The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 265 - Coward?

"I haven't seen him after that. He left on his own," Terros said.

"Good! Because I don't want my brother to get entangled on my affair with the King," Graven said.


Veronica sighed. "Let's get back to the topic about bringing human weapons inside the King's territory. If that is not applicable then we need something else that won't arouse suspicion from the King's men!" Veronica gives them something to talk about, driving them away from the topic concerning Luke.

Terros and Graven looked at each other.

"If our power and human weapons won't work, what else that we can use?" Graven asked.

Terros looked at Veronica. "Do you have something in mind, daughter?" he asked curiously.

"Well, I don't have one right now. But I'm thinking of producing a magical powder that could immobilize the King once he came in contact with the powder. Like for example, he will inhale the powder and he will get frozen like a statue for a few minutes. That would give enough time for Graven to act and frees his men from captivity and flee from the basement! Then after they got away, we can destroy the whole place!" Veronica said animatedly.

"Brilliant idea!" Graven blurted.

"Sounds like a good idea!" Terros exclaimed excitedly. "Now the question is, can you do it?" he asked her. "Can you put your idea into a real thing?"

"Hmm..." Veronica scratches her head. "Honestly, I dunno yet. Making a magical powder like that needs a thorough preparation, and all angles need meticulous planning before it can work. I'm just saying this all to you, guys, so that we can explore other ideas that might work perfectly. If Graven can't rely on his power when facing the King then we need something else to distract him," she said.

"Well said, daughter!" Terros clapped his hands in glee. Then he looked at Graven. "From now on, I will start thinking of an idea that can help you in defeating the King when you return to the castle," he said cheerfully.

"Thank you Veronica for the brilliant idea!" Graven said.

Veronica smiled. "Don't mention it. I'm glad to be of help to you, guys!" she said. "Don't worry, if I will come up with something brilliant, I'll tell you about it!" she said.

One of the men came to the table and offered them refreshment.

The trio ate their snacks.

Afterward, Terros and Veronica went back to the forest and promised to return after dinner to administer another dose of the herbal medicine to the infected men.

Graven went to make a short round in the coal mines and the entire town of South Pond. As for his other businesses, Horace has to take care of the rest on his behalf. It's been a while since he last visited his father Nicholas and brother Cooper and his little family.

He will visit them again soon!

A few hours later.

Terros and Veronica returned to the headquarter for the men's second dose.

Graven and Horace also arrived to witness the vomiting spectacle that will follow suit after the men take their second dose.

Preparation has been made in advance.

Drinking and cleaning water, as well as food, was on standby.

Horace kept looking at Veronica while she was administering the medicine to the men. "My Lord, who is that pretty woman standing beside Grandpa? I have never seen her before! Who is she?" he asked curiously.

Graven smiled. "Ah, that's Veronica. Grandpa's adoptive housemate and daughter," he answered.

"Really?" Horace smiled meaningfully.

Graven looked at his trusted servant. "Why are you asking?" he asked.

"Nothing, I'm just curious," Horace said and smiled, scratching his head, feeling shy for a moment.

"Do you want me to introduce her to you?" Graven offered.

"Sure! I would love to know anything about her!" Horace smiled excitedly.

Graven smiled. "Hmm, I noticed something with you today. You kept glancing at the girl since you arrived here. Are you interested with Veronica?" he teased him.

Horace laughed. "I'm interested to be her friend, that's all!" he said.

"Okay, it seems your intention is honorable, I will introduce you to each other later after they're done administering the herbal medicine," Graven said.

"Great! I'm excited!" Horace said. "Do you like coffee, my Lord? I will make you one," he offered.

"Yes, please," Graven replied.

Horace went inside the wooden house and made his master a hot coffee.

When he emerged from the door, Grandpa and Veronica were already at the table talking to Graven.

He brought the coffee to the table. "Guys, do you like coffee? I can make you one," he offered his services.

"Sure, son! Don't add too much sugar on mine," Terros said.

"Okay, Grandpa!" Horace said. He looked at the girl. "How about you, my lady?" he asked.

Veronica smiled. "I want to make my coffee!" she said and rose to her feet.

