The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 167 - One Hundred And Sixty-seven : The Pretence Game

Chapter 167 - One Hundred And Sixty-seven : The Pretence Game

"Hold him down "

"Huh?" Daniel and Lia were confused, especially Lia who was wondering why she needed to hold her friend Ben down.

Lia held him on the shoulder but not with all her might , what would happen anyway? She prided on the fact she? was three or four times stronger than her human friend, so why should she be scared?

The same haughty expression was seen on Daniel's face, why should he put up his guard around Ben? He was an Alpha and five times stronger than the average human, talk more a convulsing boy?

But both of them were still worried over Ben who was lying on her bed and experiencing jerky bodily movements.

His eyes were glassed over, his pupils disappearing to the back of his eye exposing only the white while fuming at the mouth.

"Hold him tighter! " Asher barked orders? at them when the already agitated Ben began to struggle harder.

Sweat formed on Lia's forehead when she noticed that even with the both of them pressing the poor boy down, it was quite an intense fight - how did he become this strong?

Suddenly, an eerie cackle was heard from Ben's mouth causing the hairs on her back to stand on edge.

Somehow, with a powerful primal groan, Ben struggled and pushed them away; the sheer force of his impromptu move throwing them to the ground.

Lia yelped in pain upon discovering she had dislocated her shoulder thanks to her askew landing.

Thankfully Daniel was in better shape than her and helped Asher who pinned Ben back to the ground with his aerial ability.

Counting the numbers from one to ten in descending order in her head, Lia popped her bone back into place as she howled out in pain.

"You can't force me away!" Ben shouted out hysterically.

Just staring at the white of his eyes alone gave Daniel the chills.?But he was an Alpha, the leader of hundreds of werewolves, so he couldn't cower in the face of fear but stand tall? no matter the situation.

"Don't get distracted " Asher warned just as Lia returned to her previous position.

He continued? "I don't need to remind you to hold him down this time, right? "

Daniel and Lia's eyes met, they could sense the ridicule in Asher's words . Previously they had underestimated the boy because they had no idea what they were dealing with but not any longer.

Right now, they were oblivious of what was going on with Ben but it was obvious Asher got everything covered, they just had to follow through his instructions.

"Pretty lady, would you convey my message to her? " The strange Ben said to Lia causing her brow to furrow together in confusion.

Send what message to who? What's he talking about here?

At first, Lia thought Lawrence had mysteriously returned to Ben's body but this wasn't the necromancer's normal modus operandi.

She surmised that the necromancer as depicted by Asher during her time at the hospital, could have used his magic to get away from them since a while ago.

This was obviously a possession, which left her more confused. What in the world was Ben? Why was he easily susceptible to external manipulation?

"She would not be sending any message to anybody and be prepared to leave this body, " Asher told him deceively? with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"No!! " Ben roared in a voice deeper, scarier, and a hundred times different from his.

This time Lia and Daniel weren't fooled by his weak front and pressed Ben down so tight she heard a bone in his body crack.

Ben thrashed around, unfortunately, Asher ignored him and climbed over his body, making sure to straddle him.

Lia watched him curiously as he brought out a shiny glass bottle filled with some weird purplish liquid that continuously bubbled.

He tipped Ben's chin up and tried to feed him the liquid but the boy in question clamped his teeth so tight together, there wasn't any entrance.

It came as a huge shock to Daniel and Lia when Asher gave Ben a punch that drew blood out of his mouth, then he used that opportunity to shove the whole contents down his throat.

"Let him go!" He yelled afterward and got off Ben's body in a haste leaving Lia and Daniel with no choice than to obey his order.

Almost immediately, Ben began to convulse so violently and quickly that it was a blur. But since they were supernatural, their enhanced eyes captured every action till he stilled at some point.

Although they couldn't see it, the whooshing sound and the chilly goosebumps climbing up their arms told them something paranormal just escaped Ben's body.

"Is he dead? " Lia peered at him with concern and curiosity.

"No " Asher answered while checking his nose for breath "He just passed out"

" What was that? "

"I'm afraid that Ben - " Asher wasn't through with his words when his mate's hand closed his lips as she made the shushing gesture by pressing a finger against his lips.

She quickly pulled out her phone from the pocket of her pants and typed.

"Be natural, Raphael is here "

Lia brought up the phone to his face and saw the diverse emotions play on his face.

In a haste to save the boy from exposing himself, Asher had not properly scanned his surroundings when he arrived nor did the thought of his contentious brother cross his mind.

He cleared his throat and continued, "I'm afraid your friend Ben might be epileptic " He paraphrased his words albeit a lie.

Vampires had enhanced hearing just like the werewolves, so it wasn't a huge surprise if Raphael was eavesdropping on their discussion.

Unfortunately, this controversial brother of his was too smart and suspicious, if they don't continue with their discussion, he would surely figure out that his cover has been blown.

"You said 'might' which is not definite, it could? be an ordinary seizure moreover, he just left the hospital today" Lia carried on with the pretense.

"Ben is a medium, " Asher wrote on his phone and showed both of them.

"Have you contacted his parents? "

Daniel joined in the fooling game but in reality, there was a shocked look on his face.

Daniel: Aren't mediums extinct?

" I haven't called his parents yet, " Asher answered.

Asher: Apparently. He seems to be the last of his kind.

Lia: I'm totally lost here.

Asher: I will explain more to him later.

"Why did you chase my family off in the first place when it's just a seizure, she could have helped? " She continued with their game .

"He needed some air and I needed some air. I can't function properly in a room filled with people "

Lia knew his answer was honest, Asher was not claustrophobic but he hated working in tight places.

Suddenly there was a bang on the door, her mom's voice came alive.

"Can someone tell me what's going on in there? "

"Tidy him up," Asher said to Lia and she hurriedly wiped away the traces of blood on Ben's face as a result of the punch from her mate.

Daniel took away the pain while Asher healed the bruise on Ben's face which disappeared without a trace after he fed him his blood - he just hopes Ben doesn't die

Everyone worked hard to ensure nothing was out of place before the door was opened.

"Mrs. Jenny, I am highly sorry for my inappropriate behavior earlier. It was so rude of me " Asher apologized as soon as her mom stepped into the room with a furious look on her face.

"Y-you " Jenny choked, her anger dissipating as soon as she stared into those hypnotic green orbs. She totally forgot why she was even angry in the first place.

"I can never be angry at you "Jenny smiled up at him warmly before her gaze settled on the sleeping? Ben.

By the side, Lia was in deep contemplation, this absolutely wasn't the first time. Something was not right, she had a prickling feeling that something was amiss here.?She knew her mom, Jenny, should have been yelling out her lungs by now but she went surprisingly easy on her mate, how strange could things get?

"Brother " Raphael called out , causing the three of them to? look up simultaneously.

"Raphael " Asher said, his lips pressed together.

"You gave everyone quite a scare earlier " He commented, their eyes regarding each other slowly.

Asher had a feeling his brother had not bought their act completely, but he was definitely confused and that gave him enough time to sort everything out.

Ben was one of the rarest human right now and an extinct one, he trusted Lia and Daniel wouldn't betray him.

Afterall Ben was precious to their mate, so Daniel wouldn't do anything to distress nor upset her - that was how devoted they were to her.

The same couldn't be said For Sabrina but he bet she would make the right choice, everyone knows he doesn't take betrayal well.

"I apologize sincerely for the scare," He said and bowed but his eyes couldn't help but rest on his mate's brother.

What was his name again? Trevor. Why was the look in his eyes different?

There were disgust, anger, and apprehension in there, those were the looks found on someone who discovers about the supernatural newly. Had the boy by chance learned about them?

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