The Whole Village Thrives After Adopting a Lucky Girl

Chapter 404: 400: Whirling Dance_1

Chapter 404: Chapter 400: Whirling Dance_1
Seeing that Yingbao had finished her bird’s nest soup, the class leader gave a satisfying nod and instructed Xiaolian, “Get her a set of clothes. Take her to the banquet tonight and let her perform a solo dance.”

High-quality courtesans might as well flaunt their talents, and so they could be sold at a good price.

“Yes.” Xiaolian obeyed the orders of Hu Daban deferentially, but she wore a disgruntled look on her face.

She was the lead dancer for the Hu Xuan dance, and also the best dancer of the troupe. Now it seemed that Hu Daban intended to promote a newcomer, which naturally left her displeased.

However, despite her resentment, she couldn’t defy Hu Daban’s decision at this time. She dutifully did the newcomer’s makeup, painted her forehead wheel, adorned her with hand and foot bells, and tied her hair up using silk ribbons into double loop buns.

At dusk, a cart carried a group of resplendent dancers and musicians to the County Government compound—a nearby mansion.

The lanterns were hung high at the gate, and several guards stood on either side, scrutinizing everyone with hawk-like eyes.

Hu Daban donned a white robe, his hair piled high, adorned with a silk flower on his head. His face painted with rouge and powder made him look even more charming than a woman.

He bowed his fist towards the guards at the door and said with a smile, “We are from Wuchun Yard, here to attend the banquet as invited.”

The guard scrutinized him a few times before going inside to announce.

Before long, he returned, checked that none of them carried weapons, and then allowed them inside.

Yingbao blended into the midst of the dancers and slipped into the rear courtyard with ease..

After entering a big hall, they saw brightly lit chandeliers, several tables and chairs scattered around. Several officials from the County Government sat around a table, another table was occupied by some big households of the county.

Among them were the leader of the Cao Gang and the assistant leader of the Qinglong Gang.

The young man occupying the seat of honor was none other than Xiao Mo, whom she had not seen for many years. Cao Can was sitting next to Xiao Mo, constantly flattering and saying something to him.

Seeing Xiao Mo, Yingbao was taken aback. She quickly lowered her head, her heart beating wildly.

How did this man get to Qinchuan County so quickly?

Shouldn’t he still be on his journey?

Fortunately, she had grown up now and she was about the same height as girls between fifteen and sixteen, so she thought he probably wouldn’t recognize her.

The musicians took their places, Xiaolian spread out the dance rug, and only then did people start dancing.

Five girls performed together first, with Xiaolian in the center. Everyone began to jump and spin along with the beat of the drum.

Hu Daban, standing behind several musicians, was looking at Yingbao with satisfaction again and again.

She danced the Hu Xuan Dance in a light, rhythmic manner, yet with strength, vitality, and liveliness. Every move was pleasing to the eye.

The colourful ribbons in her hands swirled with her spin. The swing of her arms looked like flashes of lightning streaking across the sky.

As the performance ended, the dancers retreated for a short rest, and then two men went forward to perform the Hu Teng Dance.

The Hu Teng Dance, performed by men, differed slightly from the Hu Xuan dance. The Hu Xuan involved standing and dancing, while Hu Teng involved squatting and spinning.

The two young men wore long-sleeved shirts, black belts around their waists, yellow boots on their feet, their lithe and exuberant movements mimicking the flight of birds.

Once the men finished, Cao Can said, “Let that young girl dance solo.”

Everyone followed his finger and saw a group of similarly dressed dancers standing next to the musicians.

“The one with the double loop buns,” Cao Can added.

This resulted in everyone’s gaze falling on Yingbao, who had her hair put up into double loop buns.

Hu Daban gently nudged her and whispered, “Go ahead, perform well. If there’s a reward, it’s all yours.”

Yingbao had no choice but to step forward, fervently hoping that Xiao Mo wouldn’t recognize her. Otherwise, not only would she fail to kill Cao Can, but her secret might also be exposed.

