The Sugar Mommy System: The Evil Young Master is Villain!!!

Chapter 151: 8) The Zhao Family!

Hearing this, she was left speechless... indeed since a week or so, Wang had shown significant changes including teasing her, and she immediately understood what was going on.

[Ding! You have successfully planted the doubt about Wang on Zhao Ling's mind.]

[Ding! Zhao Ling's affection has significantly dropped for Wang, you have obtained 10k EXP]

[Ding! You have obtained 2k system points]

[Ding! you have plundered 250 luck value from wang]

[Ding! you have obtained an additional 15000 EXP and 10,000 Points ]

Bai Lung naturally saw all of the changes happening with Zhao Ling. His expression didn't change, but he felt more and more interest towards Zhao Ling in his cold heart. It was what they called: 'falling at first sight!'.

Bai Lung was a kid that was drawn to new good looking and fancy toys.

Sure enough, a good face and powerful background helped you no matter where you went, no questions asked.

This was awesome, for someone like Bai Lung, and it saved him a lot of time and trouble.

Afterward, Bai Lung changed the topic and began asking Zhao Ling about herself and the Ancient Zhao Family.

'Why would Young Lord Bai ask such things about me?'

His sudden interest in herself made her maiden heart jump around like a fawn.

Could it be that Young Lord had developed a good impression of her? Yes! That's most likely it.

It made her a little flustered and increased her nervousness.

After all, it was a huge thing.

With that,

Zhao Ling led the way with hesitant steps, her palms damp with sweat.

Each movement felt measured as if any misstep could lead to disaster. She felt the weight of her role as Bai Lung's guide, and every second in his presence only deepened her anxiety.


She swallowed hard hoping to keep the good image.

It wasn't just that he was powerful... there was an air about him, a suffocating sense of control that made her feel like a fragile insect under his watchful gaze.

'Why did my father choose me for this?' she thought, her heart racing.

'Does he not realize how dangerous this Young Lord is? One wrong word, and my entire family could be wiped out... I don't think I can catch the heart of such man,' she thought knowing that he may not be that interested on her.

She had doubt on herself.


She attempted to calm herself, but the nerves were relentless.

Zhao Ling glanced at Bai Lung, who seemed to stroll around aimlessly looking around the gardens, yet she knew better... there was nothing aimless about him. His every move was calculated.

Finally, his voice broke the silence, startling her.

"Lady Zhao Ling, you needn't be this nervous," he said smoothly. "As I said, learn from your best friend here. She no longer fears me; in fact, she's learned to speak back,"

'T-This...' Zhao Ling was taken back but could only look at Saintess.

Finally, they arrived at the beautiful place.

"This is our ancestral shrine, it is said it is connected with primordial descendent, " She explained her voice still nervous.

Bai Lung and Saintess looked at the shrine as Zhao Ling explained few more things that aren't much of an importance.

Bai Lung listened intently as Zhao Ling spoke about the ancient shrine, his keen eyes observing every detail as ever.

Though her voice trembled with nerves, he could sense an underlying pride and reverence for her family's heritage.

He gives a small nod of acknowledgement.

"The Zhao family's lineage must indeed be long and illustrious to have such a sacred site. I can understand why you would feel the weight of responsibility in guiding us here..."

Casting a sidelong glance at the Saintess, he noted her own composed demeanor, a stark contrast to Zhao Ling's obvious anxiety.

He turns back to Zhao Ling, a small smile playing on his lips "Tell me, Lady Zhao, what is it about your family's history that most fascinates you? I confess I find myself quite curious to learn more..."

His tone was smooth and measured, betraying none of the possessive interest that had stirred within him.

In truth, Bai Lung was intrigued by this delicate flower of a girl - her beauty, her lineage, the vulnerability that seemed to radiate from her.

She was a challenge, a puzzle to be unraveled. And Bai Lung relished a good puzzle.


He waits patiently for Zhao Ling's response, his gaze unwavering as he studies her reactions closely.

