The Shelter Game: Me, Starting with a Tenfold Drop Rate

Chapter 128: The Calm Before the Storm

Irving couldn't possibly know the full extt of Night Blades' schemes. He only knew that Night Blades were planning to attack the official organizations in the City of Warding and the suring areas.

Irving hadn't shared this information with many people.

After inspecting all the mines and other resources controlled by Ocean Group with Bjamin, Irving found a secluded spot to talk to him.

"The Ocean Group guild will be fully established within the next few days. Once that's done, I'll provide you with ores and other resources as per our agreed terms," Bjamin said coldly, as usual.

Irving nodded.

He wasn't worried about the collaboration because Ocean Group was already under Vicky's control. Bjamin wouldn't dare sabotage their cooperation.

Irving wanted to talk to Bjamin to hint at the impding danger that the City of Warding would soon face.

"You don't need to rush. I think it would be wise to wait until things calm down before establishing Ocean Group. Besides, I trust Vicky completely. With her involved, our cooperation will be seamless."

Bjamin, hearing Irving's words, first thought that Irving was flaunting his close relationship with Vicky.

Bjamin didn't care.

He only wanted to focus on his responsibilities. Besides, he had never liked Vicky romantically. Being a middle manager in Ocean Group, he felt unworthy of someone as high-status as Vicky.

"I understand that your relationship with Presidt Tang is very close. You don't need to remind me. Whether or not you have a close relationship with her, I will follow Presidt Tang's instructions and cooperate with you."

Bjamin wanted Irving to know he was a professional.

Irving realized that Bjamin had misunderstood his earlier statemt.

So, he decided to clarify, "Your Ocean Group might face some turbulce soon. I think you should focus on suring the safety of Ocean Group."

After saying this, Irving chose to bid farewell to Bjamin.

Irving still needed to make preparations in the real world to counter Night Blades, especially in Starling City.

The Gre family had already suffered severe losses. They couldn't handle any unexpected situations in Starling City on their own.

Ev if the official organizations led by Angel Guild provided some support, the Gre family wouldn't be able to deal with the numerous families in Starling City that had already allied with Night Blades.

After Irving left, Bjamin finally realized that Irving had be trying to warn him about something.

After some careful thought, Bjamin understood what Irving had be hinting at.

Bjamin indeed felt that Ocean Group wouldn't be peaceful in the coming days.

As the Deputy Manager of Security for Ocean Group, Bjamin was responsible not only for in-game matters in the Shelter Game but also for the real-world security of Ocean Group.

With this in mind, Bjamin called over one of his subordinates.

"In the next few days, I might not be able to log into the Shelter Game frequtly. So, you must sure the safety of our camp and the mines we control."

Bjamin's subordinate ssed that something was off.

Previously, no matter how busy Bjamin was, he always found time to log into the Shelter Game each day.

"Boss, does this mean you're facing big troubles in the real world? Or has Ocean Group countered major issues in reality?"

Bjamin's subordinate knew about the rect personnel changes in Ocean Group's upper managemt.

So, he speculated that these changes might be the reason Bjamin needed to focus more on real-world issues.

"Stop speculating. Just follow my orders and handle your responsibilities. Don't concern yourself with anything else, and don't ask questions."

Bjamin shot a cold glance at his subordinate, issuing a stern warning.

After his subordinate left, Bjamin immediately logged out of the Shelter Game and returned to the real world.

The first thing Bjamin did upon returning to the real world was to head straight to the Security Manager's office at Ocean Group's headquarters. He wanted to discuss ways to hance Ocean Group's security.

Irving had no idea what actions Bjamin would take, nor did he care.

However, upon returning to the real world, Irving's first destination was the same as Bjamin's—the Ocean Group headquarters. But unlike Bjamin, Irving didn't go to the Security Manager's office; he headed straight to the Presidt's office.

In the Presidt's office, Vicky was busy handling Ocean Group's affairs.

Although Vicky had just tak over as Presidt of Ocean Group, under normal circumstances, she would have a transition period to familiarize herself with all the responsibilities.

