The Villainess Proposed a Contractual Marriage

Chapter 79: The Square of Divergence

Winter came to the demon realm too.

Unlike the human realm, the demon realm had muted colors. This wasn't literal, but rather an optical illusion caused by the prevalence of 'demonic energy' emitted by the realm's unique flora.

In the midst of this otherworldly landscape stood a black wall. It marked the heart of the demon realm - the area serving as the capital, much like in the human realm.

Unlike humans who built lavish palaces for royalty, demons constructed fortresses. Strictly speaking, it was a palace, but its appearance resembled what humans would call a fortress.

"It's cold."

At the top of the fortress, a man felt snowflakes melting in his palm. He was striking, with sorrowful golden eyes. If anything was unusual about him, it was his youthful appearance.

Though he had lived for half a century, from the demons' perspective - most of who were long-lived - he was still a novice. Perhaps that's why the man still looked like he was in his late teens by human standards.


He projected the image of his wife, who had passed away several years ago, onto the snow-covered ground. The wife he had helplessly let go, unable to protect her in the end.

She had once endured countless glares for allegedly pressuring the Demon King into unreasonable demands. That label clung to her like a shadow, becoming a tumor that destroyed her from within. It led to mental illness, and after suffering for a long time, she left this world. As if she had received divine punishment.

"This time, I'll protect it for sure. The fruit of our love..."

Information had trickled in from a vampire spy who had infiltrated the human realm. It said that the child Letitia had spirited away was living there. However, given that contact was quickly lost, the spy must have been captured or killed.

Either way, it was good news from the Demon King's perspective.

Even if born human, he might not be able to make them inherit the throne, but he could at least cherish them. He wanted to make up for the wasted years of the son he had let go of so emptily.


"Your Majesty, I await your command."

To the vampire count who bowed respectfully, he declared, "I'm going to the human realm. Personally."

"I shall accompany you."

It was a declaration that the king of a race would roam enemy territory. Yet Tzepesh, far from dissuading him, obediently accepted the order.

Such was the nature of the Demon King. While he might not be politically perfect, he commanded absolute trust in his power. Even if he were to invade the stronghold of an enemy race alone.

"I won't... let go of family anymore."

His firm resolve sank into the softly piled snow.



Preparations for the year-end festival were in full swing.

An excited atmosphere permeated the capital, regardless of social status. Even ordinary shops were dressed up, and unfamiliar street stalls had sprung up. The temple was packed with people praying for peace in the new year.

In the center of these bustling streets lay a wide square. There, Harte turned around upon hearing a gentle voice.

"Ah...! Excuse me! Sir Holy Knight!"


A girl with fluttering red hair ran over with a delighted expression. Surprised by this unexpected reunion, Harte stopped and waited for her.

"Phew! Hello. It's the first time we've met since we bumped into each other that day."

"Ah, I was very rude then."

"Oh no, not at all. It was my fault for not looking where I was going."

"Then let's say we were both at fault and move on."

Harte was indeed an adult. He naturally soothed Tina's embarrassment.

"Do you have any particular business with me, miss?"

"Um... well, it's not really business... Or is it? Is it business?"

"I'll listen carefully, so take your time."

"Ugh, yes...!"

Tina was simply fascinated. Even when she panicked and floundered, her heart eased when Harte spoke to her.

A reliable adult. This was the general impression Tina had of Harte.

"So... I just wanted to talk a little... You might find it awkward to hear this when we've only met briefly twice, but..."

"There's no reason for it to be awkward. Clergy are supposed to listen to others' stories, aren't they?"


Harte turned his gaze to the clock tower in the square. By the looks of it, if he hurried afterwards, he could definitely clock in on time.

Then he gestured to Tina to take a seat on a conveniently empty bench.

"Shall we sit down and talk?"

"Ah, thank you..."

Tina followed behind Harte, fidgeting. And when Harte sat down on the bench, Tina, watching his movements, took a seat beside him.

'Is, is this... really happening...?'

On the day they bumped shoulders, Tina had wanted to have a conversation with Harte.

The reason was unclear. If asked for a reason, she could only say "just because."

That's why from her perspective, the holy knight before her eyes was a mysterious person.

"Um... What's your name?"

"It's Harte."

"So it's Harte. I'm Tina."