Zhao Ling felt her heart flutter at Bai Lung's genuine interest.

Most were only interested in the prestige and power of her family name, but he seemed genuinely curious to learn more about her heritage. Mustering her courage, she began to speak.

"Well, Young Master, The Zhao family's history is vast and storied. We trace our lineage back to the ancient Celestial Emperors themselves..." Her eyes shine with reverence as she recounts her family's past.

"Our ancestors were said to be blessed by the heavens, gifted with unparalleled wisdom and power. They helped to shape the very foundations of this realm..."

Zhao Ling pauses, suddenly feeling self-conscious. "Forgive me, I'm afraid I could go on for hours about my family's exploits. I'm sure one such as yourself would find it rather dull," She casts her gaze downward, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"Please, feel free to share your own interests. I would be most honored to learn from you,"

She chances a quick glance up at Bai Lung, her heart racing at the intensity of his gaze.

There was a hunger there that both intrigued and unsettled her. Zhao Ling couldn't help but wonder what this mysterious young lord had in store.

At the same time,

Zhao Ling's words washed over Bai Lung like the gentle lapping of waves against the shore. His keen intellect eagerly drank in every detail, savoring the rich tapestry of her family's legacy.

"The Celestial Emperors themselves, you say?" He mused, a gleam of intrigue kindling in his dark eyes. "Now that is a lineage most impressive. It's no wonder your family holds such esteem and influence in this realm but... For someone to be connected to celestial emperors, isn't Zhao family... Umm! I don't know how to put it, but hope Miss Zhao has understood what I am trying yo say,"

He takes a step closer, his movements lithe and predatory, like a stalking jungle cat. "Not to mention but do you not feel the weight of that illustrious heritage upon your delicate shoulders miss Zhao?" His voice is a soft purr, laced with a hint of challenge. "The pressure to uphold the grandeur of your ancestors must be considerable,"

Reaching out, he gently traces the line of her jaw, his touch feather-light yet searing. "Tell me, what drives you? What fuels that fire I see burning within your eyes?" His gaze bores into hers, unblinking.

"For I sense there is far more to you than meets the eye..."

Bai Lung pauses, allowing the tension to build, before a slow, appreciative smile spreads across his lips.

Hearing this Zhao Ling quivered, she understood what Bai Lumg was trying to say.

"Well! Out family was separated long ago... The main family ascended to upper realm while us at the lower realm slowly began to decline and over time we reached to this point... However perhaps if we could somehow manage to revive out family's complete spiritual sutra then out family may have a chance to rise up,"

The Zhao family's sutra... The breathing method is slightly flawed aka incomplete.

The real sutra is possessed by family that have already as ended the upper realm so, they don't have any way to recover it.


Bai Lung listened intently as Zhao Ling revealed the truth behind her family's situation. His eyes narrowed thoughtfully as he processed this new information.

"I see..." he murmured, his fingertips still tracing the delicate line of her jaw, enjoying her smooth skin.

"So your noble lineage has fallen into disrepair, while your esteemed ancestors dwell in the celestial realms above...."

His touch slid down the slender column of her neck, eliciting a barely perceptible shiver from the girl. "And you... Miss Zhao Ling, are but a fragment of that once mighty legacy, how interesting,"

Bai Lung leaned in closer, his warm breath ghosting across her cheek. "How...magical! How mythical..."

The words were laced with an undercurrent of hunger.

"To have such divine blood flowing through your veins, yet to be denied your rightful place. It must weigh heavily upon your soul..." His dark red eyes bored into hers, unblinking.

"I can only imagine the frustration you must feel knowing such history,"

Reaching up, he gently tucked an errant strand of hair behind her ear, his knuckles grazing the soft skin of her cheek. "But perhaps...there is a way I could be of assistance."

A slow, predatory smile spread across his lips. "After all, who knows what might happen next... However, I first need your help on catching Wang,"

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