The Whole Village Thrives After Adopting a Lucky Girl

Chapter 411: 407: No Return_1

Chapter 411: Chapter 407: No Return_1
Chunniang: “That works too. Ah, I wonder when your dad will be back. Maybe we should start preparing.”

“Sounds good. I also need to purchase some medicinal herbs to bring along.” As it was peak summer, herbs for heatstroke and mosquito prevention were a necessity.

The mother and daughter began to prepare the items they would bring to Beijing.

The clothes, shoes, and socks they made for their son, and the local specialty products, all had to be packed.

Although these items could be stored in Yingbao’s celestial dwelling, none of the deceptive chests and baskets on the outside could be skipped.

The two women kept busy all day and finally finished packing everything.

That night, Jiang Sanlang surprisingly came home early and brought back some news: The mushrooms grown in Dongchen Village had been selected as tribute by the official responsible for palace procurement.

This meant that in the future, Dongchen Village could no longer sell its mushrooms on its own. They must first be selected by the County Government and the rest could then be sold to merchants.

“How much do they pay per pound?” Yingbao could not help asking.

Jiang Sanlang: “Today, the chief summoned me specifically to talk about this matter, and said that the County Government will purchase them at ten taels per pound.”

Yingbao furrowed her eyebrows.

Ten taels per pound would surely be profitable for the villagers.

But their specialty shop would suffer a huge loss as a result.

“Dad, did the chief mention Xue’er?” Yingbao asked.

Jiang Sanlang shook his head: “He only mentioned the golden mushrooms. He said that if our county could produce a tribute, it would benefit the whole county greatly.”

Yingbao: “In that case, our family will grow more Xue’er mushrooms.”

Let the villagers handle the tributes, their family would focus on growing Xue’er, which had a better taste than golden mushrooms and could be used as winter supplements.

As Jiang Sanlang washed his hands and sat down to eat, he noticed several boxes in the room and asked, “What are these for?”

Chunniang replied with a smile: “Xiaojie sent a letter, he wants us to visit him in Beijing; he is preparing for the provincial exams this year.”

“The provincial exams? He’s so young, and he’s taking them already?” Jiang Sanlang responded, taking a sip of his porridge.

Chunniang: “He will be fifteen by the lunar age next year, and eligible for the provincial exams.”

She had no understanding of these matters previously, but her daughter’s constant reminders brought her clarity.

As Jiang Sanlang ate, he asked, “When are you planning to set off?”

“By the day after tomorrow, at the latest,” replied Chunniang. “Xiaojie also asked you to come.”

Jiang Sanlang shook his head: “How can I wander around randomly? And furthermore, my superiors won’t approve.”

“I knew you wouldn’t go,” Chunniang huffed. “Yingbao and I can manage. You should focus on getting us a travel permit by tomorrow.”

“Alright.” Jiang Sanlang quickly finished his meal and put down his bowl and chopsticks.

Seeing her parents still had matters to discuss, Yingbao tactfully excused herself.

Returning to her room, she took out the two golden fragments for another look.

She had no idea what these were. Whenever she picked them up, an image of golden eyes would appear in her mind.

Could these be fragments of golden eyes? But there were far too few pieces to assemble into the shape of an eye.

“Young mistress, your bath is ready. Please come to freshen up,” Magnolia called softly from outside the room.

Yingbao put the fragments away and got up to wash.

Being served by a maid was nice. She was now used to a lifestyle where food came with an open mouth, and clothes came with an extended hand. Heh heh.

On the third day, Jiang Sanlang went to the Escort Agency and hired a team of escorts to accompany his wife and daughter to Jiankang in Beijing.

He also let his nephew Jiang Quan follow them.

So, Jiang Quan drove a carriage, carrying his aunt and cousin Yingbao.

The following carriage was driven by a stable hand of their household, carrying Magnolia and Xinghua.

