The Tyrant's Pet

Chapter 779 The Firstborn

In most wars, silence was something that wasn't heard on the battlefield. It was mostly filled with the sound of metals, cries, and deaths. However, the silence of tonight was enough to make everyone stay up. Not just Ismael and Veronika, but most of the monarchs in the safe castle were either pacing back and forth or holding their own small meetings.

Strangely enough, these people would rather hear people fighting, so they had an idea of the situation. Instead of just holding their breaths every time the ground shook, or the furniture swayed as if there was an earthquake.

The uncertainty of what was happening and what to expect the next second was nerve-wracking.

Just… what was going on?

[ The Royal Palace: Main Castle ]

"Stop right there!"

The royal knights surrounded Abel from entering the main castle. With their weapons up and their fangs out, they hissed at the figure standing in the middle.

Abel blinked ever so tenderly, looking around at the royal knights who were now surrounding him, stopping his entry. He said nothing, taking a step, warranting a cautious step from the knights.

"I said stop right there!" the knight yelled his lungs out, thrusting his sword up. "Abel Grimsbanne. You do not have permission to enter the main castle of our king. Turn around and walk away from here, and we will treat this as something that didn't happen. However, if you take another step, we would have no choice but to —"

The knight was unable to end his remarks as all of them suddenly floated in the air. Confusion shook in their eyes as their feet left the ground, feeling their body feel as light as a feather.

"I am asking you nicely, Sir knight. Do not stand in my way, or I will disintegrate you all," Abel warned, keeping his index erect. "I have nothing against you all, and if possible, I do not want unnecessary deaths. All I want is Maximus, hmm?"

The knight held Abel's gaze, but despite the fear that crawled in his heart, he still hissed. "We fight for our king! For the sake of the mainland, we won't allow such a vile thing to cause more trouble in this peaceful land!"

"You are putting not just your life but also your comrades' lives at risk." Abel glanced at the rest. "Do you also share the same sentiments, sirs?"

"Yes! Even if we're against you, we will fight for our king!" shouted the majority of them, but there were some who were unable to speak a word.

"How foolish…" Abel snickered. "I wonder if that is because I have been away from the mainland that you do not know about what a Grimsbanne can do?"

Abel cocked his head to the side; his expression dull. "Or did you all grow cocky just because my sister who was left in that mansion couldn't care less? Nevermind. I don't care."

When Abel blinked, all the knights, who didn't back down, suddenly exploded from the inside. Blood showered the ground, and he didn't even bat an eye. The metal armor they were wearing was the only thing that landed on the ground with a piercing clang. Those who didn't speak a word dropped on their bottom, being showered with the blood of their comrades.

The knights — only three of them — were frozen on the spot. Abel simply moved his index, and most of them died. They gazed at the pools of blood on the ground and the empty metal armor. The sight of it made their heart sink.

If these three knights were just as courageous as their comrades, they would've shared the same fate. Fortunately, their tongues rolled back before they could even agree.

"What a bother," he whispered to himself, taking a step toward the entrance of the main castle. "Seriously… why is he making me come to him like a pathetic coward?"

As Abel walked away, the knights could only stare at his back. He was walking at his own pace; there was no hurry, even though he was just alone. Well, even if he was alone, the knights thought he could still win a full-scale war all alone.

This was what a Grimsbanne truly was.

The Grimsbanne they had glimpsed in the past years were nothing like him. At least, those they saw in the past didn't have such a violent reaction… or rather, there was just nothing that angered them, like how Maximus angered Abel.

No wonder some nobles were wary of the Grimsbanne. They were monsters.




Abel didn't care about the knights he allowed to leave for as long as they won't come after him. After all, he just wanted to end this once and for all and return home. Once the turmoil in his head had settled on Maximus' death, he could be with Aries without any guilt.

But just as Abel reached the porch of the main castle, he stopped in front of the shut doors. This time, he wasn't stopped by someone in front of him. No one was there. But he stopped because of the presence behind him.

"Anyone who stands in my way… means war. Are you here to stop me, London Leviticus?" Abel slowly turned on his heel to face London Leviticus, who was standing on the last step down the stairs. "Tell me, so I can end you before you establish the legacy you seek."

"Do not do this, Abel Grimsbanne."

"And why is that?" Abel quirked a brow, tilting his head to the side. "Why shouldn't I do this?"

London sported a stern expression. "Why are you doing this, Abel?"

"Are you asking because you seriously don't know?" Abel let out a dry laugh, shaking his head mildly. "My wife was held hostage here for years. On top of that, I am the firstborn. The big brother, the uncle, and the grandfather. How am I going to face my pitiful little sister, my nephew, and my grandkids if they go back home with this place a mess and sheltering that man?"

His eyes shone with anger as he ground his teeth. "No fucking hell would I allow my family gets trampled on and on, London Leviticus. Now, tell me, are you going to stop me or not?"

London's jaw tightened as he breathed a jagged breath. "I'm just saying. Maximus had her on a leash, but do as you wish."

"Then the more reason I have to get him." Abel turned around and marched towards the door, flexing his fingers on the side to soothe the itch of tearing Maximus with his bare hands. When Abel kicked the door open, his eyes glinted as he hissed, setting his eyes on the person waiting for him inside.

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