The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 154: Treasure Chest, Once Again

Chapter 154: Treasure Chest, Once Again

-Going back in time a little-

This marks the ninth

Ichinose-san and I were placing petrified clones of Aka on our way back to the City Hall.

Theyll serve as Coordinates for when we use Momos Shadow Migration.

Were putting petrified clones of Aka in inconspicuous locations where we wont have any problem coming out from the Shadows.

As a side note, Ichinose-san is the one choosing these locations.

Im really knowledgeable about places that wont catch peoples eyes even as we move about.

She said so confidently.

According to her, she searched for inconspicuous routes during her time as a Hiki Komori to finish her shopping as quickly as possible.

But I dont think thats something you should be proud of, Ichinose-san.

Ichinose-san, please check.

Ok. Map.

In response to Ichinose-sans command, a three-dimensional map pops up in front of us.

Aside from the red icon which is displaying our current locations, there are several smaller icons that are blinking on the Map at different spots.

These blinking icons signify the positions where we placed the petrified copies of Aka.

Distance-wise its fine.

The Coordinates on the map are at similar intervals.

Weve been trying to ensure that the distances can be traversed through Momos Shadow Migration.

With Ichinose-sans Map, we can set Coordinates while looking out for the exact distances and directions between them.

Even so, this is really convenient, isnt it? The combo between Aka-chans Petrification and Momo-chans Shadow Migration, that is. It borders teleportation.

Yes, I think so too.

I nod at Ichinose-sans impressed words.

To test it out, weve asked Momo to activate Shadow Migration several times already, and everyone including Ichinose-san and Kiki were brought along without any problem.

As Momo has evolved into a Dark Dog, the number of passengers that can be brought along with Shadow Migration has increased.

With this, the range of our activities will increase dramatically. Not only that, well be able to hunt monsters relatively safely.

All is well.

What do you say to a break?



We have more than enough time, so we enter a private building to rest.

I want to distribute my points while I can.

Its my first level-up since Ive become a Newtype, so I want to confirm any changes to the system as well.

I open my status to check on the numerical values of my JP and SP.

(I earned 10 JP and 20 SP from the level-up Although I evolved, the points that I get dont seem to have changed)

One of the characteristics of Newtype talked about an increase in potential.

I thought that Id receive more bonus points from Precocious, but that doesnt seem to be the case.

(I raised Advanced Ninjutsu to its maximum level just in case of an emergency, but it might have been a bit of a waste)

When peoples occupations go up to LV 3, 6, and 9, the skills that correspond to them also increase by 1 level.

In other word, I wouldve saved up to 27 SP if I left the skill at LV7.

In terms of efficiency alone, my decision was a poor one.

However, the possibility of encountering a powerful monster as soon as I evolve is not zero.

Rather, from what Ive experienced during the past few days, its more likely for that to happen.

Also, I might be able to prevent some unforeseen events beforehand by acquiring all the Advanced Ninjutsu.

In terms of preparation against the unknown, the merits of raising my skills outweigh the demerits.

Anyway, thats all already in the past.

I should just allocate my points early on.

First of all, the skills.

I raise HP Conversion, Reduced MP Consumption, Ninja Tool Creation, Shadow Imitation, and Shadow Cage to LV4, emptying all 20 SP.

Next, I invest points in Shinobi and Jet Black Performer to bring them up to LV3, consuming all 10 JP.

As the occupations have attained LV3, all the accompanying skills also go up by another 1 level.

These are the end results:


Kudou Kazuto


Level 2

HP: 662/662

MP: 285/285

Strength: 349

Endurance: 379

Agility: 743

Dexterity: 725

Magic: 180

Magic Resistance: 180

SP: 0

JP: 0


Shinobi LV3

Tracker LV2

Jet Black Performer LV3

Trainee Monk LV3

Unique Skills


Profession Enhancement


Advanced Ninjutsu LV10, HP Conversion LV5, Reduced MP Consumption LV5, Ninja Tool Creation LV5, Throwing LV6, Odorless LV7, Silent Operation LV7, Concealment LV6, Night Vision LV5, Critical Aim LV6, Attention Cutoff LV7, Appraisal Interruption LV4, Tracking LV3, Terrain Understanding LV4, Wide Range Enemy Detection LV6, Telephoto LV4, Agility Reinforcement LV8, Dexterity Reinforcement LV5, Observation LV10, Listening Ear LV4, Absolute Shadow LV6, Shadow Imitation LV5, Shadow Cage LV5, Endurance LV5, Full Might LV5, Enhanced Physical Abilities LV7, Swordsmanship LV6, Poison Resistance LV1, Paralysis Resistance LV2, Virus Resistance LV1, Heat Resistance LV1, HP Auto Recovery LV5, MP Auto Recovery LV6, Danger Avoidance LV5, Riding LV3, Negotiation LV1, Getaway LV4, Defense Instinct LV1, Item Box LV10, Mail LV2, Concentration LV7, Prediction LV6, Fury LV5, Mental Distress Tolerance LV5, Acting LV4, Calculation Acceleration LV3

Party Members


Dark Dog LV2


Creation Slime LV4

Ichinose Natsu

Newtype LV2


Carbuncle LV1


Ichinose-san and Momos levels rose.

