The Villainess Proposed a Contractual Marriage

Chapter 8: Who is the Sinner?

Boldly, after personally busting the illegal auction.

Day 1 after wrapping up the incident. The Count showed up at the orphanage, grabbing my hands tight with tears in his eyes.

"I can't thank you enough... You're my savior. This isn't about our deal. I truly believe, from the bottom of my heart, that I owe you a debt I can never repay."

"Come on, it's not that big a deal. If anything, you're my benefactor for giving me a way to make a living when I had nothing."

"Such modesty...!"

"Alright, enough. Since you're here, why don't you go see Yulian?"

"Of course. Again, I'm truly grateful."

The Count's gratitude was almost overwhelming. But I was only half-present, mumbling empty words.

I knew why he was so thankful.

My divine power had been exposed. To a massive crowd, no less...

He'd be a heartless bastard if he didn't cry and thank me after I'd helped him at such extreme risk.

I spent my time in a daze, feeling like a pig being led to slaughter.

Day 2 after wrapping up the incident. The perceptive kids were starting to notice something was off.

"Director, you okay? You're missing your usual energy."

"Are you sick or something...?"

"No way, the Director can't get sick. The Director's invincible."

As expected, only Tina acknowledges I might be human enough to fall ill.

Come to think of it, Yulian aside, what on earth does Glen think of me to say stuff like that? Honestly, his blind faith is a bit scary.

Anyway, feeling bad about worrying them, I forced a smile.

"Mmm, I'm fine. Just a bit sleepy, I guess. Want to play hide-and-seek?"


Tina reacted immediately. It's her favorite game, so she's excited. On the other hand, Yulian looked like he'd rather eat dirt.

"Let's do it, hide-and-seek!"

"My ankle hurts. You two should play together."

"Ugh, it's no fun with just two people... Can't be helped. Glen, you in?"

"Of course I have to join."

Glen nodded enthusiastically. It might seem like nothing, but his choice of words felt off.

'Have to? Did he take my suggestion to play hide-and-seek as an order?'

By the time I tried to clear things up just in case, it was already too late.

Glen, who'd followed Tina out to the yard, came back about 30 minutes later, drenched in sweat and looking ready to collapse.

He looked like he'd gone through the condensed version of a boot camp.

From what I heard, he became 'it' within 3 seconds of starting, and spent the remaining 29 minutes and 57 seconds running around like a madman trying to catch Tina.

He was certainly a determined kid, befitting his former destiny as a villain.

"Hehe... That was so fun!"

"Huff... huff..."

Tina beamed brightly, completely ignoring the panting victim.

Meanwhile, Glen shot a resentful look at Yulian, which Yulian coolly brushed off.

These kids sure have a colorful range of behaviors.

Day 3 after wrapping up the incident.

I don't go anywhere, just holing up in the orphanage.

By now, rumors must be spreading like wildfire. It wouldn't be weird for the Imperial Palace or the Temple to take some kind of action.

Even if the Count could somehow pull strings at the Imperial Palace, he'd be powerless against an independent organization like the Temple.

I'm genuinely worried and can't stand it.

Another day passed under the suspicious gazes of the children.

One week after wrapping up the incident.

Surprisingly, nothing happened. Not even a whisper of news. Why? How? What the hell is going on?

By this point, I'm confused.

But I can't keep fumbling around looking pathetic. So I put on a fake smile and went into town.

And as always, a certain girl appeared.

"Ah! It's the crazy oppa!"

"At least I'm not 'mister' anymore."

Looks like Flotia's warming up to me.

"You bought so many flowers that you're a VIP now. We have to treat you right!"

I was wrong. It was my wallet she was warming up to.

Who knew there could be a crazy VIP in this world? I've learned something new today.

"Oh? But who's that?"

She was talking about Glen. I casually introduced him.

"This is Glen, he's new at the orphanage."

"Oh, I don't know why, but all the kids at your orphanage are such cuties. Come to think of it, I haven't seen that girl before either."

"Oh, was this Tina's first time too?"

Tina had been at the orphanage for a while, so I thought Flotia would know her. But thinking back, I guess they've never actually met...

"I'm Tina..."

"Like the Director said, I'm Glen. Nice to meet you."

Tina, shy around strangers, and Glen, greeting smoothly.

