The Undefeatable Swordsman

Chapter 198. Eight Years of Hardship and Suffering (19)

Chapter 198. Eight Years of Hardship and Suffering (19)

Attacking a woman’s chest was taboo in the murim.

However, that was a taboo only adhered to when sparring. After all, it wasn’t an acceptable point to insist on in a fight where both parties had their lives on the line to kill the other.

No, in fact, even saying that attacking a woman’s chest or their lower important features is cowardly was just utter arrogance! Arrogance based the premise that women are weaker than men!

If a male expert had to fight a female expert of the same stage with such restrictions, how could they ever win?

That was why there was a saying in the murim: be careful of children, the elderly, and especially women.

Countless male martial artists died because they looked down on their opponents and thought they could win even while refraining from striking the breasts or genitals, or because they thought themselves some kind of saints.

In any case, iWoo-Moon didn’t consider the old-looking Mu Hu to be a woman, or anything other than an enemy for that matter. And he most certainly didn’t look down on her just because she was a woman.

In any case, the moment Woo-Moon’s sword reached Mu Hu’s chest, three palm prints sunk into his back.


Woo-Moon shook slightly.

As it turned out, Mu Hu was not oonly a master of the whip, and her Nether Reflux Palm was every bit as powerful as Woo-Moon’s own palm techniques.

As his sword tore through her flesh, he was also hit in the back by a palm emerging from the shadows behind him.

Both suffered from external and internal injuries.

However, Woo-Moon didn’t care about the unexpected counter at all. He barely even felt the pain.

“I’m going to kill you! Most of those you killed were people who never cultivated. And so many children! Isn’t it enough for us martial artists to kill each other? How dare you involve children?!”

Finally letting out all of the words that spun in his mind, Woo-Moon grabbed Lightflash with both hands and flew toward Mu Hu in a state of sword-body union.

“Cut the bullshit! The weak die or become toys of the strong. That’s the law of nature!”

Woo-Moon understood that, in fact. After all, he had also had that enlightenment on his way to becoming a Paragon. But that didn’t mean he had to accept absolutely everything as it was.

He himself didn’t like those who touted that they were following the Dao while distorting it to suit their own tastes. But that didn’t mean he would just sit by and watch when the “natural order of things” was too cruel for the human heart to bear.

Just because something was natural didn’t mean it was right.

In Woo-Moon’s now-firmly established standards of good and evil, harming the innocent for no reason was clearly evil, and what was clearly evil had to be punished.

Mu Hu flicked the Blood Dragon Whip, trying to catch Woo-Moon’s sword and get it out of the way. However, she was barely able to avoid getting stabbed; meanwhile, Woo-Moon lowered his stance and shifted forward, clearly intending to ram her chest with his shoulder.

“You brutish bastard!”

She had assumed that after dodging the sword, she’d be able to open up some distance and respond in kind. She hadn’t expected Woo-Moon to just brute-force things.

Of course, Mu Hu didn’t just stand there and let him hit her. She had absolutely no intention of suffering a loss in this exchange, or in any exchange, so she steeled herself and struck back.

As soon as she was hit in the chest, Mu Hu’s knee hit Woo-Moon’s abdomen.



A suppressed groan escaped from both of their mouths at the same time.

Woo-Moon raised his sword to stab Mu Hu in the throat. However, Mu Hu twisted her upper body to the side and swung her whip at Woo-Moon’s back, striking him viciously.

The blood that burst out from Mu Hu’s pierced shoulder splattered onto Woo-Moon’s face, while the blood that spewed out of his mouth soaked Mu Hu’s chest in turn.

“I’ll kill you!”

Yelling like an animal, Woo-Moon struck at Mu Hu’s face with his left fist. He imbued his fist with all the qi he had, including all defensive qi protecting his body.

This was an all-out strike, made with zero regard for his own well-being!

Mu Hu’s forearm, which she had raised to defend, was snapped in half, and Woo-Moon’s fingers were crushed all the same. Yet Woo-Moon continued to move his broken fist and hit Mu Hu in the face!