Momo was participating in the battle, but how did Ichinose-san level-up?

(Oh, right. She said she hunted some monsters while spectating)

As expected of her to take every chance to gain experience.

When I turn to look, I see Ichinose-san playing with Momo and Kiki.

Shes holding a snack on her hand and shaking it left and right for Momo to follow.

Hey, Momo-chan. Its your favorite snack time!

Wan! Wan!

Momo drools as her line of sight moves about. Her tail is also shaking frantically.

Ichinose-san doesnt hand over the snack to Momo, probably because she wants to continue watching her act adorably.

Really, youre being too mean to Momo.

I take out a snack from the Item Box and clap my hands.


Momo reacts immediately.

She trots to me and eats the snack gladly when I give it to her.

Lovely.Im healed.


Ichinose-san, who was deprived of Momo, is once again pouting.

Im sorry, Ichinose-san. However, Momo is reserved for only one person.

I mofu-mofu Momo afterwards.


Now that weve had our rest, its about time we leave.


Points have been distributed, Momo had her snack, and we are well-rested .

In fact, I mofu-mofued for too long.

Time actually flies pass when Im patting Momo and Kiki.

We should really start moving.

I take out a bike from the Item Box and start the engine.

Well return in no time.

Ichinose-san tries to return to the house.

What are you doing?

Ill stay here. Please go ahead without me.

Sorry? Ichinose-san is coming with us, right?

Aka is mimicking as a helmet for us and Momo has prepared seatbelts using her shadow. For some reason, Kiki is also pointlessly buffing the bike.

I dont want to! Ill throw up again! Its better to wait here and have Momo-chan pick me up later on!

Why dont you try getting used to it little by little? Ill help.

No! I dont want to!

No my foot!

Recently, Ichinose-san has been rather expressive in a bad way.

I force Ichinose-san to sit on the back seat and start the motorcycle.

Unfortunately, she didnt receive any resistance skills.


Uuu youre terrible, Kudou-sanIve been sullied.

Youre the one who sullied yourself.

To preserve Ichinose-sans reputation, I wont go into the details, but lets just say that Aka did its best to eat.

On a separate note, motorcycles sure are fast.

In the blink of an eye, weve arrived somewhere near the vicinity of the Safety Zones boundary where we can see the City Hall in the distance.

Theres still some distance left, but it should be fine to get off here.

Theres comparatively less rubble around here Uuu


Around the City Hall, there are still a lot of boulders from Titans throws that havent been removed.

In spite of this, this region appears relatively less damaged.

I was exploring the surrounding area while storing boulders in the Item Box when I suddenly hear Ichinose-sans shout.

Kudou-san! Look over there!

What happened? Why are you pani!? Thats no way.

I also raise my voice in surprise when I see what the surprised Ichinose-san is pointing at.

It is sitting there between some rubble and the roots of a giant tree.

The wooden box is luxuriously decorated and has a keyhole at the center of the box.

Yes, its a Treasure Chest.

Previously, we found one which was placed in the middle of the road.

This one, on the other hand, is quietly hidden.

Honestly, its suspicious.

I mean, no matter how I look at it, its got to be that.

Its a mimic.

Its a mimic, isnt it?

Wan! <= Momo nodding.

Kyu! <= Kiki nodding.

Furu furu. <= Aka nodding.

We agree unanimously.

Its identical in appearance to the Mimic from before.

Since we found it, we wont be leaving it alone.



Momo stretches her shadow to tap on the Treasure Chest.

Come on out, Mimic. Ill make quick work of you and turn you into experience.

Momos shadow touches the Treasure Chest and the Treasure Chest opens.

A Mimic is nowhere to be found.





Furu furu?

E? What? No huh?

Ichinose-san and I establish eye contact.


We observe the Treasure Chest again.

Theres no sign of a Mimic and nothing is hiding inside the box.

No way could it be? Could it be? Could it be?

A real one?