To this, Flotia beamed and smoothly offered her service.

"Nice to meet you both! Oh, here's a gift to celebrate our meeting!"

Flotia handed out a red flower to Tina and a white one to Glen.

Tina, being shy, quickly retreated after just taking the flower, but Glen's interaction with Flotia lasted quite a bit longer.

"Wow, Glen, was it? Now that I look closely, you're super handsome. I bet there's no flower that wouldn't suit you."

"... Flowers suit me? Me?"

"Eek, do boys not like hearing that?"

"Not particularly...?"

Ignoring Glen's attempt to correct her, Flotia persisted, holding his hand.

"But look at this. This white flower is called Replicia, and its flower language means 'For you whose hardships have ended.' It means you'll be full of happiness from now on!"


Glen murmured with a momentarily blank expression.

Then he broke into a faint smile. He carefully grasped the flower Flotia had given him and brought it to his chest.

That's when Yulian chimed in with a grumbling tone.

"You didn't give me an explanation like that..."


Flotia froze at the sudden complaint.

"Um... so... Yulian..."


Yulian's face, tinged with faint expectation, shattered at Flotia's next words.

"Sorry, what did I give you again?"


"Hey, how can a person remember every little thing? It's fine, it's fine!"

"I'm not fine though... No, forget it."

Yulian stared blankly at Glen and Flotia's hands, still clasped together. Then his eyes met Glen's, who was gazing at the gifted flower.


At that moment, I noticed a strange tension between Yulian and Glen.

They both cleared their expressions as if there was nothing going on, but... I realized, to my dismay, exactly what these little brats wanted.



"You know, I've seen a lot of that trope where male leads obsess over side characters..."

"What's that?"

"No, well, just..."

It seems you've become the original female lead in that kind of story, Tina.

I'll raise you well so you don't go down the route of a jealous villainess who gets jealous of the side character...

"I really care about you, you know."

"I care about you too, Director, hehe."

Your bright smile is truly healing.

Haah... Tina is the future. I won't give this child to anyone.




Three weeks after wrapping up the incident.

Amazingly, nothing has happened so far.

What's going on? Seriously, what's happening?

I'm starting to get scared instead.



The political climate in the Imperial Palace is buzzing.

Especially these days, debates about a certain incident have been super active, turning the conference room into a daily battlefield.

"Divine power, you say! Even during wartime, that power never leaked outside, and now it's being carelessly thrown around in the real world? This is ridiculous!"

"It goes without saying that this is wrong. It's not like the country is falling apart... How could someone use such power for personal reasons?"

"Watch your words, Viscount Tarel! Though divine power was used, it was for justice against criminals everyone would condemn. If we judge that as a crime, there wouldn't be a single innocent person in this world!"

One incident - it was about the illegal auction that broke out in Court Count Arwel's domain.

Arguments on whether to punish or overlook the leakage of divine power, strictly forbidden by law, were going on non-stop.

"Has His Majesty the Emperor said anything yet?"

"As always. Once we reach a conclusion, His Majesty will make a decision on that conclusion."

"What a waste of time... It's not like it's the first or second time he's overturned a unanimous decision all by himself."

At that moment, one person boldly spoke up.

"Honestly, I don't even get why this is a debate. Even by the Temple's rules, this is punishable. Wouldn't it be fine to follow their lead and make a decision?"

"Well, you're right. If it were an ordinary citizen or noble, that'd be one thing, but for someone from the Temple, the Temple's laws come first."

More and more people began to agree. As a result, the heated atmosphere naturally began to cool down.

Just then, a knock was heard from outside.

Knock knock.

Next, before anyone could say "come in," the door opened. The figure who appeared was Court Count Arwel, with a stern look.

"I've brought a document sealed by the Pope himself after meeting him directly. Of course, it's about the mess in my domain."

"The Pope...?"

People stirred at the mention of a direct meeting with the Pope.

The Pope, called the living god. It was nearly impossible to meet him directly, for any reason.

The conference hall fell silent in an instant, overwhelmed by his authority.

"I'll read it directly."

Despite the large paper, the written phrase was super short.

[The Temple will fulfill its duties. Therefore, let the Imperial Palace fulfill its duties.]

