The Warrior’s Ballad

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Translator: Willia 

The building of the Beringen Adventurers’ Guild at the foot of the hill was as quiet as an empty house. This was because not only was Dunkel absent, but there were no other adventurers present either.

Only the sound of rain softly falling outside could be heard, with a young clerk sitting by the fireplace, the sole guardian of the building.

It might have seemed a little too defenseless, but since the real guild headquarters was inside the castle on the hill, it didn’t matter if this place got raided.

Especially during guild wars, the location of the command center and rallying points were top-secret information. No one in their right mind would use the usual headquarters in such times.

It was late at night. Had it passed midnight? Without looking at the sky, it was impossible to know for sure.

The young clerk, feeling the warmth of the fire, was nodding off when the sound of someone banging on the door startled him awake. What’s going on? This place was supposed to be safe.

Bang, bang, bang.

Once again, someone knocked on the door. With each knock, the clerk’s heart pounded accordingly.

Cautiously, he walked towards the door. He slid open the small window attached to the door to peek outside. There stood figures cloaked like grim reapers.

The person at the front pulled back their hood, revealing their face, and spoke.

“It’s me. Volka.”

Recognizing the face, the clerk breathed a sigh of relief.

“Hah… Volka hyung, you scared me. You should’ve said something beforehand.”

“You idiot, what if the enemy overheard my name? Hurry up and open the door.”

The clerk quickly unlocked the door and let them in. Five people, their cloaks thoroughly drenched, walked in one by one. Water dripped from the ends of their cloaks.

Traveling all the way here from the Academy in the rain for five or six hours was no small feat.

As expected, Volka immediately went over to the fireplace, threw on some more firewood, and stoked the fire. He took off his cloak and hung it nearby to dry.

Ricardt, Boribori, Marie, and Delphi also took off their wet cloaks and hung them by the fire to dry. Just sitting down made their legs feel refreshed, as if they could finally relax.

Volka leaned heavily against the back of his chair, tilting his head back and propping his legs up on another chair.

“Ah… this feels good. How the hell did I manage to keep making that trip in the past? It’s so fucking far, seriously.”

Volka had been the most active, frequently traveling back and forth between the Academy and the city, but after graduating, it seemed the journey now felt unbearable.

As Volka took off his cloak, his peculiar armor came into view. It was made of several connected plates of metal that covered his entire left arm, resembling the exoskeleton of an insect.

Though not visible from the outside, metal plates underneath his outer clothes protected his chest and abdomen. The armor was designed to protect his vital areas while allowing maximum mobility.

“Hey, take off your gear and rest. You need to dry it out.”

Delphi said as she started organizing her own equipment and belongings.

“Just let me rest a bit first.”

“Sigh, without me, you really……”

Sighing, Delphi helped Volka take off his gear.

Ricardt pulled out his sword and began to tend to it. Though it wasn’t particularly wet, he wiped it down with a cloth and then carefully applied camellia oil. Marie and Boribori did the same.

After that, while they were sitting and catching their breath, the young clerk spoke up.

“Volka hyung, want something to eat?”

“Is there anything left?”

Volka asked in return. Most of the supplies had been completely ransacked, so there wasn’t much left at the guild.

“Breadcrumb soup. With jerky bits. There are also a few potatoes.”

“Let’s have that then.”

The clerk brought out wooden bowls. He lifted the lid of the pot simmering over the fire and ladled out the soup.

One bowl after another was passed around, and Ricardt took his, blowing on it before slurping down a mouthful.

It was a thin, milky gruel with a decently salty flavor. Rather than for taste, it was simply warm enough to heat their bellies.

When Ricardt was about halfway through his porridge, he asked Volka.

By then, Volka had already taken off his shirt and was wiping his body down with a towel. His chest and stomach were covered in thick hair.

“So, where are we headed?”

“Kaitz. We’ll be joining up with the Widowmakers Clan there. We don’t have enough people to handle an entire front on our own.”

The Viola Clan consisted of four members, making it one of the smallest clans. Large clans could have nearly dozens of members.

It was the same principle as nobles, where there were high-ranking aristocrats like dukes or grand dukes, and then smaller-scale nobles. Large clans could even dominate entire guilds.

In rare cases, some clans would completely break away from the guild.

“What’s our mission?”

“We’re just guarding the passageway.”

“So, there hasn’t been any real fighting yet?”

“I’ve heard there’s been some knife-fighting here and there, but it seems like we haven’t had many casualties on our side. Looks like the guilds are all being cautious.”

“Cautious about what?”

“Well, don’t we have to figure out who’s an enemy and who’s an ally first?”

Guilds could form alliances with one another, but whether or not they could trust those alliances depended entirely on the judgment of the guild master.

“It’s certain that war’s going to break out, but no one knows exactly when things will get serious.”

“Yeah, but lately the signs are definitely bad. There are more and more guys walking around armed.”

“What kind of people are these Widowmakers?”

“They’re hotheads. Problem is, they’re dumb as hell.”

Delphi, who was busy tending to Volka’s equipment, answered the question for him.

