The Vampire Cat System

Chapter 203 Rebirth

Besides that he noticed, the amount of health bar a symbiote user had was related to what type of symbiote bloodline they had and what rank the person was as well, VR game capsule not only scans the body of every symbiote user that plays the game but it also took note of the attributes their physiques granted as well.

The moment a symbiote user login and created their ID since the bloodline they usually choose was the same as the one, in reality, the VR capsule would use this as some form of measurement to determine how strong a rank 1 healing type of bloodline would become when it gets to rank 3 or even 5, this way even if a rank 2 rhinoceros type of bloodline hit a rank 5 healing type of bloodline the symbiote user's health bar wouldn't plummet to zero instead would only reduce for a moment before recovering.

Bernard had no idea at first, since it was quite unique the way the VR capsules scan the body was like how appraise skill works but the only difference was that the VR capsules seemed to have an in-depth understanding of a person's physiques and could easily determine a symbiote user's health bar compared to how Appraise only gave out little details, however, he wasn't worried about appraise for now considering the skill was still at level 1 and would eventually grow as time went on.

Another thing he noticed was how realistic Rebirth was when it comes to the damage a symbiote user suffers in it, the most surprising thing was how the game tries to copy the real world when two symbiote users were fighting not only does each damage and injuries a symbiote user gets looks extremely real, even the scene of their death looked too real to be anything but fake, to point that even some of the spectators puke or became scared shitless when they saw how ruthless Sophia was in killing her opponent it was totally filled with blood and gore, it left no stone untouched in mimicking a real world fight.

Earlier when Sophia stab her opponent straight in the chest, the system clearly showed what was happening and how deep the wound he had just suffered was, Bernard couldn't help, but feel pity for the poor guy considering the way he died was too gruesome even for him, although the symbiote user that fought Sophia didn't truly die at least in reality but each injured he got was partially transferred to his body in form of being startled or a shock wave.

Similar to how his own health plummet when he was injured, her opponent's health bar had only lasted several seconds before turning zero, hits were also separated into several tiers such as hits in a normal area such as a finger or ear were not considered vital and could easily be grown back depending on what physiques the symbiote bloodline had, while there were also hits in a vital area such as the head or heart, depending on what type of damage the person gets also depends on how the health bar would reduce.

The game did everything it could in copying reality, not only that there was enough space among the fighters so a symbiote user could run for several distances just to recover their stamina, energy and health as well, the more Bernard saw the more amazed he was by how much effort the programmers put in the game just to be this realistic, after murdering her first opponent in cold blood, Sophia fought a few more matches each opponent she fought she was more ruthless than the last, some opponent even begged for their lives when they were about to die but Sophia had no reaction neither did she show any sign of sympathy when killing them.

What was most surprising was even though these spectators would sometimes get sick from watching her dismantle her opponent, they would still cheer on for her loudly it was like they knew this thing would kill them yet they were still very much willing to go at it again, if not for the fact Sophia was his friend he definitely would have wanted nothing to do with her in reality, just imagine a person who could kill so well in a game without any atom of pity or sympathy, imagine what they could do in real life, doesn't that mean if they could do it in a game they could also do it in reality as well?

For each match she fought Bernard noticed Sophia picked a different symbiote bloodline to use in each fight, this went from just using a strong symbiote bloodline to a weak symbiote bloodline, this made him realize she wasn't just after a strong symbiote bloodline but she was also after the weak ones as well.

Even if the bloodline gave her no advantage she still used it, making him understand that she was taking seeking experience and skill to another level, compared to most symbiote users who would only choose the strong ones Sophia didn't seem to care if it was strong or weak, all she wanted was to gain experience and perfect her skill.

She knew there were symbiote users with incredibly weak symbiote bloodlines yet could still crush stronger symbiote bloodlines like they were nothing, although this often occur for stronger symbiote bloodlines, but for a weak symbiote bloodline to do that she knew best than anyone the deciding factor was how experienced and skilled the person was, this was why she didn't bother to be picky and instead go randomly in case she finds herself in an unfavorable situation she wouldn't be worried.

Just like that before they knew it their time was eventually up, and they soon logged out of Rebirth however just after logging out they saw Emelia as Bernard looked at her face he noticed she didn't really have a good look on her expression, making him wondered why she was frowning he couldn't help but look at Sophia but she was quick to avoid eye contact by removing her face.

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