The Successor of the Underworld is a Cheat Player

Chapter 108

The Successor To The Underworld Is A Cheat Player 108

“I wonder how Immortal’s Arkhan will react when he hears this; I’m already looking forward to it.”

Rohan, who was known for his usual stern demeanor and emotional restraint, couldn’t hide his smile.

While many considered Dante and Rasiel as rivals, the true rival was someone else.

With swords and magic always at odds, Arkhan, the organization under Immortal’s command, was truly Dante’s greatest rival.

“Those stinking corpses might have lost two of their forces, but…”

Rohan proudly looked at the Black Sword as he spoke.

“We didn’t lose a single one.”

“We were fortunate.”

Balak said, bowing his head.

“It’s not just luck; it’s an achievement beyond words. The Guild Leader will be delighted to hear this news.”

Moreover, the Dark Griffon was a rare and valuable monster.

The value of its products was astronomical, just thinking about the feathers it shed.

Watching it, Jane briefly recalled Arin.

“Master, Jane has contributed greatly.”

At that moment, a sudden interruption occurred.

“If he hadn’t blocked the breath, the support team would have been wiped out.”

“That’s correct.”

“If the support team hadn’t been there, we would have failed to hunt the Griffin without any casualties.”

Rohan looked at Jane.

“Good job.”

A slight commendation, but to the Black Sword, it seemed lacking.

Although Rohan was the fairest when it came to commendation, the way it ended was still incomprehensible.

In fact, the details were true.

“I will grant one wish.”

Only then did the members of the Black Sword smile at Rohan’s words.

“You brat! You’ve done a great job!”

“Master granting a wish. We’ve never experienced that before.”

“Shouldn’t you be promoted to captain?”

Senior members approached Jane, patting his head and praising him.


It was no mistake that Rohan briefly cleared his throat and turned his head at that moment.


And it was Sebu who had brought up the conversation that came near.

“I’m sorry for bothering you all this time. What’s the use of being the youngest or having a strong will? You did your part splendidly.”

It was the moment when Sebu finally acknowledged and accepted Jane as a colleague.

Of course.

“Bo…thered you?”

Although Rohan mumbled to himself in a voice no one could hear.

“It’s all thanks to the seniors. Please take care of me in the future as well.”

“Party! Party!”

“Since dinner is ready, let’s go to the banquet hall and enjoy.”

When Rohan signaled to Balrak and spoke, Balrak nodded.

“Jane, stay for a moment and talk.”

Black Sword did not doubt Rohan’s words.

It was clear that he wanted to properly praise Jane, who stood out amongst them.

Only after everyone had disappeared into the banquet hall did Jane reveal her true self.

“You taught Balrak well.”

Guarding the support team, Sebu looked at Black Sword.

More precisely, Balrak.

“Even in command and situational judgment, he could pass as a veteran.”

“I already had a hunch. I heard he learned from Sein.”

Rohan’s words were true.

While conducting the Griffin Raid, Rohan’s appearance was quite similar to that of an experienced squadron leader.

– Balrak. Why can’t you understand human speech? Are you a beast?

It was the result of Sein rigorously training Balrak in the Labyrinth, among other things.

“I’ve marked you as my successor.”

Sein nodded at Rohan’s words.

The brief conversation came to an end.

Now it was time to get to the point.

“Last night, a secret letter arrived.”

Sein wasn’t just play-acting with Jane as a pastime.

All of this was part of a plan, a move to bait the prey.

And now.

“He’s coming soon.”

From Noble mtl dot com

Just as the fish was about to take the bait.


Faster than expected.


But since all preparations were already in place, Sein smiled satisfactorily.


At that moment, Rohan cautiously asked.

“Did you really suffer from harassment?”

It seemed like Sebu’s words had come to mind.

Within the Martial Arts Hall, conflicts and disputes were commonplace, but even the most common things could vary depending on who was involved.

No matter how much he pretended to be indifferent, Rohan had asked to know Sein’s true nature.

“Not really. It was actually less boring.”

It was tormenting himself.




The festival commemorating the Gryphon hunt continued for two days.

Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol.

Was there a ghost who couldn’t drink and died? The Black Blades poured and drank, drank only alcohol.

But they were veterans for a reason.

“You here?”

The next day, they gathered at the training ground as if nothing had happened.

“Ugh. I’m gonna die.”

Some were struggling to calm their still uneasy stomachs.

“Are you okay, Jane?”

Jane was the star of the festival.

“Yes. I’m fine, thank you.”

“…You can hold your liquor well. Bastard.”

Though the voice carried a hint of jealousy, Sein was smiling.

Unlike before when he couldn’t acknowledge it, Sein now fully accepted Jane.

“Care to spar with me?”

Finally asking for their first spar, Sein’s appearance even made the senior Black Blades smile.

“Not today.”

Then, Igorpha, the leader of the Black Blades, approached them.


The Black Blades’ eyes gleamed.

Just as insects lived off pine leaves, these warriors lived amidst the scent of blood on the battlefield.

“Not a mission, but welcoming a guest.”

“A guest? Welcoming?”

The Black Blades seemed puzzled.

