The Villainess Proposed a Contractual Marriage

Chapter 34: Parenting Meeting

It was a bright morning like any other at the Luminel mansion.

Since being stuck in the capital, I'd been staying at the duke's residence.

I could've returned to the temple just to take care of myself, but there was no better place for the children than here.

For the first few days, I just played around without much thought.

I'd go on walks with Elphisia and take Tina and Glen sightseeing in the capital. But that only lasted a day or two. My conscience started to trouble me about doing nothing but playing around.

I may be the son-in-law, but I couldn't just freeload without earning my keep.

So I asked the duke's permission and got a new job - as a swordsmanship instructor for the Luminel family's knightly order, the Sword King Unit.

Originally called the Imperial Sword King Unit, the duke shortened the name, finding it too cumbersome.

Indeed, it was filled with people as skilled as the grand name suggested.

So what was I doing in a training ground full of such talented individuals?

I was about to perform some silly antics while sitting cross-legged.

It was entertainment discussed for relaxation after training had finished.

"Ahem! Is everyone ready?"

"Yes, we are!"

A unified response rang out loudly. Indeed, it was a knightly order with impeccable discipline.

Before me was a long rope, with soldiers grasping it in a tug-of-war stance.

However, unlike a normal tug-of-war, there was no one on the opposing side.

"Now then, Tina, Glen. Watch closely."

"Yes, Dad."

"Yes, Director."

I took an exaggerated deep breath and theatrically stretched out my hand.

"Abracadabra... Hiyah!"


As soon as I uttered the silly spell, the rope floated up to the soldiers' waist level. Then, as I subtly wiggled my fingers, the rope the knights were pulling with all their might was suddenly sucked towards where I sat.

"Whoa, whoaaa!"

Scrape scrape scrape...!

As they leaned back to resist, their shoes scraped heavily against the sandy ground. Even as some dust scattered, the rope kept relentlessly pulling towards me.


Though they were straining with all their might, the outcome was decided quickly.

The rope that had been far away came right up to my face before losing its force and falling to the ground with a thud.

"Kids, this is what we call magic."

"Wow! That's so cool, Dad. They're not just acting, are they?"

"Yeah... I thought it was a performance like Tina said."

I sat there telling lies to the innocent children.

In reality, it was just a trick of moving objects with mental energy. It's the same technique the duke often uses to open doors.

Of course, unlike the naive children, the battle-hardened knights weren't fooled.

"Amazing, Master! I thought only the duke was capable of such a feat..."

"They say that when your training reaches its peak, objects move with just a thought..."

"Could this be that legendary divine power we've only heard about?"

Using divine power always comes with a display of divine majesty. Even the most trivial tricks are accompanied by spectacular sights.

"Come on, no way. I'm still a knight, I can't rely solely on my baptismal name, can I? I've been diligently swinging a sword since my days at the temple."

At my words, they couldn't hide their admiring yet curious looks.

"Then... if you were to compare the holy knights of the temple with us, which side do you think would have the advantage?"

"The Sword King Unit, of course."

It was a question that didn't require much thought.

Holy knights live strictly according to the temple's rules. Moreover, since they're basically classified as clergy, a large portion of their time is devoted to religious activities.

It's unfair to compare them to a knightly order that can dedicate themselves to training all day.

'Though the commander would probably be on par with the duke...'

There's no need to compare them to the lord they respect. For the sake of smooth social relations here, I should praise the duke's family.

As I was nodding to myself, Tina, who had been watching from the side, sparkled her eyes.

"Dad, can I do this too?"

"Of course! Absolutely. Just work hard at your exercises."

Plus, being a half-dragon, she likely has latent abilities unique to the Bloody Dragon. With the desire to become stronger, she'll probably grow faster than anyone else.

"What about me, Director?"

"There's a reason the duke took you as a disciple. Everything the duke can do, you'll be able to do too."


Glen shyly clasped his hands together and looked to me for confirmation.

"If that happens... will I be able to help others like you did, Director? Like how you saved me."

"Oh my, aren't you precious!"


I ruffled Glen's hair roughly. Understandably, the memory of the illegal auction seemed deeply etched in Glen's mind.

To think he'd turn that into altruism rather than developing hatred.

It's hard to believe such a kind child grew up to be Elphisia's personal assassin in the future.

'Though Elphisia is looking after him in her own way now...'

In truth, there's an awkward atmosphere between Elphisia and Glen. More precisely, Elphisia is visibly uncomfortable, so Glen mirrors that awkwardness in return.

For some reason, Elphisia was reluctant to openly care for Glen. Instead, she would subtly glance at him often and bring gifts that were slightly more expensive than those for the other children.

... Of course, through me.

Just as I was lost in thought, as if speaking of the devil, Elphisia's voice called out from behind.


"Oh, Elphisia. You're here?"

While welcoming her, I couldn't help but look past her shoulder.

Behind Elphisia, three or four maids followed, pulling trolley carts. And atop the trolley carts, wild berry-scented ade[1] with floating ice cubes flaunted its frosty appearance.

