The Shelter Game: Me, Starting with a Tenfold Drop Rate

Chapter 121: Truly Overestimating Oneself

Elvis's retort made Donald extremely furious. His breathing became labored, and his eyes turned red as he glared intensely in Elvis's direction, seemingly ready to lash out at him.

Seeing Donald's state, Vicky grew very worried. She quickly tried to calm him down. "Grandpa, please don't get angry. No matter what he says, don't take it to heart. He has already betrayed you. Let my boyfriend deal with him."

Initially, Vicky had only said Irving was her boyfriend to explain his presence. But now, she genuinely considered Irving her boyfriend.

Vicky's words had some effect; Donald's breathing began to steady, and his mood seemed to calm down.

Irving stepped forward, positioning himself between Vicky and Elvis.

"You don't seriously think this pretty boy can handle me, do you? You can't honestly believe that what you see on the surface is all there is to me," Elvis sneered.

The expression on Elvis's face had changed dramatically. He had been a calm and professional doctor, but now he appeared manic and obsessive.

"I know some of you have acquired strange abilities from the Shelter game. But if you think you can rely on those weird abilities to defeat me, you're sorely mistaken!"

Elvis's white lab coat quickly turned black, and he receded into the shadows. His transformation shocked everyone in the room.

The doctors from the clinic, who had been standing behind Elvis, were stunned by his change. The moment they saw him merge into the shadows, they bolted for the clinic's exit.

However, when they reached the entrance, they found that even Joseph had been blocked from leaving. There was no way out.

Joseph, already in a foul mood, became even angrier when he saw the doctors rushing to the door.

"Why aren't you guarding my father's room? Do you think you can bear the responsibility if anything happens to him?" Joseph barked.

In truth, Joseph didn't care about Donald's well-being. He only said this to get rid of the doctors because his men were about to arrive to rescue him, and he didn't want them interfering.

"Chairman Tang! We can't stay in the room any longer! Elvis has turned into a monster!" one of the clinic's doctors hurriedly explained to Joseph.

Joseph's face was a picture of shock upon hearing this news.

"What did you say? Elvis is a monster? How is that possible?!"

Joseph was genuinely astonished; he had started collaborating with Elvis two years ago, long before the Shelter game had appeared. How could Elvis be a monster?

"Chairman Tang, it's true! Everyone here saw Elvis transform into a shadowy creature!"

After his initial surprise, Joseph began to think this might not be a bad turn of events.

If Elvis, Irving, and Vicky were to perish together, Donald might also die in the ensuing chaos. At that point, Joseph would become the rightful and sole heir to Ocean Group.

With this thought, Joseph regained his composure. "A lot of strange things have been happening lately. For instance, that brat Vicky somehow managed to bring Donald back. Is it possible she used some dark magic?"

Joseph didn't miss the chance to throw dirt at Vicky. His words were truly despicable, an attempt to distort reality.

The doctors, hearing Joseph's words, didn't know how to respond. They had already been informed about what had happened in Donald's room. Only those who had witnessed the events firsthand knew how outrageous Joseph's accusations were.

They were aware that Joseph and Vicky were vying for control of Ocean Group. It was evident that Joseph was deliberately smearing Vicky's name, using any means necessary. However, as minor players in this grand scheme, the doctors preferred not to get involved in such pivotal matters. They remained silent throughout.

Joseph didn't blame the silent doctors. He knew they posed no threat to him.

"Alright, since the room is so dangerous, you can stay here. I've called my men; they will arrive at the clinic soon. Then we can all leave together," Joseph said with an air of authority.

His commanding presence quickly calmed the doctors.

"Chairman Tang, we are counting on you to get us out of here safely!"

"Chairman Tang, our medical skills are top-notch. We can continue to work for you even after we leave the clinic."

The doctors began to flatter Joseph.

Joseph's facial expression revealed his enjoyment of their flattery.