Ichinose-san and I arrive at a beautiful harmony.

Driven by curiosity, we approach the Treasure Chest.

Inside it are a jade-colored jewel orb and a ring with a silver glint.

For realthis is a real Treasure Chest

W-wow so it exists in this world

Let me check the names of the items

Ah, yes please.

I store the two items in my Item Box and check their names on the list.

[Healing Jewel] x 1

[The Ring of Agility] x1

The orb is called [Healing Jewel] and the ring is called [The Ring of Agility].


We stare at the items that I have taken back out from the Item Box.

Putting the orb aside, the ring do you want to try it on?

Well may I?

Actually, on second thought, I should put it on first in case theres something wrong with it.

No, then I should be the one to

No, Ill

What are we even arguing over?

Rock-paper-scissors shoot!

I win and decide to give it a try.

Unlike the [Healing Jewel], I can pretty much predict what the effects of [The Ring of Agility] are. Even so, its always better to be safe than sorry.

Its surprisingly small will it even fit properly?

I pass the ring through the index finger of my right hand, and it fits snugly on my finer.

It definitely wasnt wide enough to fit, so I guess it can adjust its size depending on the user?

How is it?

At the very least, I dont sense any abnormalities.

Then it has to be that.

Opening up my status screen, I see that an extra number has been added to my Agility stats.

Agility: 743+30

The ring has the effect of raising our Agility stats.

Thats impressive. Um can I try it too?

Sure. Go ahead.

There isnt any pain that comes with wearing the ring, so it should be okay to give it to her.

Ichinose-san presents her left hand with an expectant gaze, so I hand the ring over to her.

For some reason, Ichinose-san appears dejected.

Huh? Why?




For some reason, Momo and the others voice their disapproval.

What? Why??

No, what did I expect. I shouldve known that Kudou-san is this type of person.

Ichinose-san is mumbling something.

She puts on the ring on the ring finger of her left hand with a dark face.

Oh, youre right. My Agility gained a +30 correction.

Ichinose-san also got the same amount of correction as I did.

[The Ring of Agility] therefore provides a fixed 30 point correction to anyones Agility value.

In that case, its obvious how itll be used.

Please have it, Ichinose-san.

Is that okay for you?

It doesnt matter. I have a high Agility value, so its more beneficial for Ichinose-san to have it to supplement your status.

Ichinose-sans Agility value is 14.

The correction of 30 would be huge.

Understood Ill take it with thanks.

Ichinose-san clenches the ring tightly in front of her chest.

I-it tickles that shes feeling so grateful.

Moving on, as for the [Healing Jewel] Ill safeguard it for the time being.

Ah, yes, yes. I think thatll do! Yes!

The atmosphere has become a bit awkward, so I bulldoze through it by raising my voice.

Were not sure about the effects of [Healing Jewel] unlike [The Ring of Agility].

That is why Ill leave it in the Item Box for now.

A certain thought inspires me at that moment.

(Oh, yeah. I should ask The Right to Question.)

Thats right. If Im not sure how to use it, I can just ask about it.

I proceed to enter How to use a [Healing Jewel] in The Right to Question.

Lemme see


[Healing Jewel]

Heals the target.


E? Thats it?

Heals the target In what way? How do I use it? What is the range of the effect? How many times can I use it? Is there no other details?

The answer remains unchanged even though I try to rephrase the questions in several ways.

Yup, I will have to put it on hold.

By the way, isnt it about time Ricchans group returns?

Shes right.

Considering the time, it wouldnt be strange if they had already finished their exploration for the day.

They should have head in that direction Hm?

When I turn towards where Rikka-chans group should be, an unpleasant presence assaults me.

No. Instead of calling it unpleasant, is it more accurate to describe it as a strange presence?

Is there a problem, Kudou-san?

Sorry, Ichinose-san, but can you remain silent for a few seconds?

I close my eyes and concentrate on Enemy Detection.

The strange presence is coming from somewhere that is quite a bit away from here and some familiar presences are near it.

Thats. probably Rikka-chan and her friends.

Are they upset? Confused?

They seem extremely disoriented.

Are they fighting? No, that isnt it.

What is going on over there?

Ichinose-san, I detected signs of Aisaka-san and the others from somewhere else. They might have encountered something unusual.

Is that true?

I nod and take out the bike from the Item Box.

Ichinose-san also comes on as soon as I take my seat and start the engine.

She was expressing her hatred of the bike just a few minutes ago, but her expression right now is completely different.

Hold tight. Ill be pressing on it.


We rush to where Rikka-chan is on our bike.

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