The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 313 Estrid And Tyr

The night passed with little to no problem, Tyr wanted to get information from Thorgard but ended up being the one that got hammered. He hoped he did not do anything that would dent his reputation during his blacked out state level of drunk as he had no conscious control of his actions. 

Tyr could not recollect the events of the night prior and he woke up with a devastating headache to boot. 

He could not think straight and his staff Mach turned.

The young warrior woke up in an unfamiliar place, this was not the room he was given.

Rugalf gave him a room upon arriving for him to rest, the same held for Finn and Nora who had the time of their lives at that party. Tyr liked this for them, they deserved some semblance of happiness in their lives. 

Tyr did not even pay them any attention and could not recall a single thing they did. 

"You are awake…" A lady he had never seen before asked and Tyr immediately froze. 

He was not comfortable because his clothes were missing as well as the lady's', this could only mean one thing in his young mind. They had sex?

Tyr immediately pulled the covers up to his neck as he looked around the room for more clues. 

This woman was no doubt a beauty but Tyr was not even interested in her sexually because he did not know her.

"Where am I?" Tyr inquired, his voice calm but anyone could tell he was uncomfortable with his current situation, who would not be?

"You are in bed…" The lady replied sheepishly with a giggle accompanying her words. 

Tyr knew he was in a bed and did not appreciate the woman messing with him at such a delicate time. 

But Estrid soon walked in, and gestured for the lady to leave them. 

"Did we….?" Tyr asked, too shy to complete the sentence and all the lady did was wink at him before walking out the door. 

Tyr looked at Estrid, but Estrid looked unbothered by his dilemma. 

"You are a virgin?" Estrid asked and Tyr's body language immediately changed.

"And? What does that matter?" Tyr responded, there was no hint of shame in his voice. 

Estrid looked genuinely surprised, rarely were men virgins at such an age as most saw sex as a rite of passage. 

"Do you lay with men?" Estrid asked, this was the alternative, maybe he was just not attracted to the lady. 

"Are you an idiot?" Tyr fired back, Estrid's eyes widened in shock.

How dare he speak to her in such a way, she was livid. 

"You are an ungrateful little punk, you know that?" Estrid barked at him, losing all form of etiquette in the process. 

"It is funny you should use the word, little. My knees are taller than you," Tyr teased as he rolled his eyes.

Estrid literally removed her sandals and threw them at Tyr, she had such a short temper that she was so used to lashing out violently 

Tyr easily caught the sandals and shook his head. 

"A lady should not act so violently. More so, a beautiful one such as yourself…" Tyr gestured for her to come closer as he sat on the edge of the bed. 

Estrid saw his shirtless body, it was filled with scars. 

No one in her family, be it immediate or distant has these many scars showing that whatever life Tyr had lived before coming here must have been a difficult one. 

Estrid felt her attention shift from rage to surprise and amidst this surprise, she tripped over herself, but Tyr caught her. 

"You are so clumsy…" Tyr said with a smile, this was an actual genuine smile as Estrid was momentarily taken back by it. 

But she soon snapped back to reality, headbutting Tyr to break herself free from his grasp.

Tyr had on a poker face because he did not know what he did to deserve that. 

"Unhand me! You fiend!" Estrid declared but she soon saw blood streaming down Tyr's bandanged head.

Estrid completely forgot that he was injured the day before thanks to her father. 

"You really are your father's daughter…" Tyr mocked her, Estrid had no feminine trait. 

She was neither soft or gentle, just an aggressive hunk of flesh that masqueraded as a lady. Estrid quietly walked over to Tyr.

"You are not going to hit me again, are you?" Tyr asked. 

"Only if you move. Now shut up and stay still…" Estrid responded, she was so confrontational for no reason whatsoever. 

"Say…" Estrid said, her voice softening. 

"How did you get those scars?" Estrid asked, as she delicately changed the bloodied bandage around Tyr's head, no one asked him what happened to his head and simply treated it as a fashion choice due to the way Estrid dressed it. 

"My scars?" Tyr was surprised that she was showing interest in anything other than herself but he also know there would be no harm in sharing this part of himself with her. 

"It is a reminder of how many times I came close to death…" Tyr said, grabbing Estrid's hand and placing it on a wound located on his chest. 

"This is the one that took my life…" Tyr said, Estrid could feel his heart beat beneath his scar riddled body, she could feel the warmth of his skin.

Tyr had already let go of her hand yet it remained in place as Estrid was clearly lost in her little world. 

Tyr did not say a word, but he did not need to, Estrid soon snapped back to reality, and yanked her hand away. 

"Whatever!" She exclaimed as she finished bandaging his head. 

"Hey! You asked!" Tyr exclaimed, growing tired of her shitty behaviour.

"Well! I un-ask!" Estrid fired back, she always had a comeback ready and Tyr knew there was no winning with her. 

"That does not even make sense…" Tyr blurted out.

"Shut up!" Estrid once again countered but both of them found themselves laughing at how absurd this situation was.

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