The Villainess Proposed a Contractual Marriage

Chapter 27: Imperial Palace Ball

I felt time passing.

What I expected to be an uncomfortable moment in the glass greenhouse ended on a surprisingly warm note.

It seemed public perception had progressed. Some asked about relationships that ignored social barriers, while others showed interest in temple life.

As we chatted about various topics, the sun had already set outside, and the imperial ball was fast approaching.

The time: six o'clock sharp.

Standing before the ballroom entrance, Elphisia spoke with a commanding voice.

"Announce us."

At that moment, the doorkeeper opened the door and proclaimed loudly:

"Her Highness Princess Elphisia Luminel, and Sir Harte of the Temple!"

I realized then that I truly was Sir Harte of the Temple.

Given my baptismal name, I likely wouldn't be expelled, but having left on my own, the possibility existed. Of course, to the stiff-necked nobles, I'd be nothing more than a commoner.

In an empire with strict separation of church and state, the temple held no sway. It was merely a religious institution serving the deity and accepting the faithful.

A fitting role.

And it was structured to be that way.

So it wasn't strange that some viewed me unfavorably.

I surveyed the high seats reserved for the imperial family. The raised platform, with its two tiers, offered a commanding view of the entire ballroom.

Currently, all seats were empty.

"The imperial family enters last, I suppose."

"Are you worried?"

"Well, he is just a child."

"You need to let go of your preconceptions."

Elphisia showed no concern. Her trust in Yulian seemed remarkably high.

"You seem to think he's not much just because you won that word game, but that child is far more extraordinary than you realize."

"... I know he's precocious, like a little old man."

I knew what kind of person Yulian would grow up to be. He'd become talented enough to match wits with Elphisia, a dark horse in the succession struggle.

"If you know, then keep your eyes open and watch."

"Elphisia, you're truly remarkable... I can't help but worry."

"It's not that I'm remarkable, there's just no reason to worry. What's wrong with failing a bit? He can always return to the Duke's mansion or the orphanage."

"Well, well."

I never expected Elphisia to say such a thing. She always seemed to have a perfectionist side. So I assumed she wouldn't even consider the possibility of failure.

"You've been smiling this whole time. I see there was a reason for your composure."

"No, I'm smiling for a different reason."

"What is it?"

When I asked, Elphisia snorted.

"It's quite amusing to see you desperately trying to avert your eyes while being so aware of my thighs. Your expression, the way your eyes dart around..."


I couldn't finish my sentence. Because... it was an embarrassing truth I couldn't deny.

It's not that I lack desire. As a holy knight with a baptismal name who's vowed chastity, I merely suppress my urges.

Although we're married, it's just a contract. I dare not be intimate with her. It absolutely must not happen.

'This is torture...'

Still, that side slit is incredibly alluring.

Somehow, her outfit seems to hit all my preferences. It was only when Elphisia appeared in this side-slit dress that I became aware of my own tastes.

How could I hide it?

The Lord would be shocked if He knew my thoughts, but... my preference was for sturdy lower bodies.

"I am... a sinner..."

Elphisia bears no guilt. She simply wore an outfit that enhanced her charms.

As I was wallowing in self-loathing, she poked my shoulder.

"It's funny to see you hang your head, but it's time to look up."

"Don't tell me..."

"Yes, it's time for the imperial family to make their entrance."


The trumpets sounded deeply. Following the chamberlain's attention-demanding cry, the empire's royal family made their presence known.

"His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor who watches over all - the Sun Emperor descends!"

The imperial family entered, walking from the second floor leading to the high seats. The Emperor and Empress walked side by side, with the princes following behind in order of birth.

Naturally, Yulian was at the very back.

At that moment, I understood.

Why Elphisia and Yulian had described the Emperor as inhuman.

'Are those the eyes of a person?'

Seeing the Emperor's vacant eyes and emotionless face, I thought an intricate doll had come to life. It was as if human emotions had been erased from his very being.

"I know what you're thinking, but it would be trouble if you said it out loud."

"Of course."

I had heard countless titles for the Emperor.

The unparalleled sage king.

The Wise Emperor.

The Invincible Sovereign.

His political skill was so great that he wasn't swayed even with three powerful in-laws. And every decision pursued only the nation's interests. They say he's undefeated in war, and the demon realm holds no fear for him.

In fact, he survives until Yulian reaches adulthood, merely observing the palace intrigue. He never intervenes in the succession struggle, playing a minimal role.

Seeing him in person, I could understand why.

'He's like a machine that runs the country.'

I was in awe.

Even in the temple, I had never met such a person. The difference between him and His Holiness the Pope, who was excessively human, was as vast as heaven and earth.

'... Huh?'

But was it my imagination?

I felt as if the Emperor's gaze had briefly met mine. As I reconsidered this fleeting doubt, the Emperor, having just taken his seat, spoke in a monotone voice.

"Before we begin, let us welcome some special guests."

The moment that simple order was given, the ballroom doors swung wide open. Then the doorkeeper announced in a booming voice:

"His Holiness the Pope, Holy Maiden Ibria, and Sir Rupert, Commander of the Holy Knights, are entering!"

