The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 307 Ulf's Karma

King Ragnar heard that his son was going to join King Rugalf in Rogaland, a decision he supported because this would cement their alliance as he would have reached his terms of the bargain. 

Ragnar entertained this thought for so long but the fact that Tyr had returned to their world was an exhilarating feeling even though Tyr was deemed a criminal. 

The fact that he rose from the dead only heightened his reputation as he became somewhat of a myth. 

Ragnar liked the attention because it only aided his reputation. 

He had brought Vestfold stability and power, he knew that no Kingdom could challenge his head one without being slaughtered. 

He was confident in his defence but a group of rebels that opposed his ascension as King were gathering once again but Ragnar knew an attempt on his life was imminent.

He had figured out the people he could trust and the people he could not during his tenure as King. 

He knew he could not even trust the warriors that swore their lives to him because, to some, he was a usurper. 

They still viewed Signy as the rightful King, something Ragnar knew he had no control over. 

He allowed them this delusion, he did not try to punish them for having a biased opinion even though Skarde opposed it because whispers give birth to actions. 

Skarde wanted Ragnar to imprison anyone that openly discusses rebellion but what good would that do?

They will simply hide better and this would greatly suppress the information that gets through to them. 

Ragnar visited bars and spoke to people that directly opposed him one-on-one.

Ragnar could change a few minds and this made him realize this could be solved diplomatically. 

Ragnar did not block Vestfold's entrance as more immigrants began to settle in Vestfold, growing their economy as these people's contribution to the evolution of Vestfold could not be underestimated.

But Ragnar knew that among every good egg, there must be a bad one and he was right. 

Enemies used this opportunity to migrate into Vestfold and thus, grow their army. 

Ragnar knew the possibility that they infiltrated his army was high as well but yet, he was calm. 

They had not made any move because they were waiting for Ragnar to go to this new land called England and if Ragnar stayed, he would be a sitting duck as his army would be severely weakened. 

But this was the last thing on Ragnar's mind. 

Ragnar was set to welcome Aslaug once again, she fascinated him for reasons he did not know. 

He was surprised that she was coming considering he had no business with her Kingdom, at least not at this point. 

So he was safe for now, they would not make a move until that expedition.

Asluag was in Vestfold but she came along with a few guards and maidens.

Ragnar knew he could not turn her back, it would send a bad message to her family as they would most definitely see this as an insult. 

Ragnar was advised to take her as a wife but he was married and was not a polygamous man.

Ragnar, however, was curious about her face but it is said that only the man that will wed her would have the privilege of seeing her first. 

This made Ragnar realize he would only see her after she was married, which he did not mind but he knew whatever marriage she was going to have would be one that could benefit her kingdom the most. 

Ragnar knew of her visit to Vingulmark but the door to his throne room soon sprung open and with it, came Aslaug. 

"Lady Aslaug, it is an honour to have you," Ragnar greeted her, she was not alone as she had walked in with a single of her maiden. 

She had no intention of speaking to Ragnar directly, the maiden would do all the talking. 

The conversation was brief, Aslaug came to Vestfold for some personal business and it had nothing to do with her Kingdom. 

Ragnar allowed it and both of them were on their way but something was appealing with mystery.

Something that Ragnar could not quite wrap his fingers around but he found himself drawn to her.


Ulf heard the stories about Tyr and knew that Bjorn must be ecstatic considering he was the one that spread this information.

Ulf knew that Bjorn's rage towards Tyr was gone if he went this far from him but he was tired of hiding around Kattegat like a dog even after his brother had left.

Ulf had seen Ragnar barge into his house from a distance and instinctively knew that Lagertha had let what he did slip. 

Ulf would rather not be the recipient of his brother's rage and avoided him altogether because he knew his opportunity to explain himself would come. 

Ragnar needed to be left alone for now. 

Ulf contemplated visiting Lagertha but she was off-limits at this point and he also knew he had lost Bjorn's respect. 

Ulf heard a knock at his door, and he walked outside only to see multiple Vikings.

"What?" Ulf barked rudely as he walked through his door to look at the person responsible for knocking. Ulf was taller and older than him, not that that mattered. 

"Ulf Ragnarsson, you have been charged for unlawful abuse of a woman named Ottkatla. King Askild has requested your presence in the throne room," The Viking said leading these men declared. 

Of course, Kattegat was not some lawless Kingdom where Vikings could do as they please with the women there because these were not just slaves, they were actual citizens of Kattegat and if they could be abused without repercussions, then there would not be much of a Kingdom to begin with. 

But Ulf did not care about the consequences at that moment because he never thought Ottkatla would ever report this. Ulf was about to learn first-hand that he was not invincible.

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