The Undying Mecha Emperor

Chapter 170 Chaotic Fighting Style

I sighed.

It was obviously a target meant for mechas.

How the freaking hell did he expect a mere human like me to shoot at Beyond Visual Range targets at ten freaking kilometers away in pitch black darkness in a freaking sandstorm?

But even as a human being, it was still within my capabilities to shoot at that target.

I had my radar.

The rifle had its anti wind technology.

And it obviously had the strength to shoot at targets ten kilometers away.

In fact, with its ridiculous payload, I probably wouldn't want to shoot it at targets LESS than ten kilometers away!

"Yes I can detect it." I said.

"Good. Shoot it down." The Ancestor said in approval.

I held the rifle in a firing position, and allowed the radar and my resonance to guide me.

After a few seconds of adjusting my aim, I felt comfortable enough to...



Once again. There was no recoil, no sound, and even no incredible burst of light to indicate that a mini nuclear payload had just been released.

I was about to open my mouth to ask about it. But before my lips traveled for more than a millimeter, the Ancestor grabbed Bruce Pang and me and flung us into the elevator once more!

His hand slammed on a bright red button on the elevator and near instantly, the elevator door closed and we shot off at an incredible speed!

We went so fast that all three of us were actually thrown to the ground by the force of the lift's acceleration that broke through even the lift's usual anti shock settings!

"What's going on, Ancestor??" Bruce Pang asked in alarm.

I was seated on the floor of the elevator, feeling rather pissed at the turn of events and only slightly confused.

I completely missed the fact that the Ancestor actually had a worried look on his face, and that Bruce Pang, the usually steady and immovable source of strength for everyone, was actually alarmed at that!

"The damned Wyrm King was actually nearby! I felt it burst towards us as soon as Justin fired the rifle. If we were just a few se-"



"The Wyrm Queen?!?!?! She was lying in wait for us!!" The Ancestor cried out in shock.

Because those two Wyrms were not machines, I could not detect them even in the slightest. But since that so called Wyrm Queen had appeared and had even blocked the elevator I was in, it was literally asking me to give it a good beating.

So I obliged.

I immediately manifested a cockpit around us three, and then absorbed the elevator and all of its track in a wide radius around us.

"Let me handle that Wyrm Queen" I said to the two old men heroically.

Bruce Pang opened his mouth and stretched his hand out to stop me, but the Ancestor merely raised his hand and shut him up.

"Let him do it." He said quietly, his frown easing up and instantly turning his expression into one of intense intrigue and anticipation.

And like a massive God of the Desert, a hundred meter tall white mecha in midnight black coating rose up from the depths of the sands.

With a simple thought, I caused my massive thrusters to fire and brought me up into the sky.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Tens of flying spotlights shot out from my body and then turned themselves on, turning the huge swath of desert around me from night time into day time!!


The Wyrm Queen screeched out its battlecry and rose majestically upwards from the desert.

It was a heart poundingly giant and terrifying worm.

Its thick scales were mostly red, with yellow and black splashes everywhere, giving it a fearsome aura that struck mercilessly into its enemies.

Its head was basically a huge mouth with rings of sharp teeth, and disgusting slimy flaps of skin all around its supposed neck opened and closed like the gills of a fish out of water.

There was no bloody way anybody could take a look at that scary ass worm and not feel a deep sense of trepidation rise up from his heart.

"Bloody hell! What on earth is that? Why is it so close to our academy?" I shouted at the two old men as I quickly manifested a massive Gold Grade Broadsword.

"That's a Wyrm Queen, a beast that rules this desert. And no, it is not near our academy at all. We are many hundreds of kilometers away from the academy." The Ancestor's eyes gleamed as he looked at the sword I manifested.

"Kill it quick." Bruce Pang said calmly. "Before its mate comes."

"Damn it. Two giant apex predators that would require a white mecha to deal with! Why the hell did you bring me here then?" I shouted half in frustration and half in exasperation.

I truly did not understand how the minds of those old coots worked.

But I no longer had the luxury of cursing them and complaining about the situation.

The freaky Wyrm Queen was attacking!

It shot out of the sand at breakneck speed and lunged towards me with its massive jaws, that could swallow even my hundred meter frame whole, opened wide.

I unleashed my side thrusters and immediately dodged to the right.

However, that damned Wyrm Queen actually turned and adjusted its attack direction!

I could no longer dodge!

"Stupid wyrm. You want to swallow me? Fine! Swallow me then!!" I shouted furiously at the Wyrm Queen.

"Wait, WHAT??" Bruce Pang shouted.

I quickly changed the shape of my mecha into a supremely spiky fifty meter wide sea urchin and strengthened my armor to its maximum.

And without bothering to wait for the Wyrm Queen to swallow me, I fired a huge bunch of thrusters and shot directly into the stupid wyrm's mouth!

"Oh my God!!!" Bruce Pang shouted in horror!

As stoic and as stout hearted as he was, he truly had not experienced such a chaotic fighting style as mine!

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