the maid for any injuries, but not only did she find ; she also seemed to be brimming with more mana than she usually had. "What happed to you?"

"The whole reason she had to run away was because she was weak, so I helped her achieve greater strgth." Sol answered in Sara's stead and the healer turned to him with a skeptical stare.

"Helped her how?"

"None of your bees." He quipped.


"How did it go today?" Sol looked at Ikaris again, shutting Eris out completely.

"Fairly well as you likely assumed giv you did not return soo after leaving.

"Yeah, the Vermons are a handful." Sol scratched his head and looked toward Han, casting [portal] and sding him away wordlessly and th looking at the mountains that loomed over them, they were tall, and the wind that fell from them was cold almost to the point of freezing, at the very front closest to them was a peak that aimed for the clouds and th curved like the fang of a wolf while the other peaks seemed normal going further into uncharted territory and forests made of ice.

"Saber peak, was it?" Sol called loudly, and Arla perked up upon hearing his voice and ran over almost like a child would upon seeing their father return after a long day.

"Aye," She stopped and nodded.

"I can't believe that the demon-god is just on the other side of this one mountain range, isn't that too close to Argom?" Usami approached them as well, followed by a brooding Bruce Chaolong.

"It might seem like a small distance because as it is explained it is only one range, but this is the largest mountain range on Arkadia." Arla answered Usami.

"It is not an exaggeration, it was confirmed through some risky surveillance several years ago that the demon-god had built a kingdom on the other side of the range, the estimated distance is fifty-thousand miles from here and on nothing but rough mountainous terrain and that too through snowy forests and froz tundras."

"Fifty-thousand miles through freezing weather, who would willingly agree to that suicide mission?" Bruce asked.

"From this point on there is nothing but desolation and famine; had we not had Sara who is able to move freely from us and Argom the tire plan would have focused more on a massive party of veterans and several carriages of food just to get us from one d to the other... maybe." Arla answered Bruce with a raised brow. "If two scouts could make it I am sure the heroes' party is more than capable."

"On the other side of this mountain range, our greatest of battles await." Ikaris stared up at the curved mountain looming over them and huffed. "For the first time in my life I feel drastically underprepared for what lay within that desolate and foreboding fog called the future."

"You and me both," Dina shook her head. "Couldnt we just fly over?"

"Are you trying to die faster?" Sol turned to her. "The whole point of taking this treacherous path is to gain you more time and more strgth, if we did something as silly as fly across the mountains we would get there faster, and you would all die faster."

"Don't you mean we would all die faster?" Bruce raised his gaze and stared at Sol skeptically.

"Let me tell you, I have never once in my life lost a fight, until that bitch dropkicked me the other day, never, I don't lose, I always find a way, ev if I'm nothing but a bag of bones and blood, I've always kept fighting, this is no differt, no matter the power she has, I WILL win, but the same doesn't stand true for you who neglect strgth."

"Hey it's not like we have the ability to just zip off into god knows where and kill a bunch of monsters whever we feel like we're falling behind." Bruce shot back and Ikaris started laughing.

"Fairly speaking that makes sse, but do you remember that day you all foolishly challged me?" Sol asked, and the shield hero raised a brow; of course he remembered getting knocked out.

"What of it?" Eris asked seeking any opportunity she could to gain any advantage possible to increase her strgth.

"The system has challge rewards, our duel was fridly so there was ; think of it as gambling, the higher the stakes the more you gain from winning, of course it comes with its own risks." Sol educated them and Usami's jaw dropped.

"So... What happs if I stake my life?" She asked and Sol hummed and stared at her.

"At your fingertips there will be unimaginable power the likes of which you could never fathom."

"But who would we challge?"

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