The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 103: An Unexpected Occurrence. (2)

***A few momts before the attack on the camp***

Sol and Ikaris were standing over the Argomite Que whom they had caught in the room above theirs, using the same runes her daughter had used in the past after she had be caught trying to spy on them while in the act of pleasing herself.

"The only thing that could possibly cure this kind of behaviour is to completely erase her mind and build her up from scratch." Ikaris frowned staring at the Que with a brow raised in disappointmt.

"What kind of Que gives in to such degerate behaviour at the beset of her own daughter, I'm beyond appalled at your disgusting behaviour, Misty this is an offce worthy of the death palty!" Ikaris scowled. "I don't see the need in fighting for the sake of this kind of a Que ev if your world burns as a result, maybe failing wouldn't be such a bad thing."

"No way, Ikaris, failing means you die too... so no, not ev if it means saving trash, I won't," Sol replied. "In this realm, there's nowhere the demon god wouldn't search if it meant she'd find you, and I just know she's the kind that never lets go of anything once she's sunk her fangs into it." Sol looked a at her shaking his head.

"I won't fail, I'll make her beg for mercy before I tear her face off."

"... Demon ...god?" The Que attempted to raise her head but as soon as her eyes found Sol's she dropped her forehead to the floor again. "Forgive me."

"So what will you do th?" Ikaris asked, raising her hand and erasing every rune and magical chantmt in the room with a single motion of her index finger whilst also casting [purge] and cleaning everything so she didn't need to keep seeing the state of the floor that the woman had sullied in her perverted acts.

"Would you rather kill her and let someone else take power?" She asked, and Sol scoffed at the thought.

"As bad as she and her daughter are; from what I have observed of the nobility in Argom they seem to be the best fit, I honestly don't know what to do with them now, I could erase their desire for pleasure completely, but that'd just make them focus the extra ergy somewhere else, probably someplace cruel."

"Th what will you do?" Ikaris asked again.

"We can figure it out later, he stepped to the side and left an empty space just as Sara emerged urgtly from his shadow with her hand bloodied. "Sara-" Sol caught her before she fell and held her upright. "What happed?"

"High-level demons appeared out of nowhere, hundreds of them!"

"Hundreds...?" Ikaris mused.

"Okay," Sol cast [heal] on Sara and she fainted from the potcy as her brok and bloodied arm healed along with a large gash across her back, probably from her trying to escape and almost dying.

"I'm leaving her here, get yourself cleaned up and wait for me to return, and I don't think I need to say this, but if you do anything to Sara while she's sleeping I'll know, and I'll make you regret being born.

"Should I accompany you?" Ikaris asked, summoning a full set of armour over her body, and th a helmet in her grasp which she held to her stomach and waited for his response.

This was a simple question but it carried a lot of weight; she might have just be a week in, but she was still pregnant, if she was injured in the wrong way by the demonkin she could lose her developing babe, if she felt for a momt that she was at such a risk she was already planning on leaving everything into retreat, the child that would be born from her in her own eyes was the most precious treasure since the first creation, she would treasure herself and her baby with nothing above that.

"You just need to be careful; don't fight them directly." Sol extded his hand to her, and as she took it they both vanished in a flash of light, leaving the Que staring at Sara whom he had leaned on the wall before disappearing.

Arriving where he ssed the gathering of demons Sol paused for a momt and put his hand before Ikaris, blocking a stray projectile from hitting her while she was distracted searching for Dina.

Seemingly unaware of what just happed Ikaris lowered Sol's hand and stared down to the g, once again there were no flying demons, just g-bound emies of varying kinds, shapes and sizes, right as she was about to take off an explosion wt off in the distance and they saw several demonkin go flying from the burst of mana and th several massive spears erupt and grow into the air, and immediately following the spears a barrier arose and shattered, and th another again, and again.

"Hold on," Sol spread his hands wide while his eyes inverted and his hair flashed and began glowing.


Mana erupted from his body, and in an instant everything froze. "This was deliberate, it has always be," He looked a at Ikaris who was unaffected by his technique.

"I noticed as well; every time you are abst we are attacked, ev before you met Sitri." Ikaris agreed, taking off toward the others who had also be froz as Sol spared no mana and made sure that everything was immobilized in place rather than the usual [clockwork] which slowed time.

"It is as she said," Sol descded and flew directly above the high-level demonkin. "She has be watching me." He confirmed and flew by to the other side of the ambush, landing next to Usami while Ikaris landed next to Dina.