As the drum began to beat, Yingbao lightly stepped with her tiptoes, waving her arms, and started dancing.

As the saying goes: the heart follows the rhythm, the hands follow the drum, with every strike of the drum, both sleeves rise. Like scattered snow turning in the air, endlessly spinning left and right, and without any sign of fatigue, no end is in sight…

Sitting at the head of the room, Xiao Mo frowned as he watched the young dancer below. He felt as if he had seen her somewhere before.

At the end of the tune, Cao Can burst out laughing: “Bravo!”

Yingbao received a small silver ingot, about five ounces, from a servant.

She stepped back behind the dancer and quietly said to Xiaolian: “Sister, I need to visit the restroom.”

Xiaolian frowned and went to inform the class leader. Hu Daban, in high spirits, waved his hand: “Have a maid guide her, go quickly and return quickly.”

Then Yingbao followed a maid towards the restroom.

Before entering, Yingbao asked the maid: “Sister, is there toilet paper?”

The maid glanced at her scornfully and said impatiently: “Toilet paper? Do you think you’re one of those pampered ladies from the official families? There is Kenaf growing next to the restroom, we grow it for this very use. You go fetch some.”

Yingbao collected a few Kenaf leaves and said: “Sister, you don’t have to wait for me. I will go back by myself later.”

The maid glanced around the pitch-black surroundings, only the restroom was lit with a small lamp. She then retreated a few steps: “Then hurry up, come back to the main hall after you’re done. No wandering around.”

“Okay.” Yingbao entered the restroom, listened to the movement outside, saw the maid leaving, and immediately extinguished the lamp on the niche, and quietly left the restroom.

She hid behind a holly tree and slipped into a hole, changed into black clothes, put a black cover over her head, only revealing her eyes.

Then, she walked quietly towards the inner courtyard, pondering which room was Cao Can’s.

This was a two-courtyard residence; the main hall was at the front, and the inner courtyard was at the back, with no women living inside. It seemed that Cao Can wanted to use this place to entertain guests.

Although there were many guards in the front hall, there were hardly any people in the inner courtyard. Only a few lanterns were hung under the eaves of the houses, and occasionally maids passed by.

Yingbao was unsure about which room Cao Can was staying in, so she crouched under the window of a maid’s room to listen. But she heard no useful information and had to retreat back to where she came from near the restroom.

But at this time, there were a few people standing in front of the restroom looking for someone with a lantern.

Yingbao hid in the corner of the wall, quickly slipped back into the tunnel, changed back into her previous clothes and red boots, took off her head cover, and then came out.

“Sister.” Yingbao pretended to be scared and walked over, pulling at Xiaolian’s sleeve.

Xiaolian was very annoyed and scolded: “Where have you been?”

Yingbao lowered her head and said: “The light in the restroom suddenly went out. I, I was so scared, I took a wrong turn when I left, I’m sorry sister.”

Hu Daban also looked displeased, he coldly glanced at Yingbao a few times, looked at her boots, and upon seeing no amiss, he said: “Go back to the banquet hall, the guests are all waiting anxiously.”

The group, escorted by two guards, returned to the main hall where the banquet was in full swing. Several courtesans were clinging to Cao Can and a few others, pouring wine and adding dishes.

When Hu Daban and the rest returned, Cao Can asked unhappily: “What happened?”

Hu Daban quickly stepped forward to explain: “The kid got lost in the dark and took a wrong turn, which caused the delay.”

Cao Can huffed and pointed at Yingbao: “Bring her to wash her hands and face, and then change her clothes to serve the noble guests.”

The banquet was only halfway through and going to the restroom was truly uncouth.

Two maids came over, intending to take Yingbao to freshen up.

Yingbao held onto Xiaolian and pleaded: “Sister, please help me with my makeup.”

She really couldn’t confront Xiao Mo with her bare face. If he recognized her, her plan would be ruined.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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