The Sugar Mommy System: The Evil Young Master is Villain!!!

Chapter 145: 2) The Zhao Family

Zhao Tui, The Young Master of the Zhao family, strode into the courtyard, his handsome features twisted in a dark scowl.

His eyes narrowed dangerously as he fixed the impudent servant Wang with a withering glare hearing the commenting his sister.

He, himself loved his sister dearly, hoping to take her as wife someday.

"Well! Well! Well! Who is disturbed by the beauty of a gorgeous woman? Better to pluck his eyes out," Zhao Tui spat, his voice dripping with venom.

He stalked toward Wang, his every movement exuding a palpable aura of menace.

This guy is a true Young Manster, not afraid of uttering coating death.

Stopping just inches away, Zhao Tui leaned in, his breath ghosting over Wang's face.

"You dare make light of my sister's teachings? You filthy, disrespectful cur!" he snarled, his hand snapping out to seize Wang by the collar.

The other servants cowered, wisely keeping their distance as they watched the confrontation unfold.

They even secretly knew Wang deserves it.

Zhao Tui's fury was a sight to behold, and they had no desire to incur his wrath.

Yanking Wang closer, Zhao Tui's eyes burned with raw, possessive fury. "My sister is not to be trifled with. She is a woman of unparalleled grace and beauty, worthy of the utmost reverence. And you, you insignificant worm, dare to mock her?"

His grip tightened, and a faint crackle of spiritual energy danced across his fingertips, warning of the consequences that awaited Wang should he continue his impudent behavior.

"I should rip out your tongue for your insolence," Zhao Tui growled, his face mere inches from Wang's.

"and then perhaps you'll learn to keep that foul mouth of yours shut when it comes to my sister!"


Wang's eyes widened in a mixture of fear and defiance as Zhao Tui's powerful grip tightened around his collar.

The words cut deep, striking at the core of his mortal weakness which is his desire to earn points from the system by angering the maiden.

Steeling his nerves, Wang met Zhao Tui's scorching glare head-on, his lips curling into a sardonic smile.

"Forgive me, Honored Young Master, but I merely spoke the truth. Zhao Ling's beauty is indeed a sight to behold,"

He paused, then added with a glint of mischief, "And it seems I am not the only one... distracted by it."

Zhao Tui's eyes narrowed dangerously, a low, guttural growl rumbling in his chest.

The implication was clear - Wang had dared to voice what Zhao Tui himself had long desired, but could never admit.

"You insolent fool!" Zhao Tui spat on wang's face, his grip tightening further. "How dare you speak of my sister in such a manner?"

The air crackled with palpable tension as the two men engaged in a battle of wills, their gazes locked in a silent, yet intense confrontation.

The other servants held their breath, uncertain of the outcome, but knowing better than to interfere.

Suddenly, a soft, chiding voice cut through the charged atmosphere.

"Tui, dear brother, I believe you are making a scene."

All eyes turned to Zhao Ling, who stood with a serene, yet subtly amused expression, her delicate features radiating an otherworldly beauty that seemed to captivate all who beheld her.

Zhao Tui's grip loosened slightly as his gaze shifted to his sister, Zhao Ling. A flicker of guilt passed across his face, but it was quickly replaced by a look of reverence and devotion.

"Forgive me, dear sister," he murmured, his voice softening considerably.

"I could not stand idly by while this...this worm dared to speak of you in such a disrespectful manner,"

He turned his attention back to Wang, his eyes narrowing once more.

"You should be grateful that my sister has intervened. Otherwise, I would have made you regret your insolence,"

Wang swallowed hard, the system's tempting prompts momentarily forgotten as he felt the weight of Zhao Tui's animosity upon him.

He knew that he had pushed the young master too far, and the consequences could be severe, if he continued to act that way.

Zhao Ling glided forward, placing a delicate hand on her brother's arm. "Now, now, Brother Zhao, let us not make a spectacle of ourselves. These are merely my students at the moment, and I'm sure Wang here meant no real offense, anyway I am very thankful for you standing on behalf of me,"

Zhao Tui smiled inwardly at the praise.

