The Villainess Proposed a Contractual Marriage

Chapter 24: The Path Where Crimson Stays

Time at the Duke's mansion flew by in a blur.

While Elphisia handled everything money could buy, the tasks requiring human effort were endless.

Among them, dancing burdened me the most. Since I was invited to a ball, I had to perform several dances.

The problem? I was hopelessly uncoordinated.

Being skilled with a sword and dancing were completely different skills.


I studied Elphisia's expressionless face. Her countenance, devoid of any emotion, reminded me of solid marble.

As I stood there awkwardly, Elphisia took my hand, stepped in rhythm, and spoke calmly.

"Focus, Harte."

"Ugh, alright."

Still, my movements remained clumsy. Elphisia offered more advice.

"While dance skills matter, expression and atmosphere are more important."


"People are surprisingly easy to convince. The less confident you are, the more boldly you should smile. And once you gain confidence, act like it'll last forever."

"You're telling me to fake it?"

"It's a bit different, but that's exactly what you need right now. Good thinking."

For the first time, I received praise. It felt so good that my face relaxed involuntarily. Surprisingly, my movements became smoother, and I caught sight of Elphisia's startled eyes.

"Now we're getting somewhere."

"Just watch. I'll master it all in no time."

"Are you an idiot? That's impossible."

"Is that what you say when things are going well...?"

I asked incredulously, but Elphisia remained serious, true to her noble upbringing.

"Even the most prominent nobles grow up with rigorous lessons from childhood. They still often receive criticism. Of course, I was always perfect."

"Well, aren't you something."

"Yes, I am. And thanks to this talented teacher, you've gained such confidence."

"Oh thank you, my talented teacher."


As I grumbled, this time Elphisia's face relaxed slightly.

"Then it should be simple now. What did I say to do when you gain confidence?"

"Act like it'll last forever."

"Full marks this time."

We each let out a soft laugh.

As the sun sank low, casting a reddish twilight.

A time when our faces seemed to glow in the fading light.

A room where an antique piano harmonized with plush carpets.

A space reflecting Elphisia's past efforts.

In this atmosphere where time and space intertwined, we danced, giggling all the while.



Right after the lesson ended, she said:

"If it's really not working out, just dance the first song and stop. The first song is always a waltz anyway. You can handle that much now, right?"

"What... So I can just dance once with you and then sit the rest out?"

"No reason why not."

Elphisia's confession of this hidden truth left me feeling utterly deflated. I had put in so much effort to avoid embarrassing her...

To think such a simple solution was right in front of me.

I felt my energy draining away.

"If that's the case, why did you keep me here so long...? It's not like I was interested in the ball anyway."

"Because it's fun."


"Didn't you find the dancing fun?"

Elphisia quickly added:

"Of course... I'm not necessarily talking about myself, I mean you."


Honestly, I felt frustrated.

Elphisia seemed unfair because I couldn't directly refute her claim.

Though I'd received all sorts of nagging, dancing with Elphisia was undeniably fun.

It felt good to move in unison, developing a sense of unity. I liked feeling closer than usual, and I appreciated the chance to observe her face at length—something I'd hardly dare to do normally.

"The ball is already tomorrow."

"Nothing will go wrong, right?"

"Well, that depends on how you behave, doesn't it?"

"I suppose so."

From boarding the train to the capital to receiving the invitation addressed to me, it all started there. If I just do well and return, it'll be as if nothing ever happened.

"I wonder where the kids are."

"I heard they're off doing something together."

"I'm glad they're having fun. When I think about it, coming to the Duke's mansion might have been fortunate after all."

"Is it because of the children again?"

"Well, yeah."

For Yulian, it's natural since his family home is the Imperial Palace, but for Tina and Glen, this must be an extraordinary experience.

When I first heard the kids were getting close to the Duke, I was just anxious, but as Elphisia assured me, he hasn't seemed to be plotting anything.

If things continue like this, it really couldn't be better...

Just then, I felt a sharp tug on my sleeve.

"Hey, Harte."

"Elphisia? What's wrong?"

"Do you know there's a festival on the eve of Founding Day?"

"I know. Even at the temple, we could see the festival lights."


Elphisia primly extended her hand.

"Let's go out for a bit."

"I'm all for going, but could you wait a moment? I'll bring the kids along."

"... Harte, you can be quite insensitive sometimes."

Elphisia suddenly chided me.

I could only float a question mark above my head. Surely she didn't mean she wanted to go on a date with me...

Soon, she revealed her true intentions.

"On a day like this, don't you want to give a surprise gift or two? Not because the children asked, but something you want to give."

"That's... actually a great idea."

A date, of all things.

As expected, Elphisia is sincere about the children too. We truly were the perfect contract couple.

"Shall we head out together then?"

"Let's go. We shouldn't return too late."

"Alright, let's do that."

Elphisia leaned her weight on my shoulder. Just like during our dance practice.

The Duke's mansion was close enough to the bustling area that we didn't need a carriage. So, after exchanging a few words, we soon arrived at the street where the festival was in full swing.

'A carriage wouldn't have been able to move anyway.'

The crowd was huge. Stalls that were usually nowhere to be seen lined the streets, and mouthwatering smells wafted from the roadside.

Looking up, triangular decorations hung ostentatiously between buildings. Shifting my gaze slightly further, the imperial flag fluttered majestically, symbolizing the empire.

The eve of Founding Day lived up to its name.

"The stars are shining."

