The Sugar Mommy System: The Evil Young Master is Villain!!!

Chapter 160: 5) The alchemy contest


the next momt time was resumed.

"See you th, Princes..." Bai Lung said with a light smile on his face.

She looked at him but kept a straight face despite a pang of pain in her heart.

"Likewise... See you after the contest, Young Master Bai," She managed to mutter it out.

Their talk was short.


Meanwhile the evt started.

A 00 talted youths and trashes were prested here and the so-called Saint tier Alchemist was only looking at Bai Lung and Gu Changgee.

Forget about Saint alchemist not ev worms crawling on the land wer't looking at the so called son of Heav named Wang.

He was like a stray dog lost in the human group.

Looking at him no one could guess that this guy had came here thinking he would win the alchemy contest.

[Ding! you have attracted the atttion and stopped Wang from shining ]

[Ding! Your grand trance caused Wang to miss his opportunity to by saving a old grandma with his medical knowledge... ]

[Ding! That grandma died to your powerful aura ]

[Ding! You have plundered 000 luck points from Wang ]

[You have obtained 5,000 points... ]

[You have obtained million EXP ]

Just wh everything was going good the calamity struck.

As a cursed child of heav, Bai Lung couldn't be the ctre of atttion getting praises from everyone.

"Grandmaaaaa!!!" A certain someone from the crowd scream in a weird hazy way attracting everyone's atttion.

He was the grandchild of the grandma that died, who was supposed to get some kind of pills from Wang.

And to make matter worse, Saint alchemist knew this grandma, not only was he familiar but he ev owe her his very life.

Heav was two step ahead.

Someone who isn't destined to shine always gets dimmed no matter what.

But Bai Lung is differt...

Because he has revival pill.

Heav may have be two step ahead from Bai Lung but Bai Lung himself was t step ahead of his action.

The old hag just died which means some vitality is still in her body, and it's ought to call her soul back from clutch of lord Yama.

"Oh! That's lady Muna, I owe her my life..." The Saint alchemist who was currtly seated in a throne hurriedly rushed towards the crying kid.

Wang was no differt... He instantly rushed there too.

But Bai Lung, he didn't bother going there, not now.

He knew she could not be saved anymore from hands of Saint tier Alchemist or ev Wang... Revival pill is almost hard to get because u need an royal blood phoix egg to make one.

And getting royal bloodline phoix egg isn't as easy as finding a needle on haystick.

The more they tried they stronger the pressure build ups and wh Bai Lung finally ters the sce, he would get praise and fame.

By no means Bai Lung is a law abiding citiz or moral creature, he doesn't care if someone dies, it not like she was going to live another thousand years anyway.

Thus, Bai Lung's goal is to show revival pill but actually use "Soul-puppet, human controlling technique," to show that she was alive from his pills.

Someone who used Revival pill to save an old woman, he will be the talk from upcoming geration.

He will be the idol, role model to be hero, the embryo of kindness, the helping individual.


The old man wt ahead and checked the pulse and spirituality.

Her heart had stopped and there was no spirituality left... But there was still some vitality left in her body and heat was preserved.

Wang also wt near since it was perfect time for him to shine and also blame Bai Lung.

'System analyze her...' Wang said in his mind.

[Ding! Analysed... ]

[She is dead and can't be helped any further...]

Hearing this Wang gritted his teeth... He doesn't know why but he didn't wished for this grandma to die.

"Y-You... It's you who killed her with your powerful aura," Wang pointed his fingers at Bai Lung.

The Zhao family who had also came here separately were instantly muttering curses under their breath, seeing Wang act like that.

But under the presce of Alchemist Saint, they dare not act rash.

Everyone's atttion was shifted towards Bai Lung.

Ev Saint alchemist looked at him with hatred.

But unknown to Wang, he didn't pushed Bai Lung into flame but he himself walked into it.

"You are right... It was because of my aura she died, one doesn't have right to take someone else life..." Saying that slowly, he arrived at the public crowd and pulled out a magical box.

The box glowed with holy light.