"If I had cast [CLOCKWORK] a second slower she would have died..." Sol stared at Usami, and th looked to Eris at her feet whom she was trying to protect while the healer had a projectile spear directly before her about to pierce her skull while she was trying to her her injured leg.

Bruce had several demons targeting him at once, and Arla who was the weakest there in terms of defce was casting a high-tier offsive skill whilst also being protected by Dina who was just about to unleash her [pulsar] trump card to try and create a momt of clarity for everyone before they were swarmed after her shields and barriers had all be bypassed easily by the levels 400 and above demons.

"If Sara didn't come back wh she did... They'd have all died this time." Sol lowered his gaze with a dark expression as he saw the creatures start to slightly move again. "I'd kill them all myself but this is too good an opportunity for these heroes to miss, that includes you, these creatures are good sources of growth."

Sol looked a at Ikaris, but was slightly tak aback wh he found that all of the demons a Dina had already be decapitated and the mage in question had already fired off [pulsar], which was such an incomprehsibly fast technique that it had already moved several doz metres despite time almost stopping completely a them.

"Do you have ough mana to re-cast [clockwork]?" Sol asked Ikaris, and she looked a at him after taking another head off its shoulders and shook her own head.

"You had over a hundred million in mana before so you never noticed, but [clockwork] is a divine skill that takes a tremdous amount of power to maintain, if I were to cast it with only my 50k mana pool I would be left with little to nothing." Ikaris explained the details and Sol nodded, now that he thought about it he really did casually spam some overpowered techniques sometimes.

"I have no choice th, if I leave the sphere it vanishes, and ev if I stay it has a limit to how long it can run, and it's about to reach that limit." He turned and moved Usami, Bruce and Eris out of the way and turned his body arching and punching once.

[Mana infused punch: casual]

"That should be ough for this side, which is the majority, I'll leave the rest to you, Arla, Dina and Usami while I get these two out of the way."

"Arla?" Ikaris looked at the mage who was in the middle of casting a high-tier spell. "And ev Usami?" She added and Sol nodded.

"Usami seems to have already killed a few, and despite her being several times weaker, Arla has also killed at least one or two, but these guys..." Sol took Bruce by his shoulder plate and picked up Eris like a cat, holding her by her abdom against his side. "They don't have that much firepower yet, especially Eris, she needs a lot of growth, but Bruce is a massive let-down."

"Stand clear of their attacks, I'll be back in a snap." Sol looked at Ikaris with an expression of caution and she nodded in return, standing by Dina and Arla and casting [Undefined tier infernal magic: hell's kitch] where they had not managed to cover.

Sol vanished, the dome shattered immediately, and there was a momt of the world being completely silt before the sounds of roars and explosions and Dina's cosmic whirring mana mixed and blded together in a confusion of three extra-massive explosions and one sonic burst courtesy of Sol that changed the landscape and tore through the few hundred remaining High-tier demonkin like a freshly sharped knife through tofu leaving only a single demon before Usami.

"Wha!!" Dina snapped after her [pulsar had run its course and she was caught by Ikaris, Similarly Arla fell onto Ikaris's back as she caught Dina and the two of them looked a at her shocked as dozs of headless high-tier demons fell to the g.

"What the fuck just happed?" Usami stared shocked as her spear drove through the eye of the demon in front of her, she wasted no time, ev as her ears bled and rung she focused on her oppont.

[Spear manipulation: expand]

The weapon grew in girth and caused the head of the creature it had impaled to pop like a fall melon.

Far out of the reach of the others Sol floated with Bruce and Eris in his grasp.

[You have killed 850 high level demonkin]

[No levels gained]

[Mana has increased by 0.0000%]

"What the hell-"

"Be silt." Sol spoke, and they both paused for a second, staring down at the after-effects of the four-way destructive combined attack that had saved their lives.

"You saved us?" Bruce asked watching his feet dangle above clouds while Eris obeditly remained silt.

"Eris's case I get, she was support behind mage support, as far as her role goes as a healer she is being asked too much wh she sets foot into direct confrontations like these, and yet she has be giving it her all, despite the obvious gap in strgth and her complaints she has not backed down in the face of any threat." Sol ignored Bruce's question and raised him to eye level.

"So tell me Bruce, why is it that you were about to kick her into an oncoming demon to save your doomed soul, as the tanker who is supposed to be protecting her?"

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