It meant that the Temple would decide Harte's fate, so the Imperial Palace should focus on its duties for the citizens without causing a fuss.

Facing this devout statement, they looked at each other.



And so, all those who had been arguing about the illegal auction fell silent.

Court Count Arwel had somewhat dodged the bullet, but he couldn't fully relax.

'Nothing was written about what'll actually happen to Harte... I'm not sure how to take this.'

He had tried to read the Pope's mood during their meeting, but it was chilling.


Ironically, it seemed he had reached a point where he truly needed to pray to God.



In an empty corridor of the Imperial Palace.

After the situation was settled by the Temple's official letter, Court Count Arwel had to pause for a moment.

"Greetings, Duke Luminel."

"Haha... You're being formal."

"I apologize for not visiting you more often."

He had run into an uncomfortable acquaintance.

Duke Luminel was a big shot among the nobility, and he had been subtly trying to recruit Court Count Arwel, who stayed neutral.

He was an exhausting person in every way, from his abilities to his schemes.

"I saw your impressive performance. To think you'd strike a deal with the Pope himself. If I had known you were such a bold talent, I would have gotten closer to you sooner."

"A lord merely took responsibility for an incident in his domain. There's no virtue to speak of."


Greed flashed in Duke Luminel's eyes.

The contradiction of maintaining neutrality while holding the position of Court Count. And the unyielding attitude even towards the leader of the nobility faction. Not to mention the ability to actually receive an audience with the Pope.

He was a man with many aspects to exploit.

But that also made him an inconvenient opponent if he wasn't on the same side.

"I'm suddenly envious. To think the holder of a baptismal name is close friends with a mere count. What a blessing indeed."


Court Count Arwel was not one to miss the hidden meaning in Duke Luminel's admiration.

"With all due respect, please don't think about dragging him into politics!"

"Drag him in? Ahahah, there seems to be a misunderstanding here."

Duke Luminel smiled gently.

"I simply wish to be friends with such a rare talent. Oh, of course, that includes you as well."

Court Count Arwel's mind raced. He analyzed the duke's vague attitude, gauging his opponent's capabilities and intentions.

In the midst of the ensuing stalemate, the Duke spoke first.

"However, I would like some assurance."

"... What kind of assurance?"

"Two things, for now. First, do you respect that person's freedom?"

"I've already told you. He is merely my benefactor, so I can't force anything on him."

"That's good to hear. Now, about the second thing..."

Court Count Arwel's anxiety peaked at the duke's next question.

"You wouldn't have any complaints if I were to become closer friends with your benefactor, would you? After all, you have an obligation to respect his freedom."

There was no way to refute that. So Court Count Arwel answered, swallowing his unease.

"... I suppose not."

"I'm grateful for that. I won't be so shameless as to ask for an introduction. Hahaha..."

Even so, the duke knew best that he didn't have the charm to win Harte over in an instant.

It's only natural for someone to be wary when approached by a person of his power. Even if they were an uneducated commoner.

However, there was one card that could deepen their friendship more than the count's in a short time.

Duke Luminel called for his aide while basking in the sunlight outside the Imperial Palace.


"Yes, Your Grace."

"When we get back to the mansion, bring that child."

"If I may, Your Grace, isn't this going too far?"

The aide expressed concern, having seen through his intentions.

But the duke twisted his mouth as if his subordinate's advice was laughable.

"Too far? Kuk, haha!"

He laughed loudly. As if pitying his aide's short-sightedness.

Standing before the waiting carriage door, he spoke.

"You say that because you've never seen it before. The miraculous light that shatters the principles of this world... No one who has seen that light would think it excessive."

"... Is that so."

For some reason, the Temple is turning a blind eye to Harte's actions.

A once-in-a-lifetime chance.

The bait is too sweet to question its suspiciousness.

That's why Duke Luminel intends to play his most appropriate card.

His only daughter, raised beautifully to rule over high society. She's managed to fend off the horny dogs sending love letters almost daily.

As if in preparation for this very day.

'Since ancient times, the best alliance has been a marriage alliance.'

No matter how extraordinary a person may be, in the end, a country bumpkin from the Temple would highly value even a man's skirt hem.

If his daughter can properly enthrall him, what does the Count matter?

"I can't wait!"

He smiled slyly, imagining the future ahead.

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