"I see. Nice to meet you, Miss Tina."

For a while, the cold wind swept over the two silent people. The more it did, the more anxious Tina became.

They had exchanged names, but now that they were face to face, she didn't know what to say first.

In this situation, Harte was the one to break the ice.

"Do you have any worries you'd like to share with me?"

"Worries... Ah, yes! I do."

Tina's face brightened as she finally found a topic of conversation. She then began to pour out the concerns she had been holding in her heart.

"This is about my friend..."

"That's not right."


For a moment, Tina's blue eyes widened. Harte seriously lectured her.

"It's wrong to carelessly leak your friend's circumstances to others. You shouldn't do that."

"Uh... oh..."

She fell into confusion upon hearing the righteous argument.

Tina found the experience of being guided on the right path by an adult unfamiliar. It was even more so now that even her parents' faces had become blurry in her memory.

Tina hastily added an excuse.

"W-well, it's also my story...! So it should be fine. Probably..."

It was Tina, flapping her hands as she made excuses. Harte couldn't help but smile, finding her cute.

"I'll listen. So tell me."

"Umm... Okay. So, actually, I'm in charge of guarding an important person."

"Are you a knight?"

"Not a knight... I'm just pretty strong, hehe..."

Tina made a gesture of flexing her biceps. Seeing the sincerity in this somewhat comical gesture, Harte readily agreed.

"You certainly look like it."

"Right? I don't know what would've happened without me! Actually, the person they're dealing with is a real villain."

"A real villain... They must be a truly dangerous person."

"That's right. They have no mercy when it comes to hurting people, you know?"

Tina deliberately avoided mentioning Elphisia. After all, at this point in the empire, the only people opposing Elphisia were the Empress Dowager and Askalion.

She wasn't careless enough to blurt out such easily identifiable details on a main street.

"So I'm worried. We've more or less finished preparations to bring that person to justice. We're just one step away now... but I'm not sure if we can succeed."

"So your concern is anxiety about failure?"

"Uh... that's right. That person has a subordinate, and they're incredibly strong too. They're really good at running away in all directions, so it's very frustrating."


Her tone, gritting her teeth, conveyed how desperate she was. Moreover, her motive of punishing an evildoer was morally sound. This was why Harte involved himself more than usual.

"I'll pray for you. For Miss Tina's wish to come true..."

"Thank you so much! Then, shall we pray together?"

"That sounds good."

Sitting side by side, Harte and Tina clasped their hands tightly and offered a prayer.

"May Miss Tina's wish come true..."

"May we catch them for sure this time...!"

Goodwill and desperation intertwined. The wishes of two people striving to uphold a righteous life reached the heavens.

Despite wishing for each other, their envisioned futures were quite different.

This place where crossing desires twisted was a square of divergence.



Meanwhile, at the time Harte was offering his prayer.

There was movement in the largest and most luxurious bedroom of the Luminel mansion. Every time the person inside tossed and turned under the blanket, a rustling noise was heard.

The person was Elphisia Luminel.

She was an iron-willed woman who had lived more fiercely and diligently than anyone else.

It was hard to imagine someone like her lying in bed at a time when work should be in full swing. Yet Elphisia had set aside all her official duties and was burying her face in the pillow.

'I regret it.'

The past where walking the path of an villainess was natural, where she even enjoyed it, was now so regrettable.

The reason for choosing that direction in life was simple. It was the most efficient way to elevate the value of the human called Elphisia.

She felt no guilt, accustomed as she was to always standing above others. Everything was just a chess piece existing for conquest and domination.

Until she met Harte, she thought that was all there was to it.

'Sometimes... I hate you.'

It was strange.

The person who changed her, someone who didn't bat an eye even when victims pleaded with tears, was a fool who could be called more than just gullible. Every time she realized this, her pride was hurt, and on the other hand, she felt her empty heart being filled.

Perhaps it would have been better not to know these emotions at all.

If only she could have remained a villainess until the end, she wouldn't have to struggle like this.

"Damn it."

It was almost time for Harte to arrive. Elphisia habitually called out her subordinate's name.




After a moment of silence, Elphisia remembered that she had forced Glen to take a vacation.

"... I should've treated him a little better."

It was too late for regrets.

Without her knowing, fate was tightening its grip on her moment by moment.

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