Guests visiting Dante were few, let alone the even rarer occasions of welcoming them.

And why did the Black Blades have to welcome them?

“From the main house?”

A nod.

Main house.

“Who is it?”

“Don’t know. It’s a direct order from the Master.”

Having finished preparations, they headed towards where the assembled warriors were.

“Everyone heard the news, right?”


“They are guests from the main house.”

It felt like a strange current was flowing.

“It’s not an ordinary matter.”

Just a while ago, a noble had come from the main house and was currently receiving treatment in the infirmary.

Another guest from the main house.

But orders were orders, and the Black Swordsman had to obey.

So, clad in their usual armor, the Black Swordsman set out to greet them.

Far away.

Clatter clatter.

Demorus’ carriage was approaching.


It was not a usual atmosphere.

The size of the carriage, the troops accompanying it.

“Who is the commander?”

Asked towards Balrak in an uneasy atmosphere, but the only response was that Balrak did not know either.


Finally, the carriage came to a stop in front of the Black Swordsman.

On either side, men who seemed to have become knights were looking down at the Black Swordsman from their horses.

“I am Balrak Demorus, who has been tasked with the reception.”

Balrak stepped forward as their representative and spoke to them.



The men on horseback exuded an intimidating aura and spoke abruptly.

“Prepare yourself.”


“Prepare yourself.”

An authoritative voice rang out.


The eyes of the Black Swordsmen’s members twitched.

It was the Black Swordsman.

Dante’s 1st Battalion.

Even if they were not the main house’s battalion, they were recognized for their skills even in Demorus.


There was no one who could address such Black Swordsmen like this.


Once again, as they tried to make the Black Swordsman kneel with their intimidating presence, Balrak finally intervened.

“We are honored to have a distinguished guest from the main house.”

Balrak ultimately bowed his head.

The Black Swordsman, with a displeased expression at this gesture, had no choice but to accept it.


“I have the honor of meeting the head of the main house.”

In the end, the distinction between the main house and Dante was clearly evident.

“What are you up to.”

It should have ended there, but the voice continued to echo.

“I’m sure you were instructed to show respect, weren’t you?”




The eyes of the Black Swords, who were just writhing, momentarily distorted.


This had crossed the line.

They could comply with showing respect for the main house’s background.

But not beyond that.


“I cannot do that.”

Balrak, who had suddenly held his head high, said.

“The Black Swords do not kneel to just anyone.”


Balrak and the Black Swords, who had been merely enduring their aura, were now emitting their own.


A tautness was felt as if a single thread was being pulled on both sides.

It was the Black Swords who were surprised.

“Is this all?”

It was astonishing to realize that they, the 1st Division of Dante, were standing up to their aura as well.

But there was no thought of backing down.

“The Black Swords kneel only to those we acknowledge.”

Balrak said.

“To the Master, the Lady, and the Lord. Only to these three.”

As Balrak took one more step forward, his aura intensified.

The tension that seemed to be holding firm finally seemed to snap.

“If you wish for us to kneel, you must gain our recognition or become our Lord.”


They were the first to reach for their swords.

In sync, the Black Swords’ members also reached for the hilts of their swords.


The voice that resonated from the carriage washed away the auras they were emitting.


The one who was pressuring the Black Swords by emanating his aura, while next to the carriage, was now bowing his head, unsure of what to do.

“Dante’s pride, the Black Sword. Respect them.”

With those words, the window of the carriage closed once again.

Only then did the expressions of the Black Sword members relax.

Unlike the tightly closed figures, the presence inside the carriage had shown them respect.

“Let’s go.”

Finally, the stalled carriage started moving again.

“Even though we don’t know who’s inside the carriage, they seem quite decent.”

The Black Sword members seemed slightly relieved by the kindness shown by the presence inside the carriage.

As respect seeped into their hearts, a bit of kindness emerged, softening the discomfort that had filled their minds.

“Is that so?”

Jane, who had quietly followed behind, spoke up.


“If I had respected the Black Sword…”

As if oblivious, Jane spoke with an innocent face.

“I don’t think we would have ended up in this situation from the start.”

Only then did the faces of the Black Sword members return to their original state.

Though they were not heavily involved in politics, their extensive experience allowed them to understand Jane’s words.

That all of this was a play.

“I almost crossed the line there. Thank you, Jane.”

Deliberately creating tension and discomfort, they acted to shake them and then embrace kindness.

Though unaware of the identity of the person inside the carriage, they were skilled at manipulating human psychology.

Dante’s party did not catch a glimpse of the presence inside the carriage.

The reason for seeing off the Black Sword was not only because of the noble status of the other party but also to lead them through a secret entrance that only the Black Sword knew.

The intention was to use the back entrance, not the main gate, and keep their visit discreet.

The carriage arrived directly at Rohan’s mansion.

“Only Jane and Sebu remain.”

Upon Rohan’s words, Jane and Sebu guarded Rohan’s mansion, awaiting their return.

Rohan reappeared after several hours.

And finally, they could see the guest who had come from the main house.

Sebu, tense, couldn’t look directly at their face, but Jane was different.


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