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7 months ago
Due to the schemes of the mysterious existence «Demon God», a young man, Nakajima Ryou, was... Read more Due to the schemes of the mysterious existence «Demon God», a young man, Nakajima Ryou, was reincarnated in another world as the Demon King Vermudol. However, the place that he had gotten down to was, a Mazoku continent that had grown wild at the height of chaos.If the birth of a new Demon King were to be known by the Humans, there was no doubt that a Hero would come to defeat him before long. In order to change his fate of «Simply Perishing to the Hero», Demon King Vermudol sets out to quickly unify the continent with his cheat authority! Collapse Army Building, Average-looking Protagonist, Beautiful Female Lead, Cheats, Clever Protagonist, Cunning Protagonist, Demi-Humans, Demon Lord, Demons, Depictions of Cruelty, Dragons, Dungeons, Eye Powers, Fantasy World, Game Elements, Goblins, Gods, Heroes, Humanoid Protagonist, Knights, Leadership, Loli, Loyal Subordinates, Magic, Magic Beasts, Maids, Male Protagonist, Monster Girls, Monsters, Multiple POV, Multiple Reincarnated Individuals, Overpowered Protagonist, Past Plays a Big Role, Reincarnated in Another World, Romantic Subplot, Schemes And Conspiracies, Sword And Magic, Time Skip Was ok in first 5 volumes then went downhill nd never came back up mc gives indecisive human vibes rather than demon king. Also felt like mc was trying to imitate what other nations do so no originality there, keeps giving a "I wanna please everyone" vibe so gets boring the longer u read at least it was for me but give it a try I guess. For a Japanese novel this is pretty good Honestly for a Japanese Isekai novel this one is very good but along the way the author lost his touch and rushed the ending. After the first 4 volumes the novel went downhill for awhile then picked itself back up during the 7th Volume. The 10th volume was rushed and the ending was nice but I still felt that it was lacking.I give this novel a 7/10 Any comments in here?