"I thought you might be tired from training. I brought something for everyone to wet their throats."

"My goodness, Elphisia..."

"Ohhh... My lady...!"

Elphisia then added in a voice colder than the ice in the ade:

"Though from the looks of it, you seem to have been playing the fool."

"Oh, no, you've got it wrong! Elphisia, this is... a training method to build endurance through tug-of-war."

Sensing danger, the knights quickly backed up my excuse.

"That's right, my lady!"

"This was the toughest part!"

At least it wasn't a lie.

They must have struggled straining their muscles, and it probably is a method to build endurance...

Elphisia allowed the snacks with an expression that showed she didn't believe a word of it.

"Haah, it would be a shame to just throw this on the ground. I'll let it slide this time."


The moment permission was granted, the knights, exuding sweat, grabbed the ade without hesitation.

Meanwhile, I was curious about Elphisia's display of kindness and casually struck up a conversation.

"So... what's the occasion? You're being quite attentive today."

"I brought bribes in case you were being ostracized."


Having stayed at the duke's mansion for a while now, the duke's household members knew well how to treat us.

It was obvious they'd face consequences if they dared to ostracize us, so who would even think of it?

Elphisia wasn't one to be unaware of this.

"This is what you call supporting your husband. I have to at least save face to show up in social circles, don't I?"

"Ah, is it time already?"

Today was the day to attend the gathering.

If you ask what kind of gathering, I could answer that it's a parenting group.

The parenting group started from Elphisia's concerns.

"What are you going to do about Tina and Glen?"

"What do you mean, what am I going to do?"

"Are you just going to keep them cooped up in the duke's mansion, living in luxury?"

"... Sounds good?"

At this point, I was a fool thinking from an adult's perspective. That's why Elphisia didn't hesitate to rebuke me.

"Are you going to raise them with only each other as friends? Worse, Yulian is staying at the imperial palace, so they each only have one friend."

"... Ah!"

"What do you mean 'Ah!'? As their environment has changed, we need to create another environment for them."

Right after scolding me, she handed me over ten envelopes of letters.

"Quite a few invitations have piled up since the last ball. I've picked out the useful ones, so you decide on the rest."

"Useful for what?"

"Invitations from families with young lords or ladies around Tina and Glen's age. If we ask for permission, it should be possible to bring the children along."

"That sounds great. As expected of you, Elphisia. You're the best mother anyone could ask for."

At my praise, Elphisia turned her head with a smirk and glared at empty space.

"Hmph, it's just for the contract. That's all."

Thanks to Elphisia's dedication to the contract, I took steps to expand our social circle.

At first, only Elphisia and I met people so as not to overwhelm the children. Then, as they gradually became accustomed, we brought up the topic of the children, which somehow snowballed into evolving into a parenting group.

The group even grew quite large as connections with people who had children of similar age gathered.

Because of this, the process of setting a date took a long time.

The slowly determined time was noon today.

In other words, today's outing is the first gathering where Tina and Glen will accompany us.

"Kids, you've played in the training ground, so let's go inside to wash up and change clothes."


The children answered energetically in unison. Then they scampered off to the mansion without looking back. It seems the little ones were quite excited about today's gathering too.

"I hope everything goes well and they enjoy themselves..."

Naturally, bringing the children along brings a surge of worry.

But regardless of my concerns, the sun slowly crawled to the center of the sky.

The time for the parenting gathering was drawing closer by the moment.



Inside the bustling mansion.

Viscountess Riona Peter was busy checking the refreshments and interior decorations.

She was the host of this parenting gathering. Though the next gathering would be hosted by someone else, as the host of the first meeting, her role was crucial.

She had seen countless times how a gathering ruined once would head towards dissolution.

"I absolutely... absolutely cannot fail. No way."

Although called a parenting group, it wasn't really an innocent forum for refined discussions about child-rearing.

Of course, such a gathering could be created.

However, this could never be the main event.

The inner thoughts of the guardians participating in the gathering would likely be more or less the same.

'If the gathering grows larger... there would be no better place to find potential marriage partners!'

If that happens, the influence of those at the center of the gathering would naturally grow.

They might even rise to become a mainstream force in high society.

'The timing was perfect.'

Elphisia Luminel and her husband are attending such a gathering. Then it's inevitable that the children seen at the banquet will come along.

So what if the children aren't nobles?

As long as they're children the duke dotes on, noble status is something they can acquire at any time.

It would be fine to have them adopted into a vassal family, but it would be even better if they were registered in the duke's family.

The paradox that commoner children become the best marriage prospects.

There will surely be many people drawn to this paradox.

"You can do this, Riona Peter."

The woman who had built top-tier wealth solely through marriage brokering clenched her fist, steeling her resolve.


[1. raei: Ade (에이드) typically refers to a fruit-flavored drink made with carbonated water or soda. It's similar to lemonade or fruit-flavored sodas in the West.]

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