“Ice is around too. I heard he’s already killed five enemies. That’s why he’s now the number one target for the enemy.”

“Well, if it’s Ice, that’s not surprising.”


At the mention of a name she had been compared to without even knowing who it was, Marie muttered quietly to herself. Volka and Delphi turned to look at her.

“Your name’s Marie, right? Sorry for the late introduction. I’m Volka.”

“I’m Delphi. Nice to meet you.”

“Hello, I’m Marie. I’ve heard a lot about you from Ricky and Bori.”

“Feel free to speak casually. No need for formalities when we could die at any time. We only graduated recently too.”

“Volka, you’re too blunt. Come here, I’ll brush your hair.”

Delphi said as she grabbed a brush and moved behind Marie.

“Huh? Ah, th-thank you…”

“No need for thanks. Just speak comfortably.”

Delphi, having just finished taking care of Volka’s equipment, started brushing Marie’s wet hair. She was truly a kind person, someone who always took care of others before herself. Despite her rough first impression, she had a gentle side.

Ricardt, warming himself by the fire, thought back on the days he’d spent with them. Then, looking at Volka, he called out.

“Hey Volka.”

“Yeah? What is it?”

“Do you think this war is worth fighting? Or are you just doing it just because you’re in a guild?”



“When a new area opens up, won’t a new branch head be needed? I can’t live my whole life being dragged around as a sword-for-hire. I need to start setting up roots and preparing to settle down. Honestly, I’m not too keen on the north, but when an opportunity comes, you have to take it.”

“Do you really think you’ll become a branch head once the war is over?”

“I don’t know. That depends on the higher-ups. Either way, I’m stuck living off my sword. What else can I do? If I save up enough money, I’m going to clear some land and build our own estate. Delphi and I will live there until we grow old and die.”


Delphi, who had been brushing Marie’s hair, remained silent. She didn’t tease him with her usual playful jabs but instead just blushed slightly.

“Volka, you sound like an adult.”

Boribori, who was eating another bowl of bland soup, chimed in. Volka just leaned back in his chair and smiled faintly.

“I have to look after you guys too, you know. After all, I’m the leader of the Viola Clan. If you don’t have anything else to do later, you can come plow the fields at our estate.”

This time, Ricardt let out a small chuckle. Just like during their days at the Academy, Volka seemed to have a strong sense of responsibility.

“Let’s rest here for a bit and leave in the morning. If anyone wants to wash up, go ahead. Though it’ll be cold water, of course. But you know we can’t be picky right now, right?”

Volka said. As he suggested, they warmed themselves by the fire for a while, then Ricardt, Boribori, and Volka went out to the well in the back courtyard of the building.

The men roughly splashed water on themselves to wash up, while the two women used the bath barrel to clean themselves, though they couldn’t heat the water.

Afterward, they dried their clothes by the fire, and everyone found an empty room to lie down and rest, men and women separately, even if only for a short while.

The sound of rain hitting the roof and windows served as a perfect lullaby, and though the sleep was brief, it was deep.

Drip, drip… drip…

By morning, when they gathered their equipment and belongings and stepped outside, the clear sky greeted Ricardt and his group.

“Take care of yourselves.”

The young clerk said, appearing quite proud to be guarding the building alone. Of course, he wasn’t fighting enemies but just dusting and clearing cobwebs, but still.

The world, damp from the rain, looked fresher than usual, though the ground was still soggy. However, once they left the city and walked across the fields, the footing improved.

The group followed Volka and Delphi as they headed southwest. The place called Kaitz was a sort of highland, uninhabited.

However, it had an old, ruined defensive tower that had long since lost its purpose. Occupying the tower would allow control over the surrounding area.

Since anyone could come down from the high ground and ambush travelers, it was nearly impossible to move safely without securing the tower.

In short, it was a critical stronghold.

Volka led the group, keeping an eye on the surroundings, while Ricardt took up the rear. Though there were only five of them, they moved in a well-ordered formation.

Although it was an area with clear visibility in all directions, these were actually the places you had to be most careful of.

Even flat terrain isn’t truly flat- slight rises and dips in the land can hide things that aren’t visible from a distance but become apparent up close. Especially in spring or summer, when the grass grows tall, it’s easier to conceal oneself.

Enemies could hide in such places, waiting to launch an ambush, so even in open fields, it was essential to stay alert.

Ricardt, staying vigilant as they passed through, didn’t sense any immediate danger.

The group quickened their pace, and by late afternoon, they arrived at an area where short grass and jagged rocks jutted up from the gently sloping ground. This marked the beginning of Kaitz.

But just as they reached this point safely, they encountered five or six people. The group had been hidden behind the mountainside, but as they turned a corner, they came into view.

They were armed, each person equipped with different, unique gear that was clearly suited to their individual preferences. They were obviously adventurers.

The distance between the two groups was roughly 40 to 50 meters. It was an awkward distance—close enough to pass without acknowledgment if they didn’t want trouble, but too far for an ambush. A distance where shouts could be heard.

In other words, an ambiguous distance, and it was clear that neither group had been aware of the other until they stumbled upon each other.


“Which guild are you with?”

