The Sexy Futa Player

Chapter 28: Chapter 28

The 3 months of preparation were over, so officially I was supposed to join a team!

Mr. Pietro naturally had other plans for me, but it turns out that it would raise a lot of suspicions, especially since recently there have been problems connected with the Other Side and some Occultists.

Because of this, if I didn't join a team and complete a mission, they might notice something strange.

Not to mention that recently some spies were discovered, which made Mr. Pietro even more serious and contacted me less in the last few days.

Therefore, the plan to send me on a false mission had to be put aside for now, I needed to join a team and complete my 1st mission!

Only then will he have the excuses to send me on a "Mission" that will take a few months or even 1 full year to complete.

That is when he will send me to an old abandoned military base, which from what he told me, was where some missiles were kept, which have long since been removed.

Currently it is one of the many underground bases of the Order, used for some research, this particular one had long been abandoned and inactive, but because of me, it began to be taken care of.

But well, as I had to do a Mission and join a team, there were 2 options, I would look for someone to join or the Order would put me in a team.

As I had little contact with the agents, it turned out that only the 2nd option would help me, but I would be in a team of others like me, not very social.

Normally the teams are composed of 4 to 8 members, where you should have 2 Support members!

The Support being medical care and information, i.e. technology!

Now that I stop to think about it, I don't know anything about medicine, I should have learned a little bit...

But well, in a short time I was assigned to a team that was being assembled by newbies just like me.

There are many rookies in the Order who have not yet gone on any mission, even 1 to 3 months after the end of their training.

This is due to lack of personnel, team and other factors.

So me being sent to a suitable team shortly after completing my training, where in the team I joined, of 7 people, I ended up completing the quota and covering many defects of the team, you can say I am very lucky!

Now let's introduce the 7 Team Members!

First of all we have our Team Leader, who has named us Team Chinchilla, Theodore Faraday, a man around his 30's, very tall and muscular, being Level 31 and having 2 Missions experience!

Theodore is someone with a military bearing, from the information given, he was in the army and had a high rank, when he got involved by accident with the Paranormal and had to watch as his Squad was annihilated in a bizarre way by Demons!

But even though he has a very serious expression, an authoritarian aura, he is someone with a leading and gentle voice.

Theodore is a Combatant Sniper, connected to the Blood Entity and capable of some Knowledge Element Rituals!

Next we have a man named Gustavo Nunes, a man in his 25s, being on Level 15.

He is not a fighter, but on the Support team, has undergone First Aid training, as well as being somewhat connected to the Knowledge Entity and is our computer man, he is the one who will help with the technological part!

Our last Support team member is a woman named Flavia Vladins, 32 Years Old and Level 30.

Flavia is our Healer so to speak, she is actually a Ritualist, someone who specializes in Rituals over body-related skills and talents or strange things.

She specializes in having several Rituals at her disposal, connected to the Entity of Death!

Her Support Rituals being [Healing], [Therapy] and [Mental Fortitude].

As said many times, [Healing] from the Element of Death ages the place of the wound.

[Therapy] is when it helps the Ritualist calm a target under great mental stress.

Mental Fortitude] is cast before combat, it is active for a short period of time, where it decreases the damage to Sanity suffered.

As for Combat Rituals, she has [Decay], [Necrosis] and [Confound].

[Decay] forces an attack that ages the target's insides, causing a lot of internal damage, but varies depending on the individual's stamina.

[Necrosis] is for when facing an enemy with open wounds, so cast this on him and some wounds will start to necrose pretty quickly.

[Confuse] is for confusing the target's mind.

These are our 2 Support members and our leader, now 4 more to go, our frontline people!

We start with Paloma Freites, 23 years old, just completed her training 1 month ago, expert in Fencing and connected to the Blood Entity!

She has good weapon skills, but her focus is on speed and hand-to-hand combat.

And her Level is 19.

Next up are

Afonso Padilha, 34 Years Old, Level 20, Sniper connected to Entity of Knowledge!

William Tompson, 28 Years old, Level 18, Axe-warrior, connected to the Flesh Entity!

Fbio Fonteca, 21 Years old, Level 23, Warrior using Stick... connected to the Hate Entity...

And well, this is the team I was put on!

I think that among all the 7, the one I liked the least was Fbio Fonteca, he seems like a nice guy, but his choices... are very childish!

Of course, the report I read about him said that he lost his family in an incident with Paranormal Creatures, he was 17 years old at the time.

After the incident, he was exposed to the Paranormal, but it wasn't until last year that the Order took note of him, as he was researching more about the Order and the Other Side on his own.

Somehow he increased his Paranormal Exposure to dangerous levels, so he was recruited into the Order.

But since he joined the Order, he looked like a kid with 8th grade syndrome, only picking Skills that look cool, he made a deal with the Entity of Hate because he liked the name.

Not to mention he chose the [Ritual of Pure Hate], which is just crazy!

From what I've read, that Ritual should normally only be attempted when you're a Mid-Level Agent, i.e. after Level 50!

Fabio took a higher level Ritual, where he almost went mad for his foolishness.

But in return, he gets a huge boost in his physical abilities when he uses the Ritual, but the time to have it activated is not much due to low strength.

But well, he is a reckless fool, I feel I will have problems with him, but I am not the only one, I think the whole Team will feel the same way.

Now as for the other 2 women in the group, I haven't talked to them much, they are very distant, especially Flavia, she only says to leave it to her in case I get hurt.

As for Paloma, she is more interested in talking to our leader than anything else, apparently she participated in the same previous mission with him, Theodore saved her and well, she must have fallen in love.

And Theodore is not against her, so I guess the two of them have already fucked up!

But well, this is the team I will be part of from today on, now all that remains is for our leader to get the details of the mission we are going to do, before we go.

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