Meanwhile, inside the room, Irving stood in front of Vicky and Donald, engaging Elvis in the first round of combat. To Irving's slight surprise, Elvis was far from weak.

"You're not a player of the Shelter game, so how do you possess such immense power? Where did you get your skills and equipment?"

Irving had barely managed to defeat Elvis, but he knew that completely subduing him would likely cause significant damage to the clinic.

Therefore, Irving wanted to learn more about Elvis.

By now, Elvis had fully transformed into a twisted monster. Half of his body was hidden in the shadows, while the other half was covered in tentacles.

Irving could no longer see Elvis's face; it seemed to have merged with his body.

"Do you really think you understand the Shelter game completely? Do you honestly believe that the Shelter game is the only anomaly we'll face before the apocalypse? You're way too naive!"

At this moment, Elvis's voice had become sharp and bizarre. It seemed he was no longer using his vocal cords but rather scraping his nails against an iron plate. This sound, much like his grotesque body, was unsettling and nauseating.

As Elvis spoke, his body, now entirely composed of shadows, lunged rapidly toward Vicky and Donald. Irving didn't hesitate to block the spreading shadows.

"As long as I'm here, you are absolutely safe! Elvis, you're truly overestimating yourself! Do you think you can defeat me with that level of power? Now, let me show you my true strength!"

With a roar, Irving moved Donald and his bed to the edge of the room. Vicky stayed by Donald's side to protect him. Seeing this, Elvis transformed into a shadow and attempted to pursue Donald.

There was no way Irving would let him succeed. He performed a backflip, extending his right hand to grab the shadowy form of Elvis. With a powerful pull, Irving slammed Elvis to the ground. The impact produced a repulsive sound, reflecting Elvis's rage and astonishment.

"Now, I don't need to worry about affecting others in this fight! I'm going to tear you apart completely, and then I'll uncover all your secrets!"

Under Irving's relentless assault, Elvis began to retreat. However, Elvis was determined not to let Irving discover his secrets.

"I know you have some sort of mind-reading ability. You want to kill me and then use that skill to learn all my secrets. But I won't let you succeed. I'll destroy all the information I know. You won't get any useful intel from me."

The shadowy form of Elvis concentrated all its power internally, obliterating all the secrets within his memory. This action infuriated Irving.

"If you're so ungrateful, then I won't hold back anymore!" Irving launched a fierce attack on Elvis.

The two of them kept clashing, their bodies colliding repeatedly.

After a close-range confrontation, Elvis staggered back three steps, while Irving remained completely still.

This indicated that Irving's strength was actually somewhat superior to Elvis's.

However, in this kind of battle, no one dared to be careless.

Each move was a lethal strike, and every attack was made with full force.

The slightest mistake could result in injury or even death.

Outside their battleground, Donald coughed twice on his hospital bed. Although he wasn't in great condition, he closely monitored the fight.

"Grandpa, you don't need to worry. Irving will definitely win," Vicky reassured her grandfather, concerned that he might be too anxious.

Donald looked at Vicky and asked in a gentle tone, "Since he's your boyfriend now, when do you plan to marry him?"

Donald's question made Vicky's cheeks flush red. "Grandpa! Now is not the time to talk about marriage! Let's wait until you're fully recovered before thinking about that."

Donald's words were meant to show Vicky that he had fully accepted Irving as her boyfriend. After the recent events, Donald believed that only with Irving's help could Vicky protect Ocean Group and the entire Smith family.

"Alright, when to get married is up to you, my granddaughter. This old man won't pressure you." After saying this, Donald focused his clouded eyes on the direction of the fight between Irving and Elvis.

Although Donald maintained a calm exterior, he was seething with rage inside. He had been shrewd all his life, never imagining that in his final days, he would be deceived by his own son and his attending doctor.

This painful experience nearly drove him to lose his mind.His fingernails had already dug into his palms.Blood flowed from his hands, showing just how furious he was!

Donald was determined to make these two pay dearly for their betrayal.

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