Needless to say, he was boot licking trash Young Master.

Her eyes shifted to Wang, and he felt a chill run down his spine at the subtle warning in her gaze.

"Isn't that right, Wang?"

Wang hastily nodded, bowing low. "Ye-yes, Honored Miss. I-I meant no disrespect. I was merely..." He paused, searching for the right words that would not further incur their wrath. "...caught up in the beauty of your teachings,"

Zhao Ling's lips curved into a small, knowing smile. "I see. Well, then, let us return to the lesson, shall we?"

She glanced at the other servants, her serene expression commanding their rapt attention.

"Now, as I was saying, the key to cultivating spiritual energy is maintaining a focused and disciplined mind. Allowing oneself to be distracted by...fleeting desires," her gaze flicked briefly to Wang, "will only hinder your progress,"

Tried words were never spoken before.

Such deep wisdom, she must be an immortal fairy.

Wang flinched slightly, sensing the veiled warning in her words.

He felt the tempting desire at the back of his mind, urging him to provoke the young mistress further, but he dared not risk the wrath of both her and her brother.

He needs to find other women to earn points now.

Zhao Tui remained silent, his eyes never leaving his sister's face, a look of adoration and possessiveness etched upon his features.

It was clear that he would not tolerate any further disrespect towards Zhao Ling as he gave Yandere vibes.

The lesson continued, with Zhao Ling's elegant words captivating the young disciples.

Wang tried his best to keep his focus, knowing that any further outbursts would only serve to antagonize the Zhao siblings, at worse, he would be kicked out.

As the session drew to a close, Zhao Ling dismissed the servants, her gaze lingering on Wang for a moment.

"Remember, Wang, the path of cultivation requires discipline and humility. I trust you will keep that in mind going forward,"

Wang quickly bowed, muttering a respectful acknowledgment, his heart racing at the subtle threat in her words. He had pushed his luck too far this time, and he knew it.

As the servants filed out of the courtyard, Zhao Tui stepped closer to his sister, his hand gently brushing against her arm.

"Sister, I apologize for causing a disruption. I should not have lost my temper so easily..."

He paused, his gaze softening as he looked at Zhao Ling.

"But that servant's words...they vexed me. The thought of anyone daring to look upon you with anything other than the utmost reverence and respect..."

His jaw tightened, a flash of possessiveness flickering in his eyes. "You are a goddess among mortals, Sister Ling. How can I stand by and allow some lowly cur to sully your name?"

Zhao Ling regarded her brother with a serene expression, reaching up to gently cup his face.

"My sweet brother. I know your intentions come from a place of love and protection. But you must learn to control your temper. Such outbursts will only serve to undermine my teachings,"

"Also, guests will be arriving soon, don't create a scene in front of them," she added.

"Hmm!" Zhao Tui nodded his head.



A spatial turbulence caused an explosion in the sky, sending the surrounding winds into a great turbulence. An extravagant flying boat appeared in the sky out of nowhere.

Covered in sacred rays of light with divine runes flowing around its body, the flying boat had arrived inside the territory of the Zhao Family.

Bai Lung's rich robes fluttered in the wind, and his inky black hair danced around as he looked down, asserting psychological dominance through wealth.

It's a well known fact a wealthy looking man gets more respect and praise compared to a beggar-looking man.

Money talks, Money walks, Money dance.

[Ding! A new Loved Child of Heaven has been detected!]

A sudden System Prompt sounded in his mind, and he was stunned.

Bai Lung's eyes turned cold as he looked down.

In an instant, the sky ripped open and angels began to sing. ( metaphorically )

It was a scene straight out of myths, a staircase of pure Qi was created in an instant.

Bai Lung slowly descended through the stairs, taking time so that, others could fathom just how great he is.

Finally, he reached down... After that, both women descended.

"Wow... Such beautiful maids yet incapable of walking with the man,"

"Damn! That person seems like a god, some powerful Young Master,"

"He must the rumored Young master who came from the capital..."

"Oh! Capital...."

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