However, she felt she should get up to speed as quickly as possible to prove to everyone that she was truly qualified to inherit Ocean Group.

Irving's sudd appearance at her office door slightly surprised Vicky. Nevertheless, she promptly invited him in.

"Brother Chu, what's the matter? Do you have something important to discuss with me? Is your cooperation with Bjamin not going smoothly? If that's the case, I'll call Bjamin right away."

Irving quickly walked up to Vicky, looking at her warmly.

"It's not about the cooperation. I'm here to warn you that in the next few days, you and Ocean Group will face significant danger. I hope you can make some preparations in advance. Although I can help you, I might be very busy at that time."

Irving's warning made Vicky think of her uncle Joseph, who had always be a thorn in her side.

Vicky nodded, "No problem. I'll immediately instruct the Security Departmt to raise the security alert level. Our security force at Ocean Group is very strong. Plus, my grandfather has resumed his role as Chairman of Ocean Group. There shouldn't be any traitors within our ranks. The only threats we need to watch out for are external emies."

Wh Vicky mtioned her grandfather, a proud expression appeared on her face.

Vicky had immse trust in her grandfather. In her mind, as long as her grandfather was alive, Ocean Group would remain under his control.

Irving also held Donald in high regard.

Although Donald had be deceived by Joseph and Elvis for a while, he quickly realized the truth after receiving some hints, which showed his sharp mind.

However, Irving still felt the need to give Vicky a reminder.

"Donald indeed has very strong capabilities, and his mind is still very sharp. However, I must remind you, Donald has be away from Ocean Group for two years."

"In these two years, Ocean Group has be under your uncle Joseph's control. Although Joseph has left and there have be some personnel changes in the upper managemt of Ocean Group."

"But it's possible that Joseph still has his people within Ocean Group. Joseph could very well collaborate with other forces."

Irving's warning made Vicky's expression turn a bit anxious.

"You're right, so what should I do? Should we first take control of the Security Departmt? As long as we control the Security Departmt, we'll have a fighting chance."

Although Vicky appeared very delicate on the surface and needed Irving's protection in dangerous situations, she was actually very smart.

With Irving's reminder, Vicky immediately realized that controlling the Security Departmt of Ocean Group was the most crucial task.

"Exactly, you should take control of Ocean Group's Security Departmt as soon as possible! Remove everyone you don't trust from the departmt! Also, I'll have the official organization Angel Guild sd some people to provide protection for you."

After saying this, Irving was about to leave.

But Vicky called out to him from behind, "Wait a minute, why ar't you providing the protection yourself? Why have Angel Guild sd people instead? Are you hiding something else from me?"

"Is the danger you're facing much greater than the danger I'm facing? I can help you, no matter what danger you counter, I can face it with you."

Vicky didn't want Irving to hide a pottially greater crisis from her just to protect her.

Vicky felt that now that she had control over Ocean Group, she had the ability to help Irving.

Irving turned a, looking at Vicky gtly.

"Of course, I know you can face any danger with me. But this time, the danger is differt from before. You've heard of Night Blades, right?"

"Night Blades might launch an attack on the official organizations in the city of warding and several suring cities. If Night Blades' actions succeed, the order in these cities will completely collapse."

"At that point, it won't just be a few of us in danger. Thousands of ordinary people in these cities will be at risk. I can't allow that to happ, which is why I can't protect you."

Irving finally chose to disclose the Night Blades situation.

Vicky's initial reaction to hearing about Night Blades was one of great surprise. But she quickly composed herself.

"I understand! I will sure my safety and that of Ocean Group! I won't be a burd to you!"

Thus, Irving and Vicky agreed on a strategy to counter Night Blades' actions.

Additionally, Irving had already crafted a plan with the Angel Guild and Sophia from the Gre family. All that remained was to wait for Night Blades to make their move.

However, what caught Irving off guard was that in the following days, Night Blades made no move at all. This seemed to imply that the intelligce Irving had received was false.

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