The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 96: Her Skills

Chapter 96: Her Skills

Alright. Although the things that I should be wary of increased by one, Ill just tackle whats in front of me one by one. First of all, its about the mail to Nishino-kun.

Before anything else, you should tell Nishino-kun that youre safe.

Yes, yes. Understooood.

Pochipochi. Rikka-chan quickly taps around on the mail screen. As expected of a popular JK. Her typing speed is fast.

Also, please include details about the Mail skill, how to obtain the skill, and your current situation.

Kudou-san, isnt it better for her to also talk about magic stones and wild animals?

Oh, youre right.

Okay, okay. Wait a minute. Dont say it all at once. Ill type them right now

After finishing her mail, she sends the text to Ichinose-san instead of Nishino-kun. Just like the status screen, the mail screen is invisible to others. There isnt a way to confirm the content of the mail unless it is read out loud or sent to another party.

Yes. This should do

Since Ichinose-san, the oni of mails, has given her approval, the mail is sent to Nishino-kun.

Im worried about whether hell believe my words. Despite how he looks, he is quite cautious

Rikka-chan who is sending the mail appears to be anxious.

Its probably safe. Nishino-kun saw Aisaka-san receive your first mail back in the cafeteria. If you put some information that only you and Nishino-kun share, he will believe you. On the other hand, he might be suspicious of whether or not this is a trap, but since it is Nishino-kun, it should be alright. He seems to have a realistic worldview, yet he has a side to him that cares for his friends. Furthermore, Rikka-chan is a powerhouse among Nishino-kun and his group, so they wouldnt want to abandon her. As such, they are likely to contact us.

Im more concerned about how one cant get his or her hand on Mail unless you have a spare Skill Point. I hope Nishino-kun has an extra point Well then, we should move. I dont want us to stay here for too long.


I agree.

Momo nods while Ichinose-san stands up.

Eh? Arent we waiting until we receive a reply?

In contrast, Rikka-chan tilts her head in confusion.

As I mentioned earlier, its dangerous to stay here since we dont know when the monsters will return.

To be precise, Im talking about the dark wolf. For us, goblins, zombies, and orcs wont pose a threat even if they came in groups. Even so, the dark wolf is another story. If he changes his mind and attacks us again, well be out of options.

However, personally, I dont think this is likely to occur. If it wanted us dead, it wouldve done so from the beginning without giving us a night to recover. It is still unknown why it spared us. Unlike that time with the high orc, the dark wolfs situation was never disadvantageous, not to mention how it looked like it had a lot of stamina to spare. Was it just its whim, or was there another reason

I take a glance at Momo. Momo, noticing my gaze, approaches my feet. How cute. Lets mofu-mofu. There should be some connection between why I was spared and why Momo was not taken away. There is something about Momo. Something which would attract the dark wolfs attention.

Dont mess with me. Who would hand Momo over to a monster like that? This time, I will definitely protect Momo. Thats why my plan from now is simple. Before we meet it again, Ill level up and get stronger. Thats all there is to it. I steel my heart while stroking Momo.

Oh, right. I want to check one thing before we start moving.


Having been called out, Rikka-chan turns to me.

If its alright with you, could you tell us about your level, occupation, and skills? Even though its temporary, it would be easier if we know each others abilities. Certainly, Im curious about Ricchans occupation.

Well, uh thats right.

For some reason, Rikka-chan looks slightly bitter.

I chose Berserker as my first occupation. I have a skilled called Berserk, which, upon activation, makes me very powerful during combat. As I predicted.

My level is 12. Aside from Berserk, I have Ferocity, Continuous Battle, Regeneration, Strengthened Slash, Strengthened Strike, and And?

Um and the Mail that I just got. Thats it.

I see. Its a skill set which fits a Berserker. So her abnormal speed of healing is thanks to Regeneration. How convenient. I want it too.

So what kind of occupation did Natsun choose? Since she has a gun, is a Sniper?

Oh its something different. Ricchan, the first occupation I chose was

Unwillingly, Ichinose-san describes her occupation, skills, and level. When she hears about the Hiki Komori occupation, Rikka-chans face becomes complicated. Its my fault, she says. I dont mind anymore, replies Ichinose-san. Un. Thank you, says Rikka-chan in response. Theyre communicating about something I dont understand. (TN: Protagonist doesnt know about their history yet.) Im curious, but it isnt something I should poke my head into. I wont ask anything. If they want to talk about it, then Ill be there to listen. Ichinose-san furthermore speaks about the new occupations and skills that she acquired from the Gatcha skill. Its a really good skill that can compensate for the weakness of a Hiki Komori and a Sniper. After all, I feel like Ichinose-sans luck with the Gatcha is extremely good. She can get her second and third occupation without having the need to max their levels out like I do. Im starting to think that there should be a skill called Luck.

Rikka-chan expresses her shock when she hears about Ichinose-sans level. Well, its true that shes at level 23. Its almost twice as high compared to Rikka-chan. Rikka-chans impression was Natsun is dope.

I also notified Rikka-chan about things that I wouldnt mind her knowing. Things such as my level, my occupation of Ninja and Shadow Master, and my skills. With this, I can attack using Item Box, all the while claiming that its a Ninjutsu. Ive already told Ichinose-san about this, so she would match my words as well. Im doing this because I dont trust her completely yet. Furthermore, I tell her about the skills of Momo and Aka. Rikka-chans impression of Akas ability was This slime is dope With all that out of the way, please take care of me throughout this journey.

Likewise, onii-san.

We shake each others hands. By the way, Rikka-chan is not counted as our team member because she is already partied up with Nishino-kun. If she was honest, she would probably want to be with Ichinose-san, but its better to decide on this after we meet up with Nishino-kun. Its not like we know how to leave a party anyways. Now, lets start moving. We leave the building from the tattered entrance.

Looking at it again, it truly is a horrible sight.

Rikka-chans thoughts leak out of her mouth. Everything inside the school building has been destroyed, and the outside doesnt look much better. Tents that have been installed in the school yard have been demolished, and corpses are littered on the floor, with crows swarming around them. The stench of blood permeates the air. Although Ive gotten used to it to some degree during the past 4 days, its not a pleasant scene.

(The bodies cant be stored in the Item Box either)

For some unknown reason, creatures, living or dead, could not enter the Item Box. Is it because corpses are regarded not as Objects but Entities? Or is it because the standard of the Heavenly Voice is different? Whichever it is, corpses cannot go in the Item Box.

Because of the risks involved in bacteria spreading, I would like to cremate them, but it would take a lot of energy and time to do so for each of them. For now, we cannot afford to do so. I simply reply with a Yes before leaving the school.

However, during these moments, I failed to notice Rikka-chan eyeing the dead bodies. Besides the feeling of sadness and pity, there was something else mixed in.

(I lied)

Rikka sighed in her heart. No, she didnt really lie. To be precise, she just omitted it. The skills in her arsenal were not limited to what she had told. At the bottom of her skill screen, there was another skill.

Kindred Killer.

She just couldnt get herself to talk about this skill.

(Its obvious why I cant say it)

She finally reunited with her best friend. How was it possible for her to confess that she possessed such an abominable skill?

(Sorry, Natsun. But this time Ill be sure to protect you.)

She had reunited. She was delighted. Nevertheless, there was still darkness within Rikkas heart.

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