"... What?"

I nearly fainted at this sudden appearance of an all-star cast.

Usually, it was extremely rare for high-ranking clergy, apart from the Holy Maiden, to attend national events.

The appearance of the Holy Knight Commander, who received treatment equal to a cardinal, was surprising enough, but the arrival of His Holiness the Pope was unprecedented.

"This is... quite surprising."

Even Elphisia, who had remained cool-headed throughout, couldn't close her mouth. The temple's move was that shocking.

At that moment, my eyes met theirs.

The Pope and the Holy Maiden smiled brightly, while the Commander glared. I was left with a strangely complicated feeling.

The Emperor above and the Pope below faced each other.

The Pope was the first to speak.

"It's been a while since the coronation~. Good to see you, Your Imperial Majesty."

The surrounding area buzzed at his incredibly casual tone.

"G-Good to see you?"

"He's waving his hand..."

"The temple people don't even seem surprised..."

In contrast, the Emperor received the greeting in his hollow, weighty tone.

"Your Holiness remains unchanged in all aspects. I hope this day proves meaningful, given the gravity of your visit."

"Thank you for your kindness."

It was a brief exchange of pleasantries. Yet, the area around the Emperor and Pope seemed to exist in another dimension. An unapproachable aura emanated from them, like an inviolable territory.

The Emperor, heedless of this atmosphere, ordered the First and Second Princes:

"Perform the opening dance."

"We shall obey, Your Imperial Majesty."

"Ah, yes... Father."

The opening dance was a ceremony where the most noble individuals danced to signal the start of the banquet. In this imperial ball, it seemed the First and Second Princes would perform the opening dance simultaneously.

The appearance of the two princes descending the stairs was starkly different.

The First Prince was a handsome man with a sharp jawline and distinct features. Even at a glance, one could see traces of rigorous training.

In contrast, the Second Prince was so fat that even descending the stairs seemed precarious. Before the opening dance, one worried more about the health of his knee joints.

Moreover, the noblewoman escorted by the Second Prince caught my eye. Her complexion, devoid of any vitality, and her paranoid expression marred her beauty.

"My, the Second Prince remains unchanged. Not a bit different."

"And what about Lady Chandler? Her already thin frame has wasted away to nothing but bones."

"I heard she went half-mad after some embroidery gathering a few months ago?"

"There couldn't be a more mismatched pair. One bloated beyond measure, the other a walking skeleton..."

Viscount Chandler must have a lot to worry about... Such gossip, thinly veiled as concern, poured forth.

These were words one wouldn't dare utter in front of royalty, but due to the Second Prince being so powerless and looked down upon, no one held back.

"Really... there's not a single good thing about this place. How can they tear people down so shamelessly?"



"... Yes."

"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

"It's... not that."

To make matters worse, even Elphisia was acting strangely.

This was the final push that made me decide to make a quick exit after going through the motions.

When the music finally stopped, soulless applause showered the ballroom.

The First Prince responded with perfect etiquette, while the Second Prince awkwardly bent at the waist, hindered by his bloated body.



"Look over there."

I turned my gaze to the high seat where the Emperor sat. Next to him, Yulian was staring intently at us.

"Yulian is watching. I think he wants us to dance now."

"You're getting antsy because the first song is always a waltz, right? Since you're clumsy with other dances."

"If you know, let's go quickly. We'll dance hastily and then head back to the Duke's mansion."

"Your intentions are so obvious, as always."

I took Elphisia's hand and entered the ballroom. Even a glance revealed countless suits and dresses jostling about, so I held her hand tightly.

Of course, I was one of them.

"We may be married, but we should observe proper etiquette."

"What etiquette?"

I pulled the puzzled Elphisia's hand. Then, having seen it done somewhere, I bowed and kissed the back of her hand.

"Would you do me the honor of sharing a dance, my lady?"

"... You've got some nerve. I thought you'd say kissing the back of the hand was too scandalous to bear."

"It's etiquette, and between spouses, it shouldn't feel awkward."

"Sometimes I find your standards confusing."

I couldn't help but chuckle at Elphisia's grumbling, which made her seem like a thorny rose.

She closed the distance between us and declared formally:

"Huff! I'll humor that nonsense of yours. Cherish this as a once-in-a-lifetime honor."

"Of course, it's an honor spanning three lifetimes, my fair lady."

The imperial palace ball, a place without a single redeeming quality.

In the midst of it all, this was the only time I found truly fun.



"Wow~ I'm surprised. I didn't know Sir Harte had such a romantic side?"


"It's fortunate there's no doctrine prohibiting marriage. We can sincerely bless the union of two people, can't we?"


"More than anything, it's nice to see him looking happier than when he were at the temple."


"Don't you agree, Holy Maiden?"

"Well, it wasn't necessary."

"What wasn't?"

"For those of us who possess baptismal names... there was no reason or need to bless marriages."

Those who possess baptismal names rarely venture into the outside world. As such, they were the beings furthest removed from marriage.

Holy Maiden Ibria gazed intently at the couple dancing harmoniously.

"This is... unfair."

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