A strong aroma spread across the tire suring.

"hmm... What a strong smell!"

"That smells really good just like my wife..."

"What's that? It has a strong spirituality,"

Many murmurs were instantly circulating all while, The Saint alchemist instantly got up from where he was and appeared Infront of Bai Lung.

"Revival pill... Th-This is revival pill..." The Saint alchemist said with a quivering voice.


Everything turned dead silt as everyone eyes the magical box.

Revival pill?

The legdary revival pill!?

In an instant some people thought it was definitely not worth saving that old woman.

She already died there is no point in wasting such a precious treasure to save her.

She wasn't going to live long life anyway... What happed has already happed. We can only move on.

"Y-You... You are going to use revival pill on her?" The Saint alchemist had his eyes wided.

Bai Lung looks at the Saint Alchemist with a calm expression, not a hint of emotion on his face.

"Yes, I will use this Revival Pill to save her life. After all, it is my fault that she died due to my powerful aura... I must take responsibility...." He ops the magical box, revealing the glowing, fragrant Revival Pill within. "This is a rare and precious treasure, but a life is worth far more than any material wealth,"

Bai Lung approaches the body of the old woman, Lady Muna, and gtly places the Revival Pill on her lips.

He th closes his eyes and begins to chant an ancit incantation, his voice steady and assured.

"Awak, Lady Muna. Return to the world of the living. I call upon the powers of heav and earth to recall your soul!"

A selfish nigga wearing a heavy crown named Bai Lung, was quick with hands as ev Saint alchemist failed to see how quickly Xian Tian swapped the pills, all thanks to system.

As the incantation finishes, a brilliant light emerges from the 'Revival Pill' veloping Lady Muna's body. Momts later, her eyes flutter op and she takes a deep, shuddering breath.

The crowd watches in stunned silce, amazed at the display of Bai Lung's power.

Few of them were sad seeing a precious pill get wasted on a old woman while others looked at him with respect.

He was the man, the MAN waiting in the sky.


Lady Muna's eyes wid as she takes in a deep breath, color returning to her wrinkled face. She sits up slowly, looking a in bewildermt.

"What...what happed? Where am I?" Her gaze lands on Bai Lung, and she eyes him warily. " saved me?"

Bai Lung nods respectfully. "Indeed, Old lady. I am afraid my powerful aura inadverttly caused your passing... It is only right that I use this Revival Pill to restore your life," He bows deeply while mtioning that revival pill with loud voice to keep the atttion towards himself.

"I hope you can forgive me for this grave mistake..."

The Saint Alchemist and Wang watch in stunned silce especially Wang, unable to comprehd what they are witnessing.

Wang refused to believe this piece of trash was some spuerhero, the super man saving the world and spreading kindness.

A young master that actually helps people? Sounds too good to be true.


"Woah! What a great gtleman... A noble heart,"

"Damn, I can feel his precious righteous coming inside me... Ahhh! His presce alone gives me hope for better future,"

"Kindness hasn't died yet... My blind eyes could finally see the world," a blind man said whose blindness was suddly cured by Bai Lung's 'kind act'.

"Tch! Such a precious pill... Wasted like that!"

"It make no sse... A revival pill, if I was that Young master, I would have handed that to emperor in return for thousand of wom,"

The crowd mutters in amazemt, their opinion of Bai Lung rapidly shifting.

"A Revival Pill...and he used it to save that old woman's life. Unbelievable!"

"I never imagined the infamous Young Master Bai could be passionate,"

Grandmasters spoke off.

Lady Muna stares at Bai Lung, her expression softing.

She reaches out and lays a wrinkled hand on his arm.

She was just a fake soul created by Bai Lung but everyone was looking at her.

"Young man, you have my deepest gratitude. I did not expect to be giv a second chance at life... However, the revival pill is more than what I worth, you shouldn't have used it on me..."

She smiles warmly,"I don't think I can reay you... Not in this life, forgive me, I am at the fault here who made you waste the precious pill,"

Such emotional line, few were already in tears.

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