The Tyrant Billionaire

Chapter 146: Chapter 146 Estée Lauder.

Hardy picked up a bottle of moisturizer and asked, "Did you say these were developed by you?"

Mrs. Lauder nodded, th shook her head, "Not tirely. Initially, it was researched by my uncle. My uncle is a dermatologist, and he noticed that some patits skin was particularly prone to dehydration and cracking, losing its luster, so he developed a skincare cream."

"I also have dry skin. My uncle used it on me and it worked very well. That inspired me to make moisturizing creams. Wh I wt to college, I chose to study chemistry and dermatology."

"A 930, I started to make skin cream full time. At first, I sold it to frids a me or took it to salon parties. My frids all thought the results were good. Later, we made some profits and invested in new research, leading to several other products."

"Last year, I founded my own cosmetics company and named it 'Estee Lauder' after myself. Before Christmas this year, we set up a counter in the Fifth Avue Mall. My ideal is to make the name Estee Lauder a well known brand in the cosmetics industry."

Wh Mrs. Lauder introduced the situation of her company, she was a little proud, because all of this was created by her.

In this male dominated society, it is very difficult for a woman to succeed in business.

"You have persisted for more than t years for your dream. I admire your persistce and hard work." Hardy complimted.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Jon Hardy."

As he spoke, he took out a business card and handed it to her.

Mrs. Lauder looked at the card and was surprised.

Chairman of HD Security, Chairman of HD Films, Director of 'N.Y.T' Television, Owner of Playboy Magazine, Chairman of HD Toys.

A string of titles left Mrs. Lauder a bit stunned.

Rectly, HD Security has gained a lot of atttion. First, it was in the newspapers and news reports, and finally, they released a documtary, "The Great Los Angeles Bank Heist." Now, HD Security is known across the United States.

HD Films has also be very successful rectly. "The Wild Bunch" became the highest grossing film of the year. With a box office of 7.86 million dollars and ticket prices of 0.5 dollars each, nearly 30 million people watched the film. This is ormous promotional power.

'N.Y.T' Television had also created a ssation in New York by selling 3,000 televisions in a few days through an installmt plan in collaboration with a bank. Moreover, there were reports that 'N.Y.T' Television planned to invest millions to build a large terprise with an annual output of 400,000 televisions.

HD Toys also rectly made headlines with its luxury Barbie dolls. Mrs. Lauder had specifically visited the Barbie doll counter to see these toys, amazed at their high prices.

After seeing them, she only had one thought: exquisite, extremely exquisite.

Ev though she was in her thirties, she was tempted to buy a set, of course, as a gift for her daughter.

Because of Barbie, Mrs. Lauder ev considered whether to package her cosmetics as luxury items and take the high d route.

Lastly, there was Playboy Magazine. Coincidtally, Mrs. Lauder had read it. Rectly, newspapers were abuzz with debates betwe conservatives and the magazine, attracting a lot of atttion.

The editor in chief's article on wom's liberation particularly resonated with Mrs. Lauder, prompting her to have her husband buy a copy.

She had to admit, the photos of the beautiful wom in the magazine were captivating ev to her. She admired the articles, realizing the magazine, as the editor in chief claimed, contained no vulgar contt but rather insightful articles.

She read the introduction to Hedy Lamarr and admired her greatly, considering her a represtative of modern wom with her indepdt pursuit of her ideals and significant achievemts in scitific research. Hedy Lamarr had become Mrs. Lauder's idol.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Lauder looked up at Hardy. The young, handsome man exuded strong confidce, but Mrs. Lauder still felt he was too young. She doubted if Hardy was really the owner of these companies.

Hardy noticed the doubt in Mrs. Lauder's eyes and pointed to Taylor, "I don't know if Mrs. Lauder has se 'National Velvet' or 'Lassie Come Home,' but she is the leading actress in both movies, Elizabeth Taylor."

Mrs. Lauder looked at Taylor and said in surprise, "I just felt that this lady looked familiar. I seemed to have se her somewhere. Now that you mtioned it, I finally saw that it was Miss Elizabeth Taylor."

Taylor was also a well known Hollywood star. Being able to do makeup for a Hollywood star made Mrs. Lauder feel honored.

She ev thought of telling future clits that a Hollywood star had used her products.

"Mrs. Lauder, have you ever thought about accelerating the developmt of 'Estée Lauder'? Do you need an investor?" Hardy asked.


Mrs. Lauder didn't know how to answer for a momt, as this question concerned the future of her business.

Hardy smiled and waved his hand, "No rush to answer. I'm staying at the St. Regis Hotel for the next few days. If you're interested in cooperating, you can come to the hotel to find me."

With that, Hardy took Taylor's hand and left.

Suddly holding Hardy's hand, Taylor's heart trembled, and her face turned slightly red.

The feeling of being held by Mr. Hardy was wonderful.

Mrs. Lauder watched Hardy's departing figure, feeling a bit dazed. At this momt, she felt a mix of apprehsion and excitemt.

She had always longed for her business to grow, which was her dream.

Suddly, such a great opportunity appeared before her, making her excited, but she wasn't sure if Hardy was guine. What if he was a fraud?

Clutching the business card, she instructed the clerk to watch the counter while she quickly returned to the office.

Mrs. Lauder's husband was responsible for internal company affairs, such as accounting and production, while she handled promotion and new product developmt. The couple complemted each other well.

"Joseph, I just met someone at the mall who claimed to be the owner of HD Security and expressed interest in investing in our company."

Mrs. Lauder detailed the tire counter to her husband and handed him the business card, "Joseph, do you think that young man could be a fraud?"

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