The two young girls were incredibly excited about their first long journey by horse-drawn carriage, periodically lifting the bamboo blinds to look outside.

Behind their carriage was another one, driven by the men from the escort agency. It carried their larger and smaller boxes of luggage, along with other items such as rice, flour, umbrellas, and raincoats.

At first, the journey went smoothly. But on the third day, a sudden downpour began.

Yingbao and her mother’s carriage sprung a leak. The rain drizzled onto their heads and bodies, irritating them.

Yingbao held up an umbrella for the two of them to shelter under. “Mother, you might as well hide in the cave,” she suggested.

Chunniang rebuked her. “Stop that nonsense. What if we’re discovered?”

Yingbao glanced outside and saw the convoy still moving. The escorts, riding their horses, were quietly walking in the rain wearing straw hats and raincoats, showing no intention to stop and seek shelter from the rain.

They eventually arrived at a small town, but there were no inns there. The escorts had no choice but to ask a local wealthy family for accommodation.

The rich family was courteous and arranged for a few rooms for their group.

Yingbao, her mother, and two maids squeezed into a room, all sleeping on the same brick bed.

At night, a thin woman brought in an oil lamp to provide them with light.

Yingbao immediately recognized her. It was Chen Wan.

They locked eyes, and Yingbao saw hatred in Chen Wan’s eyes.

Yingbao didn’t care. No matter how much Chen Wan hated her, she would never be able to leave this town.

In this life, she had already been very kind to Chen Wan and her sister, but how had Chen Wan treated her?

Any person with a conscience wouldn’t do what she had done.

Moreover, Chen Wan had always claimed that Yingbao was her younger sister, yet she didn’t hesitate to betray her.

Chunniang could barely recognize Chen Wan in the older woman standing before them, thanking her.

In the middle of the night, the rain stopped.

Yingbao couldn’t sleep. She gazed out of the window, lost in thought.

Suddenly, she saw a figure moving outside the window.

Yingbao got up and quietly moved to the window to look outside.

She saw a skinny figure stacking bundles of firewood beneath her window and at her door.

Then she saw the figure squatting next to the firewood, striking a flint to start a fire.

Yingbao pushed against the door and found it had been bolted from outside.

Frowning, she returned to the bed and woke up her mother and the two maids. “Get up quickly!” she urged.

By then, flickers of fire could be seen outside.

Yingbao quickly ran to the door and kicked it open with a flying kick.

However, in the brightness of the growing fire, she saw Chen Wan standing in the courtyard, a broad smile on her face.

Yingbao sneered, raised her hand, and a rush of water suddenly extinguished the flames.

“Ah, ah, the water is flowing! The water is flowing!” the maid Xinghua shouted loudly, quickly alerting the other people in the courtyard.

First, several escorts rushed out, followed by the host family.

They were all shocked to see the piles of firewood stacked outside the door.

Yingbao, supporting her mother, came out of the room, followed closely by the maids, Magnolia and Xinghua.

“What’s going on?” The host asked shakily.

Yingbao glanced at Chen Wan who was still standing in the courtyard. “Why don’t you ask her? Attempted arson is a serious crime, especially when she wanted to kill us.”

The host turned to Chen Wan and slapped her in the face. “Is this your doing?”

Seeing Yingbao had escaped the fire, Chen Wan screamed in despair. “Why won’t you die? Why won’t you die?”

“Why should I die?” Yingbao stood in front of Chen Wan, her face expressionless. “You guys are the ones who should die. Chen Wan, since you can remember the things from your dream, why not use it wisely?” She chose a path of no return instead.

Arson and attempted murder could warrant a death sentence. It was a shame. She still wanted to know how Chen Wan had retained that memory.

Chen Wan shouted loudly, “You are a disaster! A devil! You didn’t die when mother drowned you in the basin! Wild animals didn’t eat you when father abandoned you in the mountains! You are a devil! I should have thrown you into the oven and burned you alive…”

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