The Villain is Being Suspiciously Kind

Chapter 81

The next morning arrived after a long night.

Lady Citrina Foluin?

She received a sudden visit. Several knights showed up at the atelier.

Yes, what is it?

Citrina stopped as she was about to add that commissions were closed and got up silently.

In his hand was a piece of paper with a red seal. And if Citrinas memory served her, this was an investigation.

We will need your cooperation.

It was the knight for the Order of the Lance, Arte Pianan.

This isnt like the Summer Ball.

Unlike their first meeting, his face was pale and pinched.

Whats going on?

However, Citrina was not the sort to compliantly be brought in for questioning without cause.

Being a fallen aristocrat was a dubious position, but a noble nonetheless.

Give me a reason.

Her voice rang out through the atelier with clarity.

I understand you met with Countess Badil. Lady..

His demeanor was by no means overbearing, but it wasnt gentle either.

When she heard the name Countess Badil, Citrina realized

something had happened to the woman for whom she had designed a wedding band.

The countess is currently in a coma. Lady Citrina was the final witness.

The term final witness rang pretty grimly. The final witness was a euphemism. It meant she was a suspect.

Ill need you to come to the crime scene with me and be interviewed.

Its clearly a trap.

Citrina sighed inwardly as the situation definitely fit with her thoughts yesterday.

But the situation was a bit more extreme than she had expected.

Arte Pianan pulled a sharp sword from its sheath. He didnt point it at her, but it was enough of a threat.

Yes. If you dont cooperate

Will I die?

You will face immediate execution.

If they were truly the Emperors knights, Citrina should have obediently cooperated with them.

But judging from the knights demeanor and the circumstances, the situation was strange.

And, if you please.

What do you need?

The medium through which you and the spirit communicate. [T. L. Note: The medium is the pendant.]

Why are you asking for that

Because you might be able to use its evil power and escape.

Evil power?

Citrinas eyes widened. How could they call a spirit an evil force?

But before she could hesitate, the force of the knights surrounding her was too much.

From the look on Adilacs face, and the tears pooling at the corners of Litas eyes, Citrina could see-

it wasnt a lie.

You know what my medium is?


Of course, most spiritists use a medium. And Citrinas was her pendant necklace. She slowly unclasped the necklace.

Now hand it over.


Citrina stared into his eyes and she began to suspect he had been investigating her for a long time.

Ill gladly give it to you.

She took a step forward. With more urgency, Arte brought the blade to her neck.

The odds were stacked against her.

However, Citrina had already died once.

She was afraid of death, yes, but she didnt let it turn her into a coward. She had her pride.

This necklace seems suspicious.

A look of disgust flashed across Arte Pianans face As he raised an index finger to snatch away Citrinas necklace.

Yes, the necklace is the medium for calling the spirit.

Citrina slowly covered her wrist so it would not be visible. Luckily for Citrina, he was too focused on the pendant to notice her suspicious behavior.

Arte Pianan took out a thin, long metal pole. It appeared to detect traces of spirits.

It hadnt been long since Gemma had left. There must still be some traces of her.

Now then, follow me.

Where are we going?

Were going to the Imperial Investigation Office.

Citrina glanced out of the atelier.

There was a carriage right at the door.

The carriage he brought did indeed bear the royal seal but nothing could be trusted. Arte Pianans eyes looked drowsy, and Citrina had seen plenty of untrustworthy things.

But she had no other choice. Citrina thought of Gemma, who had not answered her calls, and the power at her fingertips.

Its worth trying.

Though nervous, she nodded slowly.

Yes, Ill go.

Very cooperative, Lady Citrina Foluin.

He whispered, shoving the pendant necklace into her pocket.

Citrina turned on her heel and walked out the door.

I need to bump into whoever is behind this.

She didnt have any other choice right now anyhow.

Citrina bit her lip.

As she exited the atelier and closed the doors behind her, she heard a muffled sound. It was the gruff voices of the other knights to be exact.

The atelier is closed for the day. Those staying here are not allowed to go outside.

What were Adilac and Lita thinking as they watched her walk away?

She could only vaguely guess.

Contrary to Citrinas expectations, Lita didnt cry. Thats because he was clutching the bead in his hand.

It was the bead Desian had given him.

Litas face shone with determination.

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