While his hand was damaged even more, Mu Hu’s face swelled up so much she looked like a weird pig.

This fight had devolved into an absolute brawl!

Woo-Moon continued to ignore all defense and just attacked, forcing Mu Hu to do whatever she could to keep up with him.

The two were already so close that they were almost embracing each other. There was no time for them to widen the distance and use proper techniques. Whoever was to show fear and defend would be the one forced on the back foot.

Ribs were shattered, internal organs were ruptured.

Woo-Moon broke her arms while his own arms burst open.

In just a few seconds, the two were covered in blood.

Even though he was severely injured, Woo-Moon’s eyes still held a fierce venom, hatred, and desire for revenge; he did not lose even the slightest bit of momentum.

All he had was anger at losing Si-Hyeon and his grandfather!

Hatred for Martial Heaven, who brutally killed those who tried to help him!

Rage against those who attacked his family, turning the Baek Estate into a lake of blood!

A swirl of emotions was clearly visible in Woo-Moon’s eyes as he exploded forward with power that only ever increased.

As they grew closer and closer, Mu Hu’s conviction began to shrink, as if it was being dissolved away under the downpour of Woo-Moon’s intense emotions.

There was no way for her to feel anything as intense toward Woo-Moon as what he felt toward her.

As time passed, Mu Hu gradually began to protect herself and naturally began to react defensively instead of acting offensively. She could no longer find any opening to counterattack and was forced to focus on blocking.

However, in such a crude brawl, the defender was bound to get injured.

Crack! CRACK!

The number of times Woo-Moon’s fists—or rather the clumps of flesh and bone that had been fine hands just moments ago—struck Mu Hu gradually increased.

‘H-how could this... no, it can’t be!’

Mu Hu realized that the situation was getting worse, but she had already gone beyond the point of no return.

Woo-Moon looked ike a demon who had clawed his way out of the pits of hell, and she... was afraid! For the first time in her life, she was too afraid to fight back!

Mu Hu felt like she would die if she stopped defending herself. She just wanted to block him. She wanted him to stop.

She wanted to run away!

When martial artists of the same level fought, having momentum on one’s side was incredibly important.

Woo-Moon’s tattered arms wrapped around Mu Hu’s neck from both sides.


With a shout, Woo-Moon tightened the remnants of his arms into a vice-like grip, trying to break Mu Hu’s neck. Mu Hu flinched back at his roar as if she could feel death upon her.


His sharp bones pierced Mu Hu’s throat, and blood spurted out.


However, now that she was driven to the edge of death, Mu Hu finally snapped.

The fear of death had awakened her instincts.

Even the tiniest beast, once it was driven into a corner and on the verge of death, would try to bite the attacker and drag them down with it.

And that final stand had been triggered.

Mu Hu’s hand dug into Woo-Moon’s stomach, wrapped around his intestines, and squeezed.

It was an excruciating pain, beyond imagination!

If it weren’t for Woo-Moon’s mental power improving considerably after reaching the Paragon realm, he might have fainted on the spot from the sheer pain!


Right then, the two of them hit the ground.

Having put everything into attacking, neither had the qi to stay floating in the air.

Although they had both fallen from a high place, neither had suffered any damage from the fall.

No matter how strong the shock of gravity was from whatever height, it could never have the same power as an all-out attack of a Paragon.

It was only natural; even a First Class expert was strong enough to easily bend a normal sword with their bare hands without getting cut.

Cough, cough... You... you poisonous... glug, glug... bastard!!” Mu Hu shouted, blood spewing from the tear in her throat.

Her eyes were filled with venom and hatred. Not only was she dying, but it was hurting the whole time she was dying.

However, it was still far from enough.

It was still far from the rage and hatred Woo-Moon had for Martial Heaven and the venom he had toward Mu Hu!

His knee struck Mu Hu’s left chest; her heart first shrank from the impact, then swelled to more than twice its normal size.