Elphisia nodded towards the dark night sky. I shared her view and let out a soft exclamation.

"They are. The sky was much clearer at the temple, but somehow the stars seem to twinkle more brightly now."

"You must miss the temple quite a bit."

"Miss it, huh."

After brief contemplation, I concluded:

"I grew up there from long ago and believed I'd stay there my whole life. So no matter what I compare it to, I can't help but be reminded of it. To say I miss it... that might be an exaggeration."

"I understand. You have a baptismal name, after all."

"No way, even you couldn't understand this, Elphisia. No, no normal person could understand it."

Walking in step with Elphisia, I contemplated the starry night.

"Those with baptismal names are supposed to not involve themselves with the outside world... but that's not really true. A normal person would go mad. To have that small place be your entire world for life. Like livestock being raised."

"That's just for ordinary people, I suppose."

"Right. We're different. We just accept that small world. As if we were born with such a mission."

"You also understand and empathize with others' perspectives, but still don't pity your own circumstances. As if it were instinctively ingrained."

"... That's correct, but how do you know so much?"

"Did you think I wouldn't have investigated the man who was to be my husband?"

"You're thorough... as expected of Elphisia."

An ancient house like the Luminels might have collected information on baptismal names. Then again, the thought that she'd studied for my sake brought me unnecessary joy.

It was probably just her will to get along without friction.

At least, that's what I decided to believe.

'If I didn't have my past life's self, would I have remained at the temple even knowing my fate to die?'

If so, surely countless fates would have changed.

From the children who became family one by one, to Elphisia walking beside me—everything.

This sudden realization brought priorities to mind. So I called her name and stopped in my tracks.



"Could you wait here for a moment?"

"Suddenly? At least tell me why."

Of course, Elphisia pressed for a reason. But I was already preparing to sneak away, taking small steps backward.

"Sometimes I want to have secrets too... so I refuse!"

"Stop, Harte!"


I fled from Elphisia as she reached out. I hoped she'd stay there, but if she got upset and hid somewhere...

I'd have no choice but to search until my shoe soles wore out and apologize.

Evading Elphisia's eyes, I escaped to a stall I'd noticed while walking. The counter displayed an array of colorful handmade accessories, and one hairpin in particular caught my eye.

A small ornament on part of the hairpin reflected beautiful light. The red butterfly shape carved from glass reminded me of someone prim and proper. This hairpin that I'd initially passed by kept flashing in my mind's eye.

'... It's cheap.'

I smiled wryly as I bargained with the merchant. Of course it was cheap, being glass rather than jewel-studded.

Imagining Elphisia, who suited rubies and garnets so well, made my chest tighten.

Even a jewel-encrusted dress wouldn't be extravagant for her, but my circumstances were different.

So I indulged. For the first time, today.

I, who had ten silver coins, dared to spend seven.

I committed this sin wanting to give her something that shone as brilliantly as she deserved in this world.

I decided it was okay.

And firmly believed so.


She still stood silently where I'd left her. Many passersby pushed past her shoulders or avoided her. While everyone smiled brightly at the festival, Elphisia alone closed and opened her eyelids, revealing hollow eyes.

That unfamiliar sight made me hesitate momentarily, but I quickly resumed my pace.

I called her name again.



This time she heard me properly, and our eyes met.

As soon as I rejoined her, I tried to present the red butterfly hairpin.

But before I could take out the gift, Elphisia asked bluntly:

"What was so urgent that you abandoned your companion and ran off?"

"I'm sorry, I was wrong."

"... When you apologize without a hint of hesitation, I'm left speechless."

"I'll rebel occasionally if you just set the rules."


Elphisia exhaled as if she'd lost all sense. Then she shot back:

"You really have no sense."

It was an understandable criticism. How much sense could someone who'd only lived in the temple have? Just as my confidence began to shrink, I suddenly recalled Elphisia's advice.

'The less confident you are, the more boldly you should smile, and once you gain confidence... act like it'll last forever!'

So, I flashed a sly smile. Then I shrugged my shoulders and joked:

"Now that you say that, I'm genuinely worried."

"I'm sure you are."

"No, really."

I took out the small box I'd kept in my pocket. Then, with a click of the clasp revealing the hairpin, I placed it in Elphisia's hand.

"I went to all the trouble of preparing a gift, so it'd be a problem if I had no sense, right?"



Elphisia stared at the hairpin motionlessly for a while. Even as I tried to read her expression, anxiety built up due to her marble-like, smooth facade.

Just as I considered calling her name again, Elphisia furrowed her brow and faced me.

She blurted out:

"You really have no sense at all. As expected."

"... Is that so?"


Elphisia agreed coldly.

Then she took a step closer, narrowing the distance between us.

A gap so small that our heads would touch if we just leaned in.

My dear wife offered a prickly critique:

"... You're supposed to put it on directly. Not just hand it over."

Elphisia returned the hairpin to me.

As if giving me another chance to do it right.

I seized that opportunity and brought my hand to Elphisia's soft hair.

Her hair, like the finest silk threads in the world gathered strand by strand, flowed down like a stream. And I added the flutter of a red butterfly's wings to that flowing stream.

Just then, fireworks burst, scattering multicolored sparks into the sky.

Bang! Boom!

I saw it all through three shades of red.

The red butterfly settling on the stream, and two shades of crimson looking back at me.

Those two crimsons may not always be entirely honest, but they honestly reflected the world unfolding behind me.

They were her eyes.

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