"Sure, come with me inside the house," Horace invited her.

They entered the house.

Graven followed the couple with his gaze, wearing a smile on his face.

Terros noticed the smile on his face. "Why are you smiling at?" he asked.

Graven chuckled. "Horace wants to know everything about Veronica," he replied.

"Ah, okay. Let them be, they're adults already," Terros said. "Son, I have something to ask you..." he said.

"Go on! What is it, Grandpa?" he asked.

"Every time, the King takes you guys to his territory beneath the ground... do you have any idea what he's doing to you guys? I mean, there is that period when you are unconscious in between. I just want to know what happened during that time?" Terros asked.

"Regarding that... I have no idea, Grandpa. Every time you bring us inside the castle, we are unconscious, right?"

"Yeah..." Terros confirmed.

"Every time it happened, the next time I opened my eyes, I'm already inside the room. That's all I can remember," Graven said.

"I see... it seemed that during that time, the King and his men take that time to search your body for anything, and then he proceeds to suppressed your power. He can only suppress your power inside the basement, but as soon you leave the place, his power over you no longer works!" Terros said.

"Exactly! That's what I've been thinking ever since I come and go on that place," Graven said.

"The same reason you can't bring any weapon such as knives, dynamite, small revolver, and others because they can easily see it in your body while you are unconscious," Terros added.

"That's right, Grandpa! And the King can freeze me anytime he wants. Before my fist and my kicks can reach his body, he had already frozen me! So, I never tried provoking him with a fight. I'm afraid that if he got mad, he will kill one of my men. Inside that basement, he is powerful! I'm just courting death if I will challenge him in hand-to-hand combat," Graven said.

Terros took a deep breath. "The King is a dangerous enemy once he escaped the confinement of the crumbling castle!" he commented.

"Absolutely! Until now, I'm wracking my brain thinking of a possible way to bring that King to his knees and finish him for good. But I still can't find the right method to do it unless I'm willing to sacrifice my life and that of my men, then killing the King would be easy. Sometimes, I'm thinking of doing the suicide thing just to put an end to the torment the King has put me through. But every time I think of my pregnant wife and my unborn son, I hesitated to sacrifice my life," he said sadly.

Terros patted Graven's shoulder to comfort him. "Don't commit suicide, son! Don't ever do that! We will find a solution soon! We don't have to stop thinking of another way. We will persevere! Don't worry, we will help you find a way! Don't give up too soon!" he challenged him.

Graven looked at Terros in the eyes. "Grandpa, do you think I'm a coward?" he asked for his opinion.

"No! Wanting to live and preserving your life and that of your men is not cowardice, son. Don't worry, I didn't judge you just because you are doing nothing right now. I understood very well that your situation is very complicated. You don't want to give up your pregnant wife and bring her to the enemy's doorsteps. You are just trying to protect your loved ones, the only way you know how. The truth is... your dilemma is complex! I even have a headache thinking about it and how to solve it. My heart is bleeding for you every minute every second during these turbulent times," Terros said trying to comfort him.

"Thanks, for your concern, Grandpa!" Graven smiled a bit. Having good friends to talk with regarding his problem is indeed beneficial. He can't tell his father Nicholas about his problem, even his wife has no idea what he's going through right now. It's good to have friends around that is willing to listen to his problems and give him advice. He feels lucky to have friends like them.

A few minutes of silence descended upon them.

Horace and Veronica returned to the table with their coffee.

It was already 7:00 in the evening when the first session of vomiting started. The men rushed to the bushes and vomit their hearts out.

The vomiting continues for two hours and until it finally mellowed down. Good thing the water and food are ready to do their parts.

By 9:30 in the evening, the vomiting finally stopped ad the men washed their mouths and bodies. Then eat food and drink water one hour later to replenish the food and liquid that they have vomited.

By 10:00, the men settled on the bed inside the tent to take a rest and sleep for the night.

Terros and Veronica went home to the forest.

Graven went home to the manor and sleep beside his wife on the bed.

He was borrowing strength from Laura and their baby to survive the nightmare that he was undergoing right now.

Because of them, no matter how tough the problem is, he will never stop finding a way out!

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