With a scream that sounded as if her vocal cords had torn apart, Mu Hu grabbed Woo-Moon’s head with both hands and squeezed.


The sheer force caused Woo-Moon’s skull to crack. Blood began to flow out from his entire head.

But Woo-Moon simply ignored it and just kneed Mu Hu’s left chest again.


A strange sound came from Mu Hu’s chest. Her heart had burst from the penetrating force Woo-Moon had emitted through his knee!

However, she used whatever remaining Paragon qi that existed in her body to keep her blood flowing as she pushed more strength into her hands.

Creaaaaaaak! Crack!

Woo-Moon’s skull began to crack more, and blood gushed out.

Yet he did not relent.

He used his remaining qi to gather the stubs of his fingers into something that looked like a fist and swung it forcefully.







The sound of flesh hitting flesh resonated repeatedly.

Eventually, the strength in Mu Hu’s hands vanished. A moment later, her body convulsed, and then... there was no “then.”

She was a pile of flesh by now, and that was putting it very mildly.

Woo-Moon glared at Mu Hu’s corpse with crazed red eyes.

“I’ll kill you all! All of you crazy bastards, I’ll kill every single one of you Martial Heaven bastards! Fine, if you’re all insane, I’ll go insane, too! I’ll kill all of you! Heaven? The Heaven of Martial Arts? Ha! Don’t make me laugh! I’ll tear down your heaven. Destroy it! Your arrogance will lead you to your destruction!”

Woo-Moon understood this fact very clearly.

The fact that he was still alive right now, the fact that he was destroying Martial Heaven’s forces one by one and killing its masters was all due to Martial Heaven’s arrogance and generosity.

If two or three Paragons joined forces against him, even Woo-Moon would have no choice but to flee or die. And Martial Heaven’s three Heavenly Martial Kings and three Palace Leaders were all Paragons. If they joined hands to deal with Woo-Moon, he wouldn’t even be able to flee, much less fight back.

However, Martial Heaven was arrogant.

They left Woo-Moon alone, as if they were telling him to do whatever he wanted and cause whatever trouble he desired.

Martial Heaven plotted various schemes to wipe out the entire murim. However, all of these plots and schemes were carried out not by the upper echelons of Martial Heaven, the Paragons, and above, but by the lower echelons—all of their grunt members.

That was why Martial Heaven showed such contradictory appearances.

The leaders of Martial Heaven were extremely arrogant, and not one of them was willing to do something they felt was below their dignity.

None of them felt like taking the initiative to eliminate Woo-Moon. They all just did whatever they wanted as everything was just a game, laughing at their peers who lost to Woo-Moon as if they were complete failures.

Woo-Moon glared at Mu Hu’s miserable corpse and screamed.

Finally, his bloodshot eyes turned to Eun-Ah and Ma-Ra.

Ma-Ra seemed to be about to overpower her opponent while Eun-Ah was covered in blood from the fierce battle.

As the battle dragged on, Eun-Ah’s natural qi was exhausted, and her defense gradually began to fall. One by one, wounds littered her body..

Woo-Moon only took the time to heal one arm to a manageable state before grabbing his sword and kicking off the ground.

A line of blood was drawn across the ground.


Left Devil’s eyes widened.

When he barely managed to avoid Woo-Moon’s sword, Eun-Ah’s paw struck his head.


Left Devil’s head was simply blasted off his shoulders, and that was the end of him. As it turned out, getting beheaded was a little too much even for an Absolute Master.

At the same time, Ma-Ra ran to Woo-Moon’s side without even finishing off the enemy she was fighting.

“Woo-Moon, stop! Focus on healing!”

Ma-Ra didn’t stop there. Without waiting for his answer, her hands quickly moved as she pressed multiple acupoints.

Eun-Ah ran to Right Devil, whom Ma-Ra had been fighting, while Ma-Ra stopped the remaining Blood Devils from attacking Woo-Moon, giving him space to recover.

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