The other party shouted first. Should they fight here, or should they ignore them and continue up the path?

Volka immediately glanced up the road toward the defensive tower. But there, blocking their path, more people had appeared, observing what was happening below.

The enemy found it suspicious when no one answered their question about affiliation. At that moment, Ricardt quickly shouted.


The Brabant Guild was one of the guilds closest to the central northern region, alongside the Beringen Guild. In other words, they would never be on the same side as these people, so Ricardt cleverly shouted out the name, hoping to mislead them.

It was a good move, but it was a flimsy lie.

“Brabant? Is Brabant coming too? Hey! Not the guild! What clan are you with?”

It seemed the deception wasn’t going to work.

“Let’s head up. Volka will clear the path. I’ll take the rear.”

Ricardt said quietly, making sure only his group could hear.

“Got it.”

Volka nodded. There was no time for discussion. They couldn’t run away from here either. Trying to shake off a chase would be more dangerous and exhausting. It was better to break through and quickly join up with the Widowmakers Clan at the defensive tower.

Without needing to agree out loud, Volka casually started heading up the path first. So far, neither side had drawn their weapons.

When they had covered some distance, the people up ahead noticed something was off and shouted.

“Don’t come any closer. We’ll consider you enemies.”

“Hey! Put your weapons down!”

“These bastards are from Beringen!”

With that, Volka charged at the enemies above like a raging bull.

They weren’t complete novices either, as they quickly grabbed their swords or maces to face him.

As an enemy’s sword swung toward Volka at the front, he deflected it with the iron armor on his left arm, then rammed his body into the attacker.


At the same time, he shoved an arm between the enemy’s legs, lifted him up completely, and hurled him down the slope toward the others.



“Stop them! Don’t let them climb!”

The man Volka threw knocked down several of his comrades, but those who were still on their feet fought desperately to block Ricardt and the group.

Volka drew a short, broad sword from his waist and charged recklessly. He fought at close range, punching, throwing, or stabbing with his sword.

It was such a rough fighting style that there were bound to be some openings, but Delphi covered those openings perfectly.

Volka broke through the enemies in one rough exchange.

Marie and Boribori quickly followed behind, and as Ricardt, wearing his scabbard diagonally, followed last, an enemy who had rushed over tried to stab him in the back with a sword.

But as if Ricardt had eyes in the back of his head, he suddenly spun around, slashing his sword with lightning speed.


The enemy’s sword broke, and in the same motion, Ricardt’s sword cut through the enemy’s chin while simultaneously slicing his throat.


One man went down, but two more charged at Ricardt from both sides. This was while the broken sword was still in the air.

The attacks from both directions had a slight time difference. Ricardt responded to the attack from the right first, pushing his sword forward to meet it head-on.


Once again a metallic sound rang out, and as the attack from the left cut through empty air, Ricardt twisted his wrist to disengage the locked swords and immediately swung his sword.


The enemy closest to him had his neck cleanly severed, and the one on the left had his throat slashed. With a single slash, Ricardt had killed both men.

The fragments of the broken sword clattered against a nearby rock.


In the blink of an eye, the attacking enemies were stunned. Ice had earned his reputation by killing five enemies, but Ricardt had already cut down three in mere moments.

Standing on the sloping path, Ricardt stared down at the remaining enemies, bloodied sword in hand. The wind caught his crimson cloak, causing it to flutter slightly.

One of the enemies, as if suddenly realizing something, pointed at Ricardt and shouted loudly.

“You! Red Cloak! It’s Ricky, the Red Cloak Ricky!”

“You know me?”

Ricardt, who had just killed three people in an instant, asked in confusion. However, instead of answering, the person ran across the highland field shouting like a shepherd warning about wolves.

“It’s Ricky! It’s Red Cloak Ricky!”

The other enemies, hearing this, turned and fled in a panic. Seeing this, Volka, Delphi, Boribori, and Marie, who had been climbing ahead, turned around in confusion. No one was more puzzled than Ricardt himself. What the hell was going on?

The enemies kept shouting the same thing as they ran.

“It’s Red Cloak Ricky!”

“Ricky is here!”

Ricardt didn’t really want to chase after the fleeing enemies, but he was curious about who they were trying to alert with such shouting. So, he ran after them, dashing across the highland fields.

As he turned around the mountainside, he unconsciously drew in a sharp breath.


This was because there were what looked to be easily over a hundred people swarming far below in the highlands.

Volka and the rest of the group, who had followed behind, were just as shocked when they saw the scene.

“My god……”

“What is this…… Is this a real war?”

Guild wars were different from actual wars. It was usually just a series of skirmishes between swordsmen, with people killing each other here and there. At most, only a few dozen people would be involved.

Guilds varied in size, but even the largest ones capable of gathering a hundred or more people wouldn’t normally mass them in one place like this. It seemed clear that multiple guilds had allied together.

In any case, it was obvious that things were getting very serious.

The enemies who had encountered Ricardt and his group ran towards the swarm of adventurers, shouting all the while. Ricardt’s name echoed across the highlands.

“It’